Montag, 16. September 2024

every Austrian or European who shows aggression to me or my family, insults us or me or becomes violent verbally or physically, does it because of our ethnicity, race, tribe, because of our genes and DNA also called Iranian god genes

Austrian society is dirtier than the fatwa. Normalization and glorification of the vmat2 hunt, torture, psychological war and disenfranchisement. Murder of mothers and daughters and vmat2 mass murder establishment

i have to go and come back tomorrow, but i repeat: iran's population statistics are a manipulated fake, 85-90 million is mind control, 20 million sinti and roma are one part and 35 million mixed with roma and sinti another part. this started in 1979 (36 million statistics) on the orders of ayatollah khomeini: iran has capacity for 140 million, every muslim should have 5 children

there have been mass murder, racial extermination and vmat2 espionage torture and execution treaties since 1979. Viennese criminal behavior has its roots there: a billion bounty is supposed to accelerate the mass murder of the VMAT2 native iranians in the west

For decades there have been loud protests from regime insiders and supporters about freemasonry symbols on the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini. Apparently perfect architectural errors

who are thinking about similarities between 007 and Ayatollah Khomeini

secret society Iran, mostly Roma families and tribes from England, members of the English Freemasonry,, members of Austrian German Society Freemasonry have had fixed contracts since 1979 because of statistics of mass murders. Viennese behavior with the Ayatollah regime for 25 years proves it: sterilization techniques with secret cameras, psychological war, silent murder. Goal: to kill native race vmat2 targets from Iran in masses with impunity

آقا هر چقدر موسی خیابانی و مسعود رجوی تیز هوش بودن صد برابر اون طالقانی و منتظری الاغ بودن، البته دقیق و شفاف نفهمیدن چه خبره ولی خیلی از بچه هارو بردن عراق. الان هم دیگه دیر شده واسه این حرف ها و بررسی ها

Since 1979 it is part of an agreement: mass extermination of the Iranian native vmat2 race! special clause: Unobtrusive

Austria is not as bad as it was during the Nazi era, but worse, which the world has to thank the Hague and Strasbourg and the UN for. Vienna's unified slogan: Austria is no place for genetic bastards from Iran. The slogan is directed against me and my family

All crimes committed by this country are based on illegal genetic and DNA research on citizens for target search and bounty negotiation

All houses three world religions said: the state knows what it is doing, because of a mother and daughter

all muslim women with headscarves without headscarves have illegally used the state secret cameras to look at my mother privately in her apartment, for one reason: WIENER Spö: we have her DNA and genetic data: the woman is Jewish, a hidden Jew

every registered muslim in austria is a statistic and a source of income for mosques and islamic communities in austria, i advise everyone to register as non-religious, like me. i am already a muslim but not a mosque muslim. these are just houses that preach immorality and satanism like churches and synagogues

Austria is a virus, as you saw in the first and second world wars, that poisons the world with hatred, according to the tradition from Roman times. Every higher being that wants to do his part will be humiliated, tortured and tormented and then murdered.

activation 13. scene from the grail, crystal ball

I have to go. But at 5 I was too advanced for kindergarten and so I was taken to elementary school. At 6 I was pulled up onto the school's courtyard balcony by Mrs. Farahani, an elementary school teacher, and presented as a genius and model student who could do math and write like a fourth-grade student. What happened the next day was: I went to school with bread, sausage, juice and chocolate and came home hungry. 7- to 8-year-olds stole everything from me by force. Today's Viennese Hamid, Ali, Nasser, Peyman, Nader and others.

Sonntag, 15. September 2024

Ancient scientific rock drawing great ELAM: Grail race production, dna strands. 4500 B.C.

I am a native Elam Luristan production with 13 DNA strands, so not a new human but an old human with vmat2. a holy number

Criminals, whatever their nationality or gender or skin colour or religion, are to be punished, for establishing Iranian Native VMAT2 mass murder the Viennese police promise prosperity and impunity

I have published a new Photo again after a long time after diabetes disease reduction evidence, the only thing that Vienna does is murder plan preparation, Vienna means Viennese police, Viennese public prosecutor, judges, politicians, celebrities and others

I have to go and come back tomorrow, but this civilian population of Austria has killed enemy races with impunity for 15 years, with impunity, children, women, men, today it screams: vmat2 torture and murder is not punishable in Austria, and that is how it should stay

Understand, the mass murder of vmat2 and native race in europe and west is sure, it is happening. like 45 years of iran mass murder: nobody does anything or punishes any perpetrators

You have to remember that Austria mostly handed over corpses to the Gestapo and not prisoners, from street sweeper level, civil servant and worker level to other classes. It's the same today with vmat2 Hate and the billion euro cyber torture business....

to this day they are still moderate, otherwise European police, generally western state power has promised racial extermination, today they are in forced sterilization through disenfranchisement policy and cyber torture secret camera action, tomorrow execution in hospitals, pharmacies and workplaces

Don't be fooled by the statistics of 85 or 90 million, it's all a manipulation, through immigrant imports. With the fall and death of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, it was promised that none of us would remain alive, the total extinction of our race was promised. This also happened in part from the 1980s onwards.

I think everyone has understood it: the Vienna police are a moderate Nazi hierarchy and organization that describes vmat2 and his life as a Jew, his science as Jewish science. But imagine this: if I take Turkish citizenship, the Turks would sell me, my private life and everything else to the Vienna Nazi organization, as would all Asian countries, otherwise it is the same everywhere in America or western countries: the police have mutated into a moderate Nazi organization. Shame on the Hague and Strasbourg

this is not a main project of mine but it needs at least 500.000 euros for detailed clear photos, with whorehouses you want to shrink me and squash me? go to hell

آقا ما بریم تا فردا، میگم مرتیکه جلف دیگه با زنت به محسن چاوشی گیر ندی ها، جلف حشری... گلهای بهاری بدون آب موندن پیری؟ .

نازی ناز نازی وای.. وااااااییییی روزهای آفتابی رو به روم نیار ،دلم گرفته، ویاگرا هم گرونه... وااااییییی.. ، بسته ای هفتاو یورو مادر قحبه ها؟