Montag, 31. Januar 2022
چطوری سرکار، زکی
آقا هوس فیلم پلیسی کردیم، زدم یوتیوب"بهترین فیلم پلیسی ایرانی" دنبال سامانه میگردم برینم به پلیس تهرون، نشستن مثل ابولقاسم ازکفر قاسم به جنده بازی پلیس اتریش مثل خنگ ها وکودن ها میخندن. میخندن و خوش و بش میکنن، بی ناموس
it has reached Iran
the question is why this anti-democratic strategy and line with me and my family!?
A pattern repeats itself over and over again:
real estate and land prices are rising so high that austrians think i'm not human anymore, no car no house, i can't keep my tradition and culture and goal in life anymore. I am not a human. 3rd generation works in politics, secret service, police service and as a judge. it says you are human, barbad farahani and his family are not human. loot, plunder, buy house and car. it has reached Iran
مادر جنده چپ
یک بسته فالافل اورگانیک برای 6 ساندویچ، 1.50 سنت، با حقوق بیکاری 970 یورویی، بعد زنیکه جنده میگه: زدنگی خراب کنید پول در بیاورید، سهم زندگی ما در وجود نژاد اینهاست، حق، ما بیشتر از اینهاست
Sonntag, 30. Januar 2022
fuck you, race and vmat2 until today
In Italy, the Third Position was developed by Roberto Fiore, along with Gabriele Adinolfi and Peppe Dimitri, in the tradition of Italian neo-fascism. Third Position's ideology is characterized by a militarist formulation, a palingenetic ultranationalism looking favourably to national liberation movements, support for racial separatism and the adherence to a soldier lifestyle. In order to construct a cultural background for the ideology, Fiore looked to the ruralism of Julius Evola and sought to combine it with the desire for a cultural-spiritual revolution. He adopted some of the positions of the contemporary far-right, notably the ethnopluralism of Alain de Benoist and the Europe-wide appeal associated with such views as the Europe a Nation campaign of Oswald Mosley (amongst others). Fiore was one of the founders of the Terza Posizione movement in 1978. Third Position ideas are now represented in Italy by Forza Nuova, led by Fiore; and by the movement CasaPound, a network of far-right social centres.
smoke gate
This radical inhumane anti-Semitic behavior for 20 years shows: pandemic is an excuse to genetically modify people with chemicals and switch off vmat2 like 1938 to 1945.with vmat2 gene resistance the human dies. smoke gate
the viennese judges are so influenced by jews and ayatullahs with millions of euros that they say: nazi iranians and fascists are allowed to get rich illegally and corruptly through race trade, but vmat2 iranians are also not allowed to earn any money legally., vienna judges are psychopathic fascists and murderers, supported by the hague and strasbourg nazis
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