Freitag, 31. Dezember 2021

myrrh incense sticks, incense mixture from esoteric shops, bastar hurenkind wienerin und wiener, bastard anti vmat2 faschisten, bastard fleisch und blut, bastard kinder

so writes a young Iranian woman in a dictatorship and a whore anti vmat2 in a democracy. bastard wiener bastard huren bastard killergene bastard herkunft, rassenmörder in grün und rot verwandt mit fpö

as a schizophrenic paranoia patient and retired as a mentally disabled, i always say that the jew mufti and pastor kill someone that can prove the gate to the other side, the bridge and contact. others kill because of the money from satanism

esoterik energie und kristale, steine... affe und vmat2 kritik. prehistory neid, paranoia, angst

Danach betraten wir die Messe. Es roch angenehm nach Räucherstäbchen, das wärmt einen von innen. Wider Erwarten schwebten kaum erleuchtet blickende Menschen mit wallenden Gewändern und engelsgleichen Haaren durch den Raum, auch Schamanen indigener Völker, Kräuterhexen mit langen knöchrigen Fingern oder indische Sadhu-Mönche suchte man vergeblich. Sehr spirituelle Menschen schauen interessanterweise eher wie blade, gelangweilte Prolofrauen aus. Sie verbergen ihre übersinnlichen Gaben mithilfe eines ganz unprätentiösen Äußeren. Ihre pulsierenden Chakren hinter abgeschlafften Hängequasteln, ihre hellsichtigen Astralkörper unter geschmacklosen Size Plus Blusen, ihr drittes Auge verstecken sie gut unter frechen Strähnchen und ihre feinstoffliche Energie, 

sowie ihre Weisheit wird geschickt durch einen verlebten, abgekämpften Ausdruck und einfältiges Geschnatter überspielt. Den modernen Schamanen erkennt man in erster Linie am T-Shirt mit Wolfsmotiv. Ansonsten sah man noch diese Typen: Sehr verwahrloste Menschen, die sich offensichtlich lange nicht gewaschen haben, gesichtsoperierte Frauen mit teuren, kitschigen Accessoires und kleinen Hunden und den Franz-Fuchs-Typ: schrulliger Einzelgänger in biederem 70er Jahre Outfit, vermutlich Anhänger sämtlicher Verschwörungstheorien und verfolgt von jedem (VOM JUDEN). Wir stellten uns nach den ersten Schritten schon viele Fragen … Was denken die einzelnen Standbetreiber, jeder für sich Pächter einer geheimnisvollen Wahrheit, wohl übereinander? Finden die Schamaninnen, die stundenlang auf ihre Trommeln patschen, den chinesischen Wunderheiler, der regelmäßig mit Tolstoi kommunziert, lächerlich? Halten die Anhänger der indischen Sekte, Feen und Engel für kindischen Aberglauben? Ist es nicht eigentlich wunderschön, wenn Menschen ihre Fantasiewelt in den Alltag integrieren und tatsächlich denken, sie wären Indianer oder hätten magische Kräfte wie ein Zauberer? Sind wir vielleicht einfach nur zu abgestumpft und engstirnig in unserem Konzept von Realität, um die Wahrheit in dieser perversen Suppe aus Kitsch, Wahnsinn, Scharlatanerie, kultureller Aneignung und bizarrer Verzerrung fremder Riten und traditioneller Entspannungstechniken zu begreifen? Fehlt uns einfach nur der Zugang zu unserer inneren Feng Shui-Indigo-Chakra-Delfin-Elfe? Sind diese Leute sinnsuchende Idealisten, Depressive mit Sehnsucht nach betäubenden Trancezuständen, Verzweifelte auf der Suche nach Bewältigungsstrategien? Sind es skrupellose Abzocker oder hat ihnen einfach jemand ins Gehirn geschissen? Und wo sind eigentlich die ganzen Drugs?

was sagt österreich zu hindi vmat2!? es ist silvester sagt etwas. saubere tücher mit ali gharibs und rahims in indien!? true CIA?

vienna has done it, paranoia prevents restaurant visits, i live in bastard city, i only eat self-cooked food

schwesterhure mutterhure seid ihr überhaupt mensch? affe ist affe du rotfaschist du schwuli du nazi freund du rotfaschist, du schwanzlutscher sozialist, oder kommunist

mich gibt es auch nicht,

Angeblich hat es in Europa nie Hochkulturen gegeben, daher "existieren die Bosnischen Pyramiden nicht", zumindest verhalten sich Politik und Medien so, obwohl sie zu den spektakulärsten Funden der Geschichte gehören.
Zwar wurde auch in den gängigen Medien (kurz angeschnitten) von ihnen berichtet, dann aber auch nur wegen dem Druck der alternativen Medien, und, weil die Offensichtlichkeit der Funde nun einmal nicht gänzlich zu leugnen ist.

fascism is a different story, but antifascism is an intrigue worse than fascism in vienna. it is the dirtiest creatures and show in austria, worse than fascism itself

celebrates new year. everything that is done with my mother and sister to this day is antisemitism, anti god gene and racial theory doctor lenz, with europol and interool satanism. the new year fucks you

