Samstag, 31. August 2024

a one-legged whore is grateful for every customer, but who feels pleasure and is aroused with a one-legged whore in bed? Son of the Bitches! he always saw his mother's legs swinging around in the air when his father was not at home, always other men, always the neighbor, always the postman, and this idea of ​​a woman without legs satisfies him, it is like ecstasy. the second republic is a one-legged whore with many sick customers

I can give a speech for 4 hours about Vasily Nikolayevich Chekrygin, or write a book. His life, his works, his ambition, motivation, philosophy of life. Look at the Neanderthals, out of 100 art history students, not a single one is capable of working independently in this area, the same goes for the Neanderthals in WhatsApp networks or other portals: Viennese dealers

In 2003 everything I had in the shop was photographed and sent to email lists as a Jewish boycott system simulation and Jewish goods. Today they do that with cell phones: Jewish goods, Jewish paintings and lives. Inferior art objects as long as art is in Jewish hands

A magical answer to the judges: Kiss my magical ass Neanderthal. We really have a magical ass, even in our shit you can see the future.. what you want to do with this earth can often be seen in the toilet

Breaking all barricades, breaking through walls and breaking through was called by the asshole Marx: lumpenproletariat and opium dealer. I mean he knew the real revolutionary hearts and he cursed them, and called them: poison for the working class

April values ​​were between 200 and 500, and I had a long-term sugar level of 13.9. I'm trying to get my long-term sugar level under 5 without medication or insulin.

I have been living without diabetes medication for almost 8 weeks, it seems I am recovering from a serious illness, but I have to say that in the lower part of my body there is a spot where it has grown about 3 centimeters in the last 4 months, who will come forward as a witness and evidence?, shitty Nazi country, dirty Austro fascists: one of the main topics in the cyber torture business:, penis size

Freitag, 30. August 2024

Viennese judges are commissioned as Nazi perpetrators to start vmat2 family mass murder, with arrest of the victims, disenfranchisement system, and 20 years imprisonment. society is put into a coma with billions of euros of cyber torture state revenue

Ask the vienna art academy: what does a dead fish, a ghost and a mythical creature mean, and why are they all looking at the woman in the crystal ball!? the answer will be: (...)! there is prostitution at motorway service stations, mostly to serve truck drivers, the behavior of these women is better than the behavior of the vienna women in the art academy when the women answer. good night

National Socialism always had deeply feminine characteristics, it was never masculine, but rather deeply feminine intrigue behavior: denial, ambush, sophisticated plans, that is why I am confronted with a whore as an enemy, Adolf Hitler was also a whore, the enemy facing me is the second republic, a one-legged whore

مثل این راننده عن پنج هزار نفر تو این شهر گوز پلیسن، از علی گرفته تا نوید و مجید و عاطفه و ملیح: کدوم یکیمون رو اول میزنی آبجیت رو بکشیم، سراغ کدوم یکیمون میری با تیزی ننت رو بکشیم! اونم با کی؟ با پلیس وین، با سازمان اطلاعات امنیت وین، با شهردار وین، با بچه پولدار وین

بیا وین منو سوار کن کوسکش

Donnerstag, 29. August 2024

Jewish mothers whisper goodnight stories from Zion to their babies, and teach their children as early as the age of 3 that we are unique, that we are the chosen ones and very valuable on God's earth. And now you can guess three times what the Sinti and Roma are doing in Iran, she has known my mother and sister since she was 17, zero empathy, zero guilt feelings, zero emotions and zero feeling can be traced back to stories and whispers from her grandmother: we are different, we are noble, we are Aryan Iranian

So, if you look closely at this photo, two worried characters outside the crystal ball are very scared and worried, it can be seen that both are afraid of the arrival of the third character from the crystal ball. If you turn the photo around, you can see a cat, the bottom of the cat's structure, two faces stand out, the femininity and masculinity, outside the ball, another scene. good night

progress is so rapid that many people are aware of it: soon the world will no longer need run-of-the-mill people, especially run-of-the-mill academics. as something special and unique, one second of carelessness in your life means your death, look at Vienna, it says unanimously: who needs you! you are useless, we work and pay taxes, we contribute something to this state. We work and pay taxes. my question is: how much longer will you be needed?

