Mittwoch, 30. November 2022
many iranians report: killing people in iran is not a tradition, the islamic republic of iran is not iranian. there are also regime opponents that claim this, i say killing people is an aryan tradition in iran, indo aryan, romano aryan. ayatullahs kill because of political activism, you because of racial blood and vmat2. that is why many tribes migrated to the balkans when these tribes came from rome to iran. if you talk about aryan culture then about these tribes: inventive
i have known people here in vienna for 30 years, teachers, social workers, old social contact circles, from clubs and discos, old customers and carpet dealers, antique dealers, collectors. many are over 60 or 70 like nasser farahani and say: we are close to dying, die too, we have no sex, hope and future visions or future plans. these are the police friends
I have to go, but one more thing: the only thing I heard in the hospital in 2018: a 25-year-old nurse walked by and whispered like a demon:You can't get rid of sugar you asshole.this is the result of enlightenment: this race is superior to us and heals itself, it is a phenomenon and a miracle, we don't have that
vienna has spread worldwide the political activist: he fucks without a condom and has HIV and hepatitis, we have illegal pornography. well if i had hiv then azadeh amiri also had hiv, but i have had 14 blood tests since 2007 all venereal diseases and blood diseases negative. the crime is: attempted murder, assault with azadeh
some are ashamed of why they have to shit and piss every day, they are tormented and annoyed, some have their toilets gilded with the satisfaction: if I do, I'll sit on gold and shit on gold. as far as evolution and vmat are concerned or genes and dna there is only one satisfaction: stasi torture, suffering and death. this ring stone or whatever was high technology from prehistory when monkeys were content with themselves and bananas
I had thousands of rooms and users from 2002 onwards, I was very popular as an admin and dealt with topics such as geopolitics, economy, culture, the struggle for freedom, armed defense and liberation, as well as topics such as economic rehabilitation, export/import, production and investing in young scientists and new projects. i have been threatened many times as you see below i said but i piss on the threats and iranian government. austria shows itself to be braver than ayatullahs and hezbollah, viennese politicians, police and secret services
Dienstag, 29. November 2022
Persecution of iranian minorities on the basis of genes and dna and ethical origin has become international, Austria as an EU state works with all police authorities interpol europol and state police and supports all iranian embassies in the EU. these billions of financial projects serve to build a millennial empire through iranian jews/armenian blood and vmat2. exploitation iran for 40 years
Minority persecution with the ayatollah regime has the consequence: if israel and america help against vmat2 in solidarity and participate in the stasi financial lynching: who is barbad farahani? does anyone know barbad farahani? it doesn't matter what he does. Highly precise work, ring stone with hundreds of visual messages. tablet photo raw
Montag, 28. November 2022
after 1946 black sun society hid in UNO, with hatred against race and vmat2, dozens of no act commands is evidence in vmat2 Yugoslavia
To date, 120 Croat and non-Croat university professors and several academics have compiled 249 research works of which many have been printed in various publications and thereby have proven that Croats are of Iranian origin.
Former Croat homeland and their migration
A manuscript dating back to 1370 B.C. has named the present day Croats and their language as Hurrvuhe (resembling Hrvati).
In the era of the Achaemenid, especially at the time of Cyrus II and Darius I, the name of the eastern Iranian province Harauvatya and the Croats of the ancient Iran Harauvatis and Harahvaiti have been mentioned for 12 times. In addition, two unearthed manuscripts belonging to the Croats living in the second and third centuries B.C. in ancient Iran have referred to the inhabitants of Horooouathos and Horoathoi. In the year 418, the Aryans were dubbed as Horites and Zachariasrhetor, in 559 the Aryan horse riders were referred to as Hrwts who lived in the vicinity of Krima and Azova and in the 7th century Croats were called as Slavs
Former Croat homeland and their migration
A manuscript dating back to 1370 B.C. has named the present day Croats and their language as Hurrvuhe (resembling Hrvati).
In the era of the Achaemenid, especially at the time of Cyrus II and Darius I, the name of the eastern Iranian province Harauvatya and the Croats of the ancient Iran Harauvatis and Harahvaiti have been mentioned for 12 times. In addition, two unearthed manuscripts belonging to the Croats living in the second and third centuries B.C. in ancient Iran have referred to the inhabitants of Horooouathos and Horoathoi. In the year 418, the Aryans were dubbed as Horites and Zachariasrhetor, in 559 the Aryan horse riders were referred to as Hrwts who lived in the vicinity of Krima and Azova and in the 7th century Croats were called as Slavs
I was sitting today in the courtyard of a church donations reception building called Carla, I drank a coffee from the machine, I smoked homemade cigarettes and coughed a little. Somehow the coughing became embarrassing, namely when a woman with a magnificent dress and shiny and somewhat charismatic got out of the car, she stroked her curls for a few seconds and then she took two boxes in her hand, full of valuables, she smiled and I coughed, she smiled and I coughed.
i'm honest, the coughing was intentional with the message: how do you want to open the door? Stop grinning I won't open the door. donation ritual is like sex, it's 3 months of mental wanking until the ecstasy is reached: i will donate, i will donate, i will if i have the time. These 2 minutes do not need a door opener, just someone who coughs and continues to smoke and looks on with amusement. this charisma, this splendor and this dress, these curls and these grins in ecstasy and the car
Sonntag, 27. November 2022
on saturday an old man walked past me with his wife, i stood at the flea market and presented myself as a cult figure or "i am legend". I heard from these judges: an asocial exhibits art. I thought: if I now put my index finger in my nostril and then put half a gram of pus in my mouth, it still doesn't change anything, you evolution l human
i live in a welfare state that says: the principle of life is:
Die DNA ist das vielleicht faszinierendste Molekül auf unserem Planeten. Sie trägt die Erbinformation jeder Lebensform, funktioniert bei allen nach denselben Prinzipien und mit denselben Bausteinen.
Aber woher kommt die DNA, warum kann sie, was sie kann? Um diese Rätsel zu lösen, stellen Forschende die Bedingungen auf der Urerde nach, sie entschlüsseln, wie der Sex in die Welt kam, und beobachten Genabschnitte, die sich besser vermehren als andere.
All das ermöglicht Veränderung und Weiterentwicklung: das Prinzip des Lebens
Samstag, 26. November 2022
In 1996 I started practical studies and apprenticeships in my mother's shop, just as far as antique textiles and carpets are concerned internationally. i was 21in 1999 i started with world art, in 2002 i started my own business. because of jews boycott the state of austria and terror because of political activism, vienna lies and propagates worldwide we did it with a nobody without a job
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