Dienstag, 2. Juli 2024

به کوس اول تا آخرت خندیدی تو چشم من تو خیابون نگاه میکنی، جنده ها، کوسکش ها، بیشرف ها، عن ننه های نجاست کثیف

Iran is a country with millions of artefacts, Iran is also a country that has suffered from mass murder and torture with its native tribes for 45 years, the justification and glorification in Iran is politics and religion, here in Europe and America or Vienna they say: (...)

darius the great was a confessor of elam, it is accused by historians that he wiped out many tribes and their members. well, that was a fight against genetic ahrimanic deformity and miscarriage: killer race and mass murderer

به کوس اول تا آخرت خندیدی تو چشم من تو خیابون نگاه میکنی مادر کونی، ماور جنده اجنبی،

most iranian that walk past me and look deep into my eyes with meaning are killer race who immigrated to europe again because of us... this story is old

به کوس اول تا آخرت خندیدی تو چشم من تو خیابون نگاه میکنی، جنده ها، کوسکش ها، بیشرف ها، عن ننه های نجاست کثیف

all the points on this list were turned into shit in our case, along with hundreds of other points written in lowercase

to establish this system "state pimping" can only an Islamic Republic of Iran and NAZI WHORE Austria:, we are all azadeh amiri and have done nothing, sucking number for money was only available from a woman

Montag, 1. Juli 2024

From 2017 to 2018, my relatives were dirtier than Austria was between 1998 and 2014. Vienna paid millions of euros for this operation, millions of euros to low-class scum. We have 4 convicted drug dealers and drug suppliers among all our relatives with thick police files, all active in the cyber torture system

Islamic Republic of Iran is a pole for conflict war and mass murder, on behalf of the West, and 3 opposition poles abroad want to prove themselves even more, as better lackeys: we know a lot and can do more for you, we prove it in America and Europe, who is BARBAD FARAHANI? nobody knows this man, dead or alive we do not know this man

I have to go, but: everyone is afraid because of birth of Marlon, one of my first paltalk nickname was Marlon, everyone was more afraid of Marlon than Jazz man. the monarchists hated the leftist jazz man and loved liberal Marlon. nickname Marlon was a moderate guy from bourgeoisie, jazz man was passive aggressive leftist, Marlon was jazz man and jazz man was Marlon and somehow everyone was excited: right wing camel drivers and leftist donkey drivers assholes. the show was fuck

grail race has a face, not a bad one. the problem is that gene and race research marks newborns.until the mid-1990s, 85% of the race had security, many were investigated because of their behavior, statements and intellect and intelligence. today, even if you become a construction worker, you will be persecuted, spied on and you will be transported away. psychological violence leads to physical violence and transport trucks are always ready

I have to go to sleep, they have poisoned me for years with bad deadly insulin, firstly so that they have a 117 kilo unattractive man in front of the cameras, and secondly for early death: fatty liver, artery damage, cardiovascular damage, kidney failure. Photo April 24, 2014

Pakistani Indians Roma and Sinti what do you want from Iran and Iranians? Iran is your homeland? your pride and region, you are the owners? you proved that in Vienna. kiri kiri it belongs to you, I personally don't want it anymore I have diabetes because of kiris and insulin poisoning

After the war, Iran had nothing less than countries like Indonesia or Malaysia, with so many recourses, Iran had 20 times the chance to rise economically within 30 years, as Mohammed Reza Pahlavi correctly brought up for discussion. Fact: American/European/Russian Israeli Arab alliance: not as long as you have this charismatic noble intellect/intelligent superior attitude and human in Iran. Keep the mass murder statistics, then we'll see what happens next

Iran has had over a hundred thousand deaths and victims in the last 45 years, cyber torture is the new trend? in Europe? silent murders? anyone can stab as a stranger? what if I hadn't done or written anything since 2017? mysterious death of an Iranian? his sister committed suicide because of mental suffering? his mother died of cancer?

TOOMAJ the rapper says: Asghar Farhadi you racial murderer, you do anything for money. am I the only one who says we are being slaughtered by Indo Pakistani people? We are being persecuted, spied on and murdered by many tribes that have immigrated to Iran, especially by immigrants from Pakistan, India, Romania and the Balkan countries

هر مادر جنده ای از کنار ما تو این شهر رد میشه همچین نیشخند میزنه و با نگاه ریز به ما نگاه میکنه، که یعنی: هنوز زنده ای پس هنوز داری راه میری، با گردن بند هخامنشی و خالکوبی فروهر و مادرتو من گاییدم اجنبی کثیف.... ......

آقا شد هفت سال، من شاشیدم به کوس ننه همتون، من ریدم به رحم ننه همتون، من ریدم به رگ و ریشه همتون،.... زلزله ایران رو ویران کنه ببینید چکار میکنم: میام به خاکش بیشتر میشاشم مادر قحبه ها....


For 45 years, Europe, America and Israel helped many European race Iranians to become rich and make millions. Prerequisite: keep the mass murder statistics! Mass murder of my race and our native tribes. Vienna and the case of my family and my person is a current example

آقا ما بریم، برررررر بررررر نرررخ نرررخ، کوسکش تو چجوری پورشه سوار و مرسدس بنز سوار شدی؟ خجالت نمیکشی از خودت پشت فرمون میشینی؟ من شاشیدم به اون انقلابی که تو رو کرد پورشه سوار

This lava stone from Gabon also indicates that, like the grail water

Many of my grail scenes are part of the spiritual awakening philosophy, it has become the long way to nothing because of the hostile society of donkeys and camel drivers

The question you are Iranian and why is your nickname Jazz Man was always answered by me: shut up, an armed freedom struggle is for you political donkey riders and camel riders freeJazz: what is he doing with his trumpet? these sounds are..... well, that was exactly 22 years ago. a pile of shit to this day: what are these scenes in gral, these scenes are.....

Sonntag, 30. Juni 2024

آقا ما بریم، ولی مسیح جون تو بگو آخود بد، آخه ما بگیم آخوند بد مردم میگن تو گوه خوردی خودت بد

مشکل اجنبی با ما روحی روانیست، مثل این 25 سالی که گذشت

آقا اومدم برم بخوابم خندم گرفت، بچه هم که بودیم بعضی وقتها خندمون میگرفت قبل از خواب، میدونی چرا؟ مثل اینجا شمال کنار دریا... خنده هم جریانش اینه یک شب تو حیاط خوابیده بودم یک پیر نورانی با دو محافظ سیاه پوش و نقابدار مارو از خواب بیدار کردن، تا اومدم بگم چتونه جریان چیه و مگه شما ها مریضین مارو از خواب بیدار میکنین، پیر مرد زانو زد رو زمین پیشونی مارو بوسید، ما هم گفتیم واسه همین مارو از خواب بیدار کردی پیری؟ بچه بودم نمیدونستم کی بود یا چی بود جریان، دیگه هم نیومد مارو بیدار کنه. حالا هی خندم میگیره چرا باز نمیایی از دلت بکشیم بیرون پیری، مزاحم الان وقتش بود بیای جون تو، گوه خوردم، غلط کردم، من...... لول

Three most fascinating photos of the month of June, the reaction: your own fault because you think it was us

Did you know what was happening in Cuba? Fidel suspected something and deliberately caused a conflict with Che. Filde was crazy about it: what did Batista find in these people, what did he see? That he treated people so badly. Years later he found out with his doctors and scientists and said: shut up, eat only beans, communism is the best thing that has ever happened to you assholes.