Montag, 31. Oktober 2022
😇americans israelis iranian and european animals say a bunch of shit to me like in 1932 because the state says: we say who is human and who is not. like in 1932, because of vmat2 all citizenship rights were taken away, not because of the lie of jewish identity but because of old vmat2 civilization origin😇
we do not believe in anything along these lines what is claimed and we don't see what he means is because of 1918 genocides iran: 10 million iranian, and 1941 to 1946 genocides greece and greek islands. mother fucker fake fascists, that was always because of new human and old human, evolution and creation
fascism can only be explained with paraphysics and it includes vmat2 and elamite left metaphysics hand. a row of jinn judges with political jinn hate us, and they try to wipe out with the secret camera stasi aktion finanz system vmat2 and vmat1 and other models, like the political djinn ex mayor of vienna, and current mayor
Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022
Aristotle is convinced that the planets and the fixed stars influence life on earth and that the fixed stars influence life on earth and he too believed in the existence of daemons. In his History of Animals (it should be noted here that historia originally meant something closer to "research," not history in its modern sense, thus a better title is Biological Researches) he suggests the magical theory of sympathies and antipathies in the animal world, under the influence of the stars
love is in the air and the result: son of the bitches
love is in the air is a song that almost everyone has heard, including me by the way, and i kept laughing at the sarcasm. love is in the air is a story, a fate, it starts with love in the air, during the wedding both look serious in the face as if it were a universal task. seven years later two children remain from this love, otherwise no traces of love, togetherness, friendship or respect. the result of alien spirit chemtrails are two bastard kids, a whore and a son of the bitch by two assholes, mind controlled from first minute of acquaintance, because of these two bastards.
I had the honor of meeting this son of the bitch yesterday, a 9 year old boy with his mother and brother at the flea market.
The boy spent an hour trying to steal a Nordic necklace as if it were part of his umbilical cord that he had lost as a child
the asshole boy came everytime i turned around to talk to someone.
I looked through the mirrored vacuum cleaner tube from the neighboring flea market stand at our table and
each time he quickly tried to pull the necklace away.
again and again i turned inconspicuously towards the table at his actions
and didn't look at him or at the table, and he walked away from the table angrily again and again.
this action with the help of the vacuum cleaner tube happened 5 times!? until he realized: I'm kidding him. then he came over and over again and laughed like an asshole in my face. For 30 minutes, he laughed again and again from afar, from near, from the left, from the right, and again and again he turned around and laughed while the mother kissed him 8 times on the forehead. love in the air, a universal task
Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.
Samstag, 29. Oktober 2022
we bought this today and was fascinated by this unique piece, probably from the end of the 19th century, i don't know whether it belongs to the incas or mayas or aztheks and mesoamerican civilization, but i call it: How To Maintain Spiritual Balance and Equanimity, the combination is not only art but instinct. I'm thinking about the last 20 years, only stones in front of my feet and in my way, until today only torture with the state justification: it's a test and experiment like in the charlie hebdo case, many police and secret police secret agents volunteered for suicide.
Freitag, 28. Oktober 2022
the killers of 1.5 million children could not have been of human origin.the victims can only be described as having a human origin, without a religious identity. today international fascist networks are threatening: anyone who officially proves prehistory human will be in mortal danger and will never be safe. fuck israeli collaborators
Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2022
in the 21st century we have this problem in the orient middle east, north and south africa: the laboratories take blood and tear apart a person with special genes, doctors and academics are genes and ethnic groups police in europe and america, connected to traitor networks iran and others countries. the special gene is taboo topic prehistory
without hair the connection is better, especially at 6am., last week i got up at 6am and saw a huge amount of mythical creatures next to my ears, everyone wanted to report what's going on. the end of democracy and the rule of law and human rights with judges collective, this is not about one person and iranian but about 3 persons, different race, different ethnicity, different blood,
I have the problem with Viennese judges who are supported by the majority of Viennese because of attempted looting, repetition of the NS system, debts caused by Stasi action cameras and robbery of the owner, an owner who has no debts. this can only be solved by armed international judges, public prosecutors and international lawyers, armed against repetition of fascism, racial degradation and attempted murder
Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2022
there were wars in europe i renaissance until today, 30 years 100 years, it is called renaissance barbarism europe, the question is unnecessary why there are no special genes in europe: as long as these monks and christians and others live there will be wars. has anyone been able to explain mass murders during the french revolution so far? Whole tribes and families were wiped outlike first 3 months of first world war:, 40.000 families, civilians hanged by austrian military
40 years good iran austria relationship had only one common disease: sadism, gene politics and final solution iran. Vienna even proves it with 70% support because of me and my family. we are jewish armenians "minorities" that means half rights as human beings by blood test.... the persecution by the police and the state is always up to date, with ayatollahs and regime supporters iranian
this state caused debts for three shops, me 35,000 euros and my mother 170,000, for seventeen years the state has been saying: you have to pay your debts, for 17 years the bailiff has come to our apartment 58 times because of debts... fucking stasi torture, sadism, gene paranoia and racism. vienna has modernized concentration camps and revised them with new ideas
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