Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2023
I will send the rest of the photos tomorrow, it's just before the new year and Vienna is still laughing and grinning in my face, it started in 2002 and hasn't stopped to this day. This whole garbage society and city and country has not yet been punished for hundreds of millions of euros and what's worse: the cyber torture murder money has been spent to this day on excessive wealth. Photo 2002
It doesn't matter where you are, in which city in Yazd Isfahan Tehran, Vienna Berlin or Rome, or in Washington or New York: the capitalist has bought the city and controls it. his and her problem: genes and dna and biology. a 2 cent character that is raised all over the world and all doors are open for this character. even in the International Court of Justice or Geneva. look at vienna my life since 1998
read the reports, genetic engineers deal with ethnicity and race in laboratories, who did the Romans and Greeks talk about in a negative sense?
آقا این سپاهی ها و حزب اللهی ها یه چند سالی یکی رو هی مینداختن دنبال من، علیرضا نامی بود، این یه سه هفته ای سر یه جریانی سه پیچ دست از سر ما بر نمیداشت، گیر داده بود و هی سوال میکرد: باربد خط دارویی میتونی جایی پیدا کنی؟ خط دارویی سراغ داری، خیلی بهت پول میدن ها بچه های ایران!، آقا ما هم هی خندمون میگرفت چون میدونستم این بویی که میاد از در کون کدوم کونده ای میاد و هی میگفتیم نه، نه، نه بابا مگه من داروسازم.....! آخه دارو تنهایی تولید کردن جرمش خیلی سنگینه دا... کوسکش ها مگه من خلافکار ببو مثل فیلم های پلیسی دوزاریتونم.... بیگی منو، ده بیگی منو سروان، اینجام تو خونم بیا بیگی منو. کیرم تو فیلماتون
In the year 2000, if 500 Viennese Iranians would set up a network and each put 100 euros into the pot every month, then after 5 years everyone could become millionaires by founding a company. 500 millionaires. I am confronted with Aryan animals, inferior biology, inferior brain and existence, inferior existence
Samstag, 30. Dezember 2023
هرچی دختر و زن عن ما از بچگی میشناختیم همه کوس تاپاله سنده، بچه هاشون شاشخالی، مریض عقده ای، خود باخته، خودفروش، ننه هاشون کوس مریض، فقط تاپاله سنده تحویل جامعه دادن، یکی میگه آقا مجتبی گفت اون یکی میگه سباستیان گوز گفت، اتریش گفت، شهردار گفت، ، یکی میگه آمریکایی گفت. گفتن که ما حق داریم. کوس ننه جنده های شاشخالی آریایی
Freitag, 29. Dezember 2023
Before I go to sleep I write briefly about Willi (I suffer from schitzopherenia and hear ghost stories). Willi was a concentration camp guard. One morning he got 5 prisoners and kindly asked them to build a new wall for officers. This wall was intended to display Adolf's painting prints, to show the talent and specialness of the eader. When the prisoners were finished, Willi asked the workers to come to his office one by one, he strangled and killed all five and immediately afterwards went to the wall and hung a sign on the wall: I built a wall for you in all honor my leader, mine special work and talent for you
We actually have anti-Iranian forces that have been trying to fuck us with Ayatollahs Austria and CIA for 45 years, like Sasan (ali) Darvishzadeh, partner and friend Ali Gharib. Well, today I'm a mixture of Jesus and Einstein. although with being Einstein it is such a story: who understands Elamite lurish science language: abhuz bid shadid daresh shishe khurd bid mechanismesh metaro ba alef rawide bid
How are you going to turn 5000 photos into ash? unique, rare, never-before-seen sensations, you bastard Austria... racial murderer, zombie society, women and children murderer country. These researches and actions require 500,000 euros in equipment, to whom did the country give illegal millions? too inferior nothing, 0815 pigs. my life ruined for inferior pigs, 0815 bastards
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