آقا اون جامعه که میگه به من چه یا خوب به ما چه، فرهنگ گفتگو علی دشتی رو نگه داره، ما هم این فرهنگ رو نگه میداریم، هر لحضه امکان مرگ 3 نفر هست، فقط برای یک شرط: سرمایه اهریمنی و سکوت، شرط سکوت است. من کیرم از پهنا تو کوس ننتون مادر جنده ها

What the judges do with secret services in Vienna is also: forged documents with forged signature, for murder according to the stasi system, from the year 2001. with fake clips. forged government documents with fake signature. I haven't had a single crime since 1986, and my police files are empty

آقا اون جامعه که میگه به من چه یا خوب به ما چه، فرهنگ گفتگو علی دشتی رو نگه داره، ما هم این فرهنگ رو نگه میداریم، هر لحضه امکان مرگ 3 نفر هست، فقط برای یک شرط: سرمایه اهریمنی و سکوت، شرط سکوت است. من کیرم از پهنا تو کوس ننتون مادر جنده ها

آقا اتریش به سارگپه میگن گوس زارت، به مهمان هم میگن کونده، بعد تازه دو آتیشه میگن: ما آریایی هستیم با فرهنگ غنی

in any case, on one side the behavior of vienna, but the legs of manchester united are magical, mi6 legs

خارکوسده هیرو میکوشه پل به اسرائیل و آمریکا و اروپا میسازه، مگه نه عری دایی

هیروپولی باز

یارو نشسته داره میگه: ما قوام‌السلطنه ایران هستیم، ما میلیاردر های ایران هستیم، ماچایی مون رو باید اینجو و آنجور بخوریم، کوزه و لیوان ما باید اینجور و آنجور باشد. منم میگم تو بیا کیر من رو بکن تو دهنت تا دسته، از  راه دور له له نزن، تو هیروپولی بازی، پولت هم پول هیروپولیه، دو تا گره اقتصادی میذارم جلوت اگر تونستی باز کنی، یارو. مادر قحبه ها بدبخت بیچاره عقده ای

persian elami/luri/azeri/kurdi/beluchi/ delami, seyyeds. tea set 😇

"indian seyyeds" and leaders

For a muslim it is halal to fuck sheep or donkeys in an emergency, that said ayatullah khomeini, if there are no donkeys camels and sheep then babies are also halal, that says ayatullah khomeini and his tribe, but gypsy whores, roma and sinti is haram, must be filmed in case of unchaste behavior und should be punished , the elami fucks our trunk

genetic child prodigy is something that Austria wants to laugh about for life. playing with the emergency brake: loosen and tighten again, loosen and tighten again, where do you want to go? What do you want to do? a game of inferior genetic scum

SPÖ, Heinrich Gross mass murderer and Teymoor mass murderer year 2000: we can buy all the relatives, with the relatives our project will attract 100 million people

i have been dealing with antique textiles and antiques since 1996, which i showed as tablet work from 2019: austria also plundered knowledge between 1932 and 1945, vienna is like a virus and an epidemic, iran is also affected by it

nice lunch with a lot of apple cider vinegar. nice chemistry

my editing. with time and date facebook. hieronymus bosch painting, god genes and genetic modification attempt. 2019. jesus line is vmat2, whatever religion

herrenrasse du arschloch kind wien, herrenrasse du heinrich gross abschaum wien

my insulin should be correct like in tabriz, but apparently there is more humanright as in vienna and paris, berlin london and Washington

meine damen und herren die höhere rasse wird in februar 47, nur das insulin ist für vmat2 nicht geeignet, wiener ärzte nix gute ärzte, ich bio apfelessig spritzen, was sollen machen, ich nix depperte ausländer du depperte inländer

against one person in 1.5 million city., elami vmat2

viennese police work non-stop, espionage stalking and stasi persecution, attempted murder, tens of thousands of state recourses and technology, monthly with many officials, 460. against one person in 1.5 million city, because of vmat and political activism, but not because of millions of illegal income races trade

shorty has been a finance project like obama for 25 years, millions have been invested for 32 years strategy, "world politics with him". he was genetically chosen as a child

Asshole, I can do 16 professions and have 38 projects, that's just a hobby on my internet site, but the corrupt IQ 90 boy becomes minister at the age of 13 and goes to American private business in February, as a miracle? morher fucker bastard anti christs european

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2021

realy, the song is good

No place on earth could be so nice
Through the crystal waterfall
I hear you call
Just take my hand it's paradise

since 2001 i have been protesting because of mass murder in iran, the american bastard and austrian says next to UNO city employees: you are ahura mazdan jew, bastard animals

fuck you

Theme From 'Paradise'
Phoebe Cates
Could it be the little things you do to me?
Like waking up beside you it's so new to me
Life can be so full of danger in the dark
There lurks a stranger
I just can't imagine what he wants of me...
When I'm with you it's paradise
No place on earth could be so nice
Through the crystal waterfall
I hear you call
Just take my hand it's paradise
You kiss me once
I'll kiss you twice
And as I gaze in to your eyes
I realize it's paradise
It's right out of something from a fairy tale
A terribly exciting and a scary tale
It's nothing I could ever make up
Am I dreaming? Will I wake up
Just to find out this is true reality?

