Sonntag, 31. März 2024

I have to go, but a huge part of the Aryan evolution branch is workers, civil servants, employees, unemployed or social recipients, look at Vienna: state employees and sewer workers, street sweepers claim: we as Aryan Austrians have a higher position: we are the majority Society and democratic decision! This statement is from the Vienna Academy after 12 years of study! LOL

You have to be an incomprehensible son of the bitch and whore with these genes and race politics: Iranian Aryan race has no chance in the West, Iranian DNA Jews and Armenians Useless material, only useful for one case: Stasi actions and cyber torture

This sick country with its international network friends are so hideously psychopathic that when I even fly to Amsterdam, all the secret services put the brothels under surveillance: where and from which whore does vmat2 messiah come out

کونده ها از زمانی که شاه ما از ایران رفت بیرون با عقده گشایی اهریمنی شروع کردن: شما چرا انقدر کوس میکنی، اینجا هم چسبیدن به تخم ما ول نمیکنن: چرا هی رفتی کوس کردی

اوا سلام، راستی روسپی خانه بودم، جریان رو تعریف کنم چرا من سمبلیک امروز رفتم جای دیگه؟ این دیوونه های ضد ما مشکل بزرگترشون اینه:، چندتا زن حامله میکنید شماها؟ چقدر آخه زن زمین میزنید، آخه جاکش ها چندتا چندتا زن! ؟ یکیش همین ناپدر عنم، مرتیکه پفیوز

You dialogue-incapable scum, you anti-democratic and anti-human rights movement?

This is an insane event in the Grail, the bastard fucking journalist looks at his Mercedes and Porsche in the garage: I'm a luxury person, I'm a wealth person, leave me alone with your nonsense

I wanted to go to sleep, but in vain! And I actually live in a world where a political activist has no other option than to use voodoo and shout: Will you leave me alone now, you monkey of origin? You dialogue-incapable scum, you anti-democratic and anti-human rights movement?

Despite the website, despite the Facebook page, despite the trading license and political activism, the Austrian government will shoot and kill me, illegally and publicly like in Iran.

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی خلاصه حزب کمونيست کارگری هم میخواد با مینا احدی بچه های مجاهد رو از دست مریم نجات بده... لووووووووول، مثل اینکه کیر بچه ها بالای ۱۶ سانته و بدردشون میخوره، ما که بدرد بخور نیستیم از دست فاشیست مارو نجات بدن، کیرم تو این شانس، ۱۵.۵

آزاده بیشرف ۲۵ سال پیش ما نشست کیر اساسی به ما بزنه، ولی من موندم تو دیگه هستی که ۴۵ سال ننه همه ماهارو گاییدی، اساسی تر از این!؟

Samstag, 30. März 2024

I have to go, but Europe doesn't want to answer anything regarding our case, like Ayatollah regime of these murders. And what Europe is doing is murder and genocide

راستی قبل از خواب:، میگم هرمز و شوشتر سازمان اطلاعاتی کم بود اینها هم هی میرن هرمز، هی میرن شوشتر، یعنی وضعیتی شده مملکت ها، خوار همه چی داره گاییده میشه،، کی مونده دیگه از ما؟

آقا ما از بچه های پالتاک خوشمون میومد واسه این بود: دم به تله نمیدادن. لول.. کونده خارکوسده ها هرچقده ما میخواستیم بچه های سازمان اطلاعات امنیتی رو از سوراخ بکشیم بیرون هی میخندیدن، هی میخندیدن، هی میخندیدن. لول.. یکی شاهی بود یکی چپ ارتودوکس یا همون سنتی بود یکی لیبرال یکی مجاهد، یکی تک رو. خلاصه کیرم تو دهن همتون ولی خداییش آمریکایی فاشیست خیلی خر تر از شماست. ما رفتیم تا فردا شب خوش مادر جنده ها

This is the reason for statistics on my website and YouTube or Facebook

I even posted several smartphone clips on YouTube and Facebook and ordered them to take screenshots. I also showed you where you can do it. bastard nazi pig, viennese atheist dirt pig, satanist dirt pig you nazi austrian government pig

monkey creature europe, evolution look: in any case, you Nazi asshole european, how does that happen in the water?

