Montag, 30. September 2024
I have to go to sleep, but: there is nothing illegal in our apartment, just vmat2 metaphysics tools that the police want to plunder. Especially the three bullets. These bullets are worth several million euros.Vienna police are sitting illegally at their workplace, as are the judges. Scum Nazi country, scum fsschists, scum inferior mass murder race
Sonntag, 29. September 2024
Everyone asks themselves: what the fuck is going on with the Viennese police? The answer is: many in this hierarchy are HIV positive, I am not, after 20 years of sex without a condom with an HIV positive girlfriend, and "others". Well, I am not gay, otherwise I would have taken 3 assholes into a house for 6 months and cured them with anal sex and proteins
I write little because I have to listen a lot. Our apartment is being monitored non-stop by illegal powers using secret state cameras. The criminals are privileged by the presence of judges, police, prosecutors and politicians. The number today refers to over a hundred thousand users. These methods have been used since 1998 and have been turned into an economic model. I hear voices, but these voices never lie, so positive schizophrenia
Samstag, 28. September 2024
this is an unedited photo, these three characters were often observers of my sex orgies, they were happy about every orgasm and ecstasy, the smaller one on the left always shouted: next time take cocaine cocaine then it will be a more intense orgasm.... in any case good real friends, and constant companions and voices
Freitag, 27. September 2024
Today I was waiting for my murderer when I left the house in the morning, but he wasn't there. So I went towards the 7th district where there was a flea market. At 6:30 a honest face walked past me and looked at me with concern, an Austrian, as if I was in mortal danger. So the Austrians are not stupid, they know that the police officers want to kill me. Everyone knows it: the police officers, with the support of the judges and prosecutors want to kill me. Although I suggest living with three women suffering from AIDS or HIV for 6 months
Donnerstag, 26. September 2024
i have to go to sleep, but have you seen the movie 300? an anti iranian native race movie. assholes used the pig herodotus as a glorification and recourse.a pig that lied a lot when drunk. i say the women cured the hunchback through sex therapy, a miracle and phenomenon. i believe that the women sat on his mouth and through oral sex the holy juices flowed in his mouth.
Mittwoch, 25. September 2024
Dienstag, 24. September 2024
Well, I'm back. New message: I have been working intensively on my sexual chakra and am trying to improve myself spiritually and mentally. I have decided to prepare myself. The idea is to live in a house with three ex-HIV prostitutes for 6 months and to work on all three of them energetically, including anal sex. So either I will become HIV positive myself or the three will be cured. Of course, food and vitamin mix also play a role. Who wants to observe every day for 6 months? Also the ritual sex life? I decide as a citizen. I will present our blood test after 6 months
Montag, 23. September 2024
Sonntag, 22. September 2024
I have to say that I have suffered from authority issues since childhood and am traumatized, so I was dismissed from military service after 4 weeks and declared unfit: black authoritarian power, autocracy, illegal unlawful dictatorship can only find and confront me when I am armed. I shoot without thinking about it. Ice cold
so I'm going to sleep now, I didn't repair the grail and I didn't glue the base to the grail, well if I discover a plague boil on my Penis tomorrow morning then it's my own fault. Vienna is a passionate denier, where did this holocaust denial conference happen? with some Austrians, Germans and Americans in attendance!?
a highly intelligent sophisticated intellectual would behave differently in this situation without any evidence in hand, that's true but we live in the 4th Reich Europe where he first observes the death of his family before he dies. it's about billions of euros of VMAT2 Genocide and mass destruction capital
what happened in Vienna has actually been common practice in Iran since 1979, which was established by UNO Kurt waldheim: freedom of action without punishment. all Iranians are motivated to murder a family! Ali Gharib and his siblings, Amiris and the whole tribe, Shams and all their children. thousands of Iranians are motivated to murder, freedom of action without punishment
Note:, Käsekrainer hot dog at 10, oyster mushrooms with Emmental cheese and bread at 12, rice and vegetables at 13. Nuts, a pack of Tuc with 10 slices of bacon, celery juice until 10 minutes ago. Now I'm looking for chocolate.... I can't sleep.... I last injected insulin two months ago, and live without medication
ما بریم بخوابیم، تا فردا هم خبری نیست، ولی ببین سنده تاپاله عن ملوک پشم زیر خایه منم نیستی و نبودی، این زر زدن ها هم به درد زن فاشیست جندت میخوره و چهارتا آخوند و حزب اللهی تو چت روم اینترنتی، پل سیمانی خار و ذلیل بی همه چیز بی خاصیت. کوسکش! والا ما اقلا یه جاز منی بودیم صبح تا شب میریدیم به رژیم، بچه کون نبودیم لاشی
This is how it happens: you walk peacefully on European streets, live your normal life and suddenly some people ask themselves: is he an Iranian Jew or an Aryan? Is he human or not human!, promptly your name is spread in networks with fun and laughter, the doctors accept the news with amusement and announce: he is more Jewish than Iranian, so not an Aryan. 1998 to today
and all of this, Iran Austria 200 year history leads to my everyday life in Vienna: anti-Semitic case discrimination case anti-racial program in CARLA: It is forbidden to sell jewelry to Jews! when the Jew comes, lock everything away and sell nothing, the employees: Pakistani, Afghan, Arab, Bosnian, and other nationalities the employees of the anti-Semitic Nazi Austrian. hundreds of customers come in every day to buy and everyone is focused on: what is the Iranian Jew buying
According to contemporary witnesses, namely Iraj Eskandari, one of the left-wing leaders, many Toudeh party members were convinced fascists and Adolf Hitler fanatics before the Stalingrad defeat, and after the Stalingrad defeat they all became communists. Today the Toudeh headquarters are in Vienna/Berlin and Russia/Tehran, today's social democrats and members of the European social democracy, with family contacts the Austro-Hungarian army since the 18th century. Anti-Semitic, anti race and anti vmat2 rabble.., like KHOSRO SHAKERI ZAND best friend of Kurt Waldheim..
Samstag, 21. September 2024
One of Himmler's most important statements was: there are only two types of humans, "Jew" and "Aryan", you are either a Jew or a human, and the Jew is our natural enemy. The world view today is no different: people are judged on the basis of their biological origin: evolution or something else: Jews-Armenians or close to Jews-Armenians
والا جون تو تریاک و بنگ هم بشین کنارش مصرف کن، آبجوت رو راحت بخور، بگوز بچوس حالت رو کن نه زر میزنه نه تو اعصابت میره، خیلی هم خوشگل فقط لب هاشو غنچه میکنه واست، نه میره جنده بازی با قصاب سر کوچه در بیاره، نه پسر حاج اصغر رو هوو اجباری میکنه، آره دادشش، پولاتو جمع ما هم داریم جمع میکنیم واسه جهازیه لیلی پلاستیکی
investing 8000 euros in a modern plastic housewife is even more sensible and intelligent today than taking a woman, 75% of today's women are no longer to be taken seriously as human. racial madness and the idea of carrying a child in the womb (genetically determined) has become such an absurd topic and rational way of thinking in western countries that only an emam zaman can treat it: extermination and forced sterilization. I am dealing with metaphysics, it will happen: worldwide birth defects
everything I experience in Vienna are reflections of the Second World War: we convince everyone of the evil of our enemy race. Austria means it seriously: the Iranian vmat2 native race is an enemy natural race.... he fucks whore propaganda in a city full of sadomasochistic clubs, swinger clubs and gay clubs. especially swinger clubs where there is wife and husband swapping, or gay clubs with illