Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2024

جون تو هرکی امام حسین رو زد کشت هنوز داره بهش فحش میده، جمیله و کتی، مثل خسرو فروهر و سعید سکویی، اون دوتا لکاته این دو تا سلیته. به کشتن ما هم وسواس ندارن بلکه اعتقاد دارند...

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی حاجی داشتیم؟ از پس من بر نمیومدین بعد ورداشتین هرچی آریایی ضد امام حسینه انداختین به جون ما، تو اون انقلابت سگ برینه فقط واسه این یه کار: خوار من یکی رو بدجور گائیدی رهبر قرمساق

Aryan Iranian is what you are currently seeing: cyber torture holocaust advocates with denial conferences in chatrooms. despite my sensational 38 projects

this is the sign of the holy trinity: great ELAM MELCHIOR, great luristan and kurdistan BALTHASER, and great azeri line Casper. the holy vmat2 soil iran, holy grail race iran. fucking international anti native iranian movement fascism

Arabs Turks Western states Aryan Iranian are more insane and filled with more hatred than the Germans in 1932, as far as native Iranian race is concerned

Reza Pahlavi is like 90% of other opposition politicians a racist, anti-Semite and fascist, on the reserve bank for future racial extermination programs, alongside leftists and liberal movement

everything that flows in my veins, everything I have like DNA and genes is great black Iranian Elam, not Africa, but black great Elam. my potential, my magic and ability is great fascinating LEFTHAND Elam. my grandfather Bagher was Elam, the other Nusrat from Luristan. LEFTHAND LURISTAN

In the future "democratic republic" of Iran, the statistics will be fabulous, probably with Reza Pahlavi: 85 percent of voters, and 89% of them with the slogan Aryan descent. Iran was Aryan and always will be

حاج آقا به جامعه ای که خودش با دست خودش میره به دست خر طلایی رأی آری میدهد چه باید گفت؟ جامعه پیشونی سیاه؟ به این سیاهی چه باید گفت؟ چه باید کرد؟ یا امام زمان گفتن ما سر اینه، یا امام به داد ما برس. البته اگر امام سوال کنند با ایران چه باید کرد سوال سختیست، چه باید جواب داد؟، چرا؟ آقا بیست درصد میروند رأی آری میدهند و ما ماتمون زده چرا چهل و پنج درصد باقی مانده خارکوسده نرفت رأی بدهد!؟ از چه میترسند حاج آقا. یا امان زمان، یا امام حسین یا امام صادق اینها دیگه کی هستن.. جون تو

Lucifer state of Austria is waiting with support from CIA, NSA, MOSSAD, MI6, IRANIAN SECRET SERVICE with what goals I work and what I want to prove publicly, and then how society reacts when the state kills me

Among eight and a half million people, I personally have the most important and most valuable projects. Every detail, the smallest hint is of enormous importance for science. What else is that other than anti-Semitism, fascism and racial madness? Zero attention, zero interest, zero investment

I have to go and leave liberation of Iran to the Mahatma Gandhi tribes of Iran: go with flowers against guns, step by step. with reform politics we will win. mass murderers charlatans

جون تو، واسه همین ایرانی دیگه نیستم، تو ایرانی هستی بمون. مادر جنده مملکت رو باید چکار کرد؟ باید مارکس رو خونده باشی یا انگلس یا هگل؟ ریدی قربان.. ریدن کردن داهههههه، ایران واسه تو با اصغر فرهادی ههههههه، بنده ایرانی نبودن کردن داههههههه

Well, SAm points to something, but what?

so in 2003 in Palralk most of the questions asked of me were: have you read Hegel, or Feuerbach, have you read Marx? what is your attitude to liberalism, to the bourgeoisie? well, I was sitting in an antique shop, with a deep-seated knowledge that even 7 generations later these people would not understand

Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2024

I'm really tired but this: the Israeli hates me more as a non-Iranian than any other Iranian anti-Israel, this is a historical thing: I am a witness how he visited your mothers 75,000 years ago. The stone is that old or older

I have to go to sleep, but I am not an Iranian, therefore I have no war with Israel, everything that is against Israel is of course Iranian, I as a non-Iranian always saw Israel in the position under my ding dongs, why should I have hostility, Iranians see Israel as the fuckers of their mothers, hence the hostility, secret nightly visits?

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی میدونی جریان چیه؟ بزار بگم: هر کی میاد با ما فارسی حرف میزنه ها ما هی زمزمه میکنیم: ریدم به اون شتر و الاغ و اسب و خری که رو چهار تا سم تو رو اورد ایران یعنی همون جد آباد ولد زنات. ایرانی دیگه کجا بود.. خجالت بکش‌از خودت، ما ایرانی ما ایرانی جلو من یکی راه ننداز

I leave the cleaning and photo editing to the Vienna Academy of Arts, but please say: the freethinker was never Austrian, nor will he ever be Iranian again, but a homeless ELAM, a citizen of the world, perhaps soon

Schizophrenia is annoying in my sleep and throughout the night, so without tramadol tablets and multivitamin capsules before I go to sleep it drives me crazy, it starts even in light sleep, where the red asks: where do you want to go today, you asshole? and the yellow: don't listen to him, go your own way, the green path and inform yourself.

I just want an international diplomatic passport, without national affiliation, just with the note: rare children of Cyrus the Great. In addition: threatened with extinction due to mass murder politics Iran Austria

IRAN IS NO LONGER MY COUNTRY, even after the fall of the Ayatollah regime I will never apply for a new passport, I don't give a shit about it and the country, just like I don't give a shit about Austria and its society


I don't want these dirty symbols on my passport anymore, I'm not an Iranian citizen and I don't want to be an Austrian anymore either, I want to get rid of this black spot, UNO fascist is reading this, international judges and prosecutors are reading this, I ask you, should something worse happen so that you get more money?

More than 65 percent of this society between the ages of 40 and 85 see no meaning in their lives, no specialness or meaning in existence. The state has blamed vmat2 for this for 50 years, with the statement: vmat2 existence means more misery and envy for you, destroys all vmat2 existences and takes away all opportunities and joys of life from vmat2.

I will not show the hundred photos and the looting and hacking of my smartphone is NS repetition, insofar as the VMAT2 work and photos are worth tens of thousands of euros

So, the 5th district, the 6th district and the 10th district are under the strong control of the police, and the residents are all in the police network, so absurd that if I start walking on the water of the Danube canal, the residents would say: it's all normal, we can do it just like you, we've just forgotten how to do it. Jokes aside: when there are even bigger actions and the phenomena that go with them, the police make tens of thousands of lackeys active: there's nothing special about what you're doing, there was never any cyber torture and no secret cameras.

So I drank 75 sips out of 100 turns, do I look weird today? Does anyone see a djinn in my face? So, out of 75 negatives, is there a positive today, or the other way around?

I upload the photo and world sensation directly to my Facebook page, firstly to confirm the originality and authenticity, secondly as a thank you for blocking my main Facebook account forever