Theoretically, Israel should be a country that attacks the second Nazi Austria Germany, but look what's going on: they themselves are using Nazi experimental methods against Palestine and Lebanon... for how many years and how do you want to free yourself? What's with 700 or more than a thousand dead Israelis? stupid complete idiot

You can curb a lot of things with neurotoxins, reduce intellect and intelligence, cause Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and panic attacks so that you say: you are the monkeys, not us. But: you pig can't take away supernatural and art talent, or the innate knowledge

Freitag, 29. März 2024

I have to go and will come on Saturday afternoon. These scenes in my grail are science, you asshole international journalist... these scenes are history and ethnicity

آقا ما این رو صد بار پست کردیم و توجه کردیم ایرانی ها چی میگن، میدونید از راه وایرلس چی شنیدم؟ یارو خودش میگفت پس کیر تو دهن کوروش، زنش هم میگفت خفه شو بیتربیت، دروغه آریایی بوده

Since the revolution in 1979, Iran has become a psychopathy country when it comes to religious minorities, no one cares when atrocities happen, no one complains about persecution and execution or inequality. This also happens when Vienna America Europe shows the laboratory test of one million Iranians

This psychology started in Iran: this family is a hidden Jew with a company and trade. Vienna helps us to show hidden Jews privately and intimately.

آقا ما بعضی وقت‌ها از صمیم قلب لایک هم میزنیم، لایک هم نه واسه سالاد میزنیم، نه واسه قصه و نه واسه خلاصه جریان چی شد، بلکه این روح ما یاد زمان داریوش هخامنشی میفته، والا، یه جریانی پیش ما حل شد: برویم بهتره. داریوش هم سنگر رو ول کرد رفت....

Vienna and Austria are forced sterilization Stasi system as far as VMAT2 is concerned. Worldwide distribution of fake clips, live secret cameras is genocide

European fascist wave, Vienna and Austria won't leave Iran alone, I am part of Iran with cosmic power testicles and sperm. Sterilization techniques with secret cameras and cybertorture are due to cosmic sperm power

آب جلق کیر نه، دستمال نهههه، دیدن نههههه، آره، آب جلق نهههههه، دستمال نههههه

Bimbo muß Arbeit, wenn nix arbeiten machen Kopf kaputt. bimbooooo wollen haben dieser arbeiten? gute oder nix gute? mein kolf nix kaputt ich arbeiten, wenn du sagen nixe dann kein steuern

ناصر بی شرف، داوود خونه خرید بیست سال پیش، چجوری؟ تو عباس قاسم محمود اکرم افسانه افسر و کونده های فامیل هم خونه خریدید؟ چجوری؟

Since 1998, the country has turned our blood, DNA and genes into identity: Jews. Thus, Iranian Arabs and Turks were very quickly drawn into the cybertorture system. it's vmat2 mass murder plan, bastard country i'm not jewish.

کوسکش، دایی مارو مسموم نکردی که از جریان زری و دخترش چیزی نفهمه؟

آقا ما بریم، ولی ای ناصر بی ناموس ای لر بی خاصیت، ای تو که با آخوند در چت روم نشسته ای، دو خط بنویس بینیم بی ناموس جاکش

Donnerstag, 28. März 2024

آخوند کوسکش دایی مارو میشناسه ها، جوابش پنج دقیقه پیش این بود: این زری جهود نیست؟ زری جهود دوتا حرامزاده زاییده! صدات تا اینجا میاد کوسکش آخوند

a scum race with bastard children: there was no repeat, there is no DNA hunt, there are no existences burning

I have some Grail pictures that match Alfred Kubin's drawings: scum race, a collective of whore bastards as Bertold Brecht also describes

Vienna police department and anti-terror units COBRA/WEGA are prepared to protect society, in case: international authorities and judges say: we know nothing, we find nothing, there was no action in Vienna.

