Dienstag, 30. November 2021

Life for arash amiri and arabella fenyves means: we have to kill innocent siblings to say we are human

Iranians with special abilities and skills are targets and victims in America and the EU, because of blonde blue eyes monkeys scum

stasi war and psychosis. fucking redfascists

For EU and international judges EU is vmat2 human trafficking with mother and daughter 1933 legality, germanic indo arian law, then the animals talk of islamic terrorism in hostage-taking and armed fighting case,
With how many terrorists were these actions carried out before psychosis

آقا، ما چریک فدایی های اون موقع زمان امام علی شوخ بودیم، عن نبودیم، واسه همین مملکت اسلامی شد. جنایت خجالت هم ازخودش نمیکشه. یا ابوذر فیزیک دان

türke schäm dich vor dem haji du eshek

حاجی سام علیک آخوند میخواد با اجنبی کونم بذاره تو بگو رپته منم میگم شپته، یا علی

tablet camera is enough to show what the water is, not yet stargate atlantis, but it can be

austrofascism has always been vmat2 killer to this day, that's why one always said: Austro fascism is more radical and dirtier than German fascism

black magic chinese, tibetan killer in vienna

Right now: 5 million euros for the Vienna "justizanstalt" and 15 million for UNO AND AMNESTY for a poisonous execution. hide evidence: 15 million for 2 cents amnesty and un people. genetic waste, inferior animals in human right costume

austrofascism has always been vmat2 killer to this day, that's why one always said: Austro fascism is more radical and dirtier than German fascism

Shit is collected in the mouths of arabs and turks because families with criminal children have no police files and criminal records of me. I am white

Right now: 5 million euros for the Vienna "justizanstalt" and 15 million for UNO AND AMNESTY for a poisonous execution. hide evidence: 15 million for 2 cents amnesty and un people. genetic waste, inferior animals in human right costume

LOL, way blockaded

balthaser casper melchior waren semiten, ethnie, magier und könige und propheten politiker. herkunft österreich

dervish's eigentum in wald und tälern. vmat2 eigentum in österreich

tablet kamera erleuchtung, vmat2 gate, ohne impfung

what austria means: with barbad and his family we stick a finger in your ass. Today you understand because of vmat2 we are and we were more of a dictatorship than ali khamnei and were active in iran mit ali gharib and hussein and rahim

kein richter und beamter braucht zuschüsse, himmler fanatismus will nur wie 1933 und zweite weltkrieg plündern und töten, mit hilfe wiener juden

austrian sick collective and 2cent UNO people

in iran there are people from different strata of society that support this page and me, viennese women and secret services want to find and kill some from the upper class, because of capital strength and, social human behavior

heas, shukhi, shakham, shukhim, 70.000 camera, rikhim tikhim shubikhimm

😀 we are original you are copie😆 mother fucker asshole, suck it

vmat2 wurde eingedeutscht: juden töten, gene stehlen: wir sind die prehistory

6 million in 1945 and 10 million in 1918 Iran is enough, fascism must be answered with fascism, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. bastard neanderthaler you human enemie

2 cents humans, gang of thieves, uno city, genetic waste and women murderer, mother and daughter murderer with rahim terrorism and shams terrorism, ali gharib treaties

Yin yang, The principle of polarity, cure diabetes for zereshk polo ba morgh

Because of prehistory, rich monkey kids want to push metal rods in native asses with these tribes and mafia gangs

the tribes have lived on cia and nsa money for 40 years, for native and child murders, see azadeh amiri and the case of my sister. dirty fucking austria and america

österreich du tötest seit 40 jahren mit satanische zigeuner banden native iraner und vmat2

khake alam, eva

my cock in the mouth of liars, I photograph myself every day in the morning, with one thought: did god punish me? do i have wrinkles? am I a sinner, did I lie? the truth keeps you young

vmat2 stalker and killer UNO can you delete this too. Newman, animal

antonio campi vmat2 genocide prophecy. louvre Museum

ich öffne portale wegen die wahrheit: satanische diktatur global

mithraism nail language, fetneh is old in iran

in all iranian villages native people are killed with vaccination poison, see youtube clips


cia nsa mossad, mi6, iranian, turkish and austrian secret services are turning my mother sister into financial economy, is that terrorism or not? from genetic terror dogs

خلاقیت نه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه، کیر تو کوس اول تا آخرتون خلاقیت نه. ه ه ه ه ه

آتیلا پستون جنده

آتیلا اون شب که اومدی وین این رو به من دادی، پستون ننت رو کف دست من گذاشتی، یادت هست؟ با سوسن شمس و آزاده

brings carlos out of jail, animals have to go to jail in the EU, EUROPEAN ANIMALS: the austrians: we will tear mother and daughter to death and arrest son for concentration camp show

long lives carlos, fuck terrorism, fuck EU AND AMERICAN TERROR

cia nsa mossad, mi6, iranian, turkish and austrian secret services are turning my mother sister into financial economy, is that terrorism or not? from genetic terror dogs

american facebook terror and psychopathy with sebastian kurz and zuckerberg

cia nsa mossad, mi6, iranian, turkish and austrian secret services are turning my mother sister into financial economy, is that terrorism or not? from genetic terror dogs

adl and edalat ali is carlos, imam ali was carlos, fuck ayatollahs, the lie of our history

carlos formation, and animal face, bastard killer

we are not terrorists, we are victims of american european israeli austrian fascism terror, for 40 years, iranian government has owners, americans and blonde nazi monkeys, calos formation is revolution, and freedom. anti eu and america fascism

hurenkind mauthausen psychopath, huankind herkunft, huankind kz psychopath

Montag, 29. November 2021

iran fuck austria before ayatullahs, this psychopathy for 40 years is made in austria, animal romano race. michael häupl Heinrich gross häupl

ayatollahs and hizbullah have been looking for parties and happiness for 40 years, who dances and who has a beautiful life. for 20 years in our and my apartments in vienna:"" "" "secret camera action" "" "with austro upper class animals: are you having fun? are you all right? do you have business? are you enjoying life? we make everything black, down to psychosis

romano aryan race iran and vienna. animal psychopathy

ayatollahs and hizbullah have been looking for parties and happiness for 40 years, who dances and who has a beautiful life. for 20 years in our and my apartments in vienna:"" "" "secret camera action" "" "with austro upper class animals: are you having fun? are you all right? do you have business? are you enjoying life? we make everything black, down to psychosis

god gene is happiness, a candle for silent murder in europe america iran asia latin america mexico, balkans middle east, fucking rich, families and bastard monkey children

i always study psychology from art objects, preferably nameless hobbyists. one circle and two semicircles, only the case was empty

wiener polizei, hat nur giftspritzen für herz und nierenversagen oder krebs., mit sebastian kurz und javad zarif. alien anti christ illuminaten zeichen

wenn 5 satanistische polizeibeamten mit giftspritze zu mir kommen wegen darkforce, dann finde ich eure kinder. nur ärzte spritzen, gesetzlich

kiwara du müll satanisten müll, abschaum gene, abschaum satanismus, ahura mazda du tschusch gene. 300.000 jahre vmat geschichte wien

heas, welche vmat2 ist kinderficker, zagt ma ans. wir sand magdalena ficker du oarsch

jesus war ein wiener ahura mazdaner rasse, net arschloch sein, i beweise es. 20 meter tiefe, lügner und betrürger, religion scharlatane

scheißdreck michi und satanist kurz, antichrist bastarde mit kinderficker katholische kirche, kinderficker wir sand es, was ist mit eich drecksau huankinder

secret camera chasing bloodline

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