Usually eating garlic and onions every night is not an ahuranazdan knightly way, elami artifact

there was not a single one on my campaign that was not bought by ahmadinejad including mossad agent stephan grigat. azadeh was the middleman

stasi geiselnahme ist psycholathie du abschaum richter du schwein, du abschaum österreicher du richter


residual energy and memory: she was looking for food, she said something should be here to eat, mommy taught me a lot, where is it where is it? where are you? suddenly hands reached out and hugged her. she smiled and said: do you want to give me something to eat at home? these memories are not in the claws this time ... like the claws of owls

die welt hat es nicht gewusst: wiener frauen und mädchen sind bastard satanisten, auf übelster art, bastard satanisten, 3 loch huren, hurenkinder bastardfleisch

this police and state terror is worse than the ghassemloo case: everyone can earn money through terror and the stasi system and torture, cia nsa fbi, interpol europol protect you against the god genes. these organizations even protect cyber crimes from hizbulah and ayatullahs

من ریدم به هرچی سودجو، والا

فیلم| لحظه نجات سارگپه پابلند از دام سودجویان، نجات سارگپه پا بلند پرنده‌ای از خانواده شاهین‌ها که امشب در تله سودجویان حوالی تالاب بین المللی امیرکلایه لاهیجان اسیر شد و پس از آزادسازی توسط محیط بانان پرتلاش صحیح و سالم پر گشود و به دامان طبیعت بازگشت متاسفانه یک پرنده در همین دامین گیر افتاد و تلف شد.

bought today, Common buzzard, the light in darkness. i like the spirit

Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2021

Haaretz often wrote about black magic jews and satanists of jewish origin, why satanist jews !? why is the name jude brought up, what's that supposed to mean? how compatible is it to say satanist jew !?

tablet photo... the logo with stone and crystal stone is a sensation ,, 15 houses through illegality is a miracle., Vienna says it, we are a miracle, terrorists criminals stasi agents buy 15 apartments with black money and nobody reports, Vienna says: we are a miracle, long live amiri family

you understand, whoever sees intrigue in fire, he also wants to see a whole state in fire, that has often happened in history., samson

80 years after national socialism and the behavior towards mother and daughter shows one thing: Viennese remain animals were animals and will always be animals, you should burn, burn dirty anti humab breed, bastard race, animal race, Vienna should burn because of adolf and häupl

kazem war dumm, er dachte türke ist adam

this Turkish target was surprised: your private life clips are international in every street, you are famous differently. murder with stasi suicide systems

iran achieves nothing with killing gypsies, opponents of the regime should theoretically start with america europe isral. gypsy is 1,800 euros rahim or kebab ali, unimportant. american european israeli animals are important

What this ceramic plate shows is firmly manifested in history: Viennese judges and the police secret service upper class politicians are aggressive evolutionary animals. nest and hosts for ahrimanic spirits: we don't stop until we end the ritual: total poverty and murder

holocaust iran needs 5000 special guerrilla units against vienna, our race is attacked from vienna with cia, with biological attacks, chemical and radioactive attacks. radio waves parasites and medicines. Ayatullahs are just lackeys

i bought this today and realized: many potters are immersed in mythology and are arrogant philosophers, ahrimanic phoenix, djinn and attack on ahura mazdan falcon

cia is psychopathic cosmopolitan. 1990 was the murder of my aunt, since 1998 non-stop stalking because of my person and my sister

آقا الان داشتم نوشابه میخوردم، یه نگاه کردم، دیدم نوشته، یک و یک و صفرصفر، یه مزه کردم، دیدم بد نیست واسه 35 سنت، بد نیست، خدا وکیلی مثل زمان شاهه، حقوق 950 یورو،، یک لیتر و نیم نوشابه 35 سنت، ما هم حالا میخوایم انقلاب کنیم، مادرقحبه ها

holocaust iran needs 5000 special guerrilla units against vienna, our race is attacked from vienna with cia, with biological attacks, chemical and radioactive attacks. radio waves parasites and medicines. Ayatullahs are just lackeys

راستی: سال2000

سال سقوط سال فرار سال گریز و انتظار
فصل شکفتن فلز سال سیاه دوهزار
سال سقوط عاطفه تا بینهایت زیر صفر
نهایت معراج ذهن اندیشه تفسیر صفر

ننت رو دخترت رو زنت رو میگام ایرانی خارکوسده کولی وین

holocaust iran needs 5000 special guerrilla units against vienna, our race is attacked from vienna with cia, with biological attacks, chemical and radioactive attacks. radio waves parasites and medicines. Ayatullahs are just lackeys

österreich ist spazialisiert auf persische rassenhandel und folter show vermarktung, als beste freund der ayatullahs, er war auch in wien, fereydoon farokhzad