isn't that a deep mental illness and crime? since my arrival in Vienna this country has tried to make a nobody out of me, reasoning: this gene dna biology origin and ethnicity is nothing. an early university degree at 16 would have been my death, a billion concept and idea at 18 a chronic incurable disease, world art dealer with international fame 27 different cancerous tumors

There are no ex-freemasons, anyone who claims it is a thief, charlatan, fraudster and murderer. I have all the pillars, I can also prove it with 38 projects, 15 of which will change the history of mankind

2017, the Vienna public prosecutor laughed in my face, I blame the Viennese Charlie Hebdo: Islam is terrorism l! and vmat2 hunting torture murder is freedom, brotherhood and unity

Mittwoch, 28. August 2024

who is being punished here in this city? iranian aryan trumpet? nazi austrofascist trumpet? or "IRANIAN JEWISH ARMENIAN ORIGIN" Why has murder torture and execution been happening in iran for 45 years? it's you, you trumpet

They have made all our tribal symbols into Aryan, they moved to Iran as illegal immigrants and for 150 years they have turned everything into Aryan, today they are sitting in Aryan Vienna and are trying to destroy hundreds of thousands of us. The Aryan race of Iran and the Aryan race of Austria. Us, the owners of Iran

My whole effort is: keep your mouth shut, when it comes to other ethnicities, tribes, countries, races, Semites, and cultures, keep your dirty mouth shut. Cyberterrorism is aggression, declaration of war and racial madness and racial extermination repetition

Vienna is a run-of-the-mill psychopathy with the urge: we are human, innate talent and potential are worthless: we only let Human have careers, or start families, or become something special

My guess is that there is an illegal secret gene and dna database in this state, it is used for sterilization and birth control policy: same blood and lineage should not come together, especially vmat strains. they should not find each other. the police are responsible for this work, especially the uniformed women. well, what happens if they do find each other? I'll tell you what happens: bullying already started in elementary school

under the ground in Vienna there are a bunch of old temples, from a time when no human should have existed according to history. something went wrong. the world should consist of jesus and abraham blood and mary and esther blood. but it is not like that. ape origins try to keep their lineage purer than crocodile lineage. stone from 14th district one meter deep under the ground in the forest

The last photo I posted has some similarities to the movie Prometheus and has a little to do with it, as far as I can imagine. his planet and home is very far away, but I sent him and his spaceship fleet a message: capital fascism and the 1% have become a racist, murderous dirty fucking human-destroying machine on earth S.O.S. we are in danger, we are less than a handful

Dienstag, 27. August 2024

Austrian government with its criminal gang, namely the Austrian aristocracy and millionaire families, has a plan for shamans and vmat2 mass murder. They want to start with my public execution and that of my family. People have been oppressed for years: says that we do not see these phenomena and sensations, whoever sees nothing wins. vmat2 and shamanism is useless and worthless. says that we do not see anything extraordinary

before i snore: every israeli cyber terrorist in vienna did it as a jew, even if they are austrian citizens, israel always polarizes the jewish state and also jewish anti-semites, racial enemies and perpetrators. conscious torturers and criminals

I have to go to sleep, but Austria has not joined American eugenics fascism program but Austria has never given up mass murder plans and STERILIZATION policy in the last 80 years, target person: shamanism, spirituality, God Genes, VMAT2.

t'áá'áko, in the 15th century we were still in the majority

Well, we were brothers and sisters here in Vienna a long long time ago: Although Tilousi and other members of the Havasupai tribe thought they were donating DNA for a research project on type 2 diabetes, the material was also used for studies on topics such as schizophrenia, inbreeding and the tribe's geographical roots. (also in general shamanism and spirituality VMAT2)

That is also what austria has caused in me: I no longer see iran as home, I no longer see iranians as fellow countrymen and I see great persia occupied by ajnabis, apparently the original has died out and been eradicated in the last 45 years