شوخی داشت با ما ها، صبح سحر با ما حرف میزنه و میگه راستی این تابلو یادت میاد؟ میگه: ای باری اهریمنی شلخته کیرت خورده به تخته، تمام دنیا شدی...... لول

آقا، آقااااااااا، پدر سگ مادر سگ، عکس جام ما با آلفرد کوبین یک به یک بودن ن. ه. ه. ه. ه. ه، زن ستیزی بودن نیست که، دنیا با این زن خارکوسده بودن ن، ه، ه، ه، ه

رژیمی ها خارکوسده سر شیر خشک بچه معلوم نیست چه جهود بازی در میارن بعد به ما میگن جهود، آی کیر تو روحت رژیم

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی تا گفتیم جهود مهناز افشار صداش تا اینجا اومد: تو یک حرومزاده بودی که ما باید با مسیح هر روز نگات میکردیم. لول.... شیر خشک بچه های ما نه. ه. ه. ه. ه. من نبودم ن. ه. ه. ه

Since 1998, the country has turned our blood, DNA and genes into identity: Jews. Thus, Iranian Arabs and Turks were very quickly drawn into the cybertorture system. it's vmat2 mass murder plan, bastard country i'm not jewish.

In 2008, the theft in Vienna's 8th district was psychological violence in front of running state cameras. With psychosis and stress attacks it could also have been this case: 157 dead Viennese Iranians within a very short time.It was about 180,000 euros worth of antiques. This is just one of many invoice lists

why I say nazi doctors nazi neurologists nazi hospital NAZI AKH, nazi psychologists: every doctor has the duty to immediately report bodily harm and file criminal charges. it's in the law. Psychological torture is more serious than a broken leg or arm and neck...

It is NS repetition with forced labor, disenfranchisement and gas chamber AKH hospital or gas chamber other hospitals

آقا دیدم صورت و تصویر کامل کامل گذاشتیم جلو هانسی فرانسی کمی از ما بترسن، بعد دیدم اه اه اه ایرانی وین داره هی میگوزه و میرینه: نترسید نترسید ما همه با هم هستیم نترسید نترسید.... لول

The only thing that happened during my smoking rituals in 2018 was: the neighbor complained about the constant smell of incense in the house. I knew then that the organizer was distributing money, a lot of money from a pot of billions of euros

حزب توده کیری ایران، اکثریتی جاکش تخمی، کدوم ماه و کدوم آقا؟ شارلاتان بی ناموس حرامزاده

so much effort and work precision and calculation to see AGHA, and then you have to realize it doesn't interest anyone but me that Agha exists. LOL

The criticism of my culture of speech and obscenity is pointless, insofar as I went to the police 17 times and to the public prosecutor's office 4 times, because of intent to murder and organized crime, the answer was: no suspicion, so: fuck you and die

My photo today, look at the DNA Jew.... he survived it, he wants to become the second ass fucker Israel with 38 more projects

In 2012, Azadeh was highly contagious HIV positive, this was hidden from all doctors, from everyone.

If I write: World War II brain matter, then you have to explore the depth of this pile of shit brain. The poor boy was turned into a beggar in the jews, ghettos and my electricity and gas bills were raised to an unmanageable level so that I could move to Azadeh's apartment

Vienna is shitty second world war brain matter when it comes to vmat2 mass murder in the 21st century, family murder and torture, or child murder through sterilization. second world war brain matter

I asked two powerful magicians: what to do with this anomaly? These brains have no right to exist, only in the jungle and not in any society. The answer was a black answer from a white positive corner...

The statement: "Nobody can force me to see something in the grail of a victim" is second world war mass murder brain, a dirty Austrian with the most disgusting biology. How dirty, how disgusting, how inferior can a country be. Dirty origins

Criminal behavior and hatred against individuals in society cannot be explained with brain research and biology research and gene and DNA research. It just means good genes and bad genes and brain scan: criminal brain. vmat2 research serves for more hatred and a subject for mass murder, so the non-killer person is a bad person, he fucks whores