Cyber ​​torture black money is like a liquid that anyone who sticks their head in it turns into an ice body, a Viennese liquid matter production. It is political racial extermination money that freezes the mind, intellect, humanity, compassion and empathy.

this scene in the crystal is worth a thousand times more to research scientifically. I am not a Disney producer or comic artist, but someone who claims that gates to other dimensions and communication in visual language are possible. Smartphone photo raw

One of the reasons for my 38 further projects is: the Austrian still says to this day: I use these methods because I am a human. That is how Europe, America and Asia see it too. We are human, so cyber torture is not a criminal act as far as our actions are concerned. 15 of these projects are a heavier blow than a baseball bat to the head

he can swim well in blood, a permanent guest in the veins. When a state declares war, you need friends at the front, especially a state like Austria with a history of gas chambers

This is also a psychological war on my part: loobia polo, nash nash, sabzi polo bahah, bagahlipolo rapatupatu, gheyme o juje shabadoo, without insulin rapatu, kabab kubide oh lala, bargo juje shabadoo, bedun daru, divonnne, shamabalbu shabadoo rapatu patu, kie bahame zire patu? ha haaaa, shanbalie, lile lile, sirish mirish ki bude?

It is not only a repetition of the Nazi era, but a repetition of the Khomeini era, only in the 21st century in Europe and the Viennese police and the Viennese judges are worse than Hezbollah and the revolutionary judges of the 1980s in Iran. The murder of 12 to 16 year old girls was halal, "the children were anti-revolutionaries" and haram. Everything they did to my sister is now called Aryan halal

Some Viennese "Iranian opposition parties" maintain excellent contacts with regime supporter Farokh Negahdar. From 1979 to 1983 he was responsible for racial hunting and extradition of the VMAT2 activists to Hezbollah.In any case, illegal cyber torture black money income can be traced to Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Malta and Iran. Real estate and import export business of the Negahdar family and the black money

آقا دوتا اسم هستش من خیلی بدم میاد ازش، از بچگی هم بدم میومد از این دو اسم، یکی اسم آزاده یکی هم آرزو، تازه فامیلشون هم آریایی منش باشه اسهال خونی میگیرم. جفتش سرچشمه اش عقده است، جنایتکارانه عقده ست، جون تو.

Apparently the war propaganda ministry says: such absurdities are worthless as proof, only one thing counts: we are threatened by hostile tribes, ethnicities and races, who are capable of projects, research and sensations that make us black and inferior. We are not dependent on such events, science and oriental mumbo jumbo

Montag, 26. August 2024

What this state is doing and has been doing for years is the most aggressive attack against race, ethnicity, tribe and genes/DNA. This is a declaration of war by a country

How many Austrian films and series have you seen? I have seen a lot. Most of them are about the intrigues of psychopathic cells in society, in a village, town or larger city, two cells, four cells or a dozen in one cell. The script is usually not perfect but the actors play themselves, so a bunch of bad, sick actors in one cell: the film industry. I am confronted with thousands of cells every day, my sister rarely leaves the apartment....

Read the History more than half of europe suffered from the thirty years war, a third is understatement, emperor ferdinand and his gang did not suffer for a second, and neither did the viennese. WHISPER...........

how this country motivates millions of people to play psychopathy games against VMAT2 families is like bombing Gaza and Lebanon and Israel, one whispers in the ears of ayatollahs and his friend whispers in the ears of Israelis. and the antichrist, the child of sons of bitches in the ear of Ukraine

me and my family are still alive, biggest israel and iran problem, more concern than the war.... americans are more angry than concerned about nuclear war. billions of business cyber torture

well, israel has hate problems with the lady on the left, vatican has hate problems with the gentleman on the right, and european type human with both. if the chinese take over world power, they would let us live for: baby soup and energy food

Hey americans what do you say to my eternal endless every day fuck?LOL... if a hotel is built then there will never be archaeological access again, like many other construction sites in Vienna. nothing remains intact in Vienna. the construction of the Vienna subway has destroyed 40 percent of the old culture from 70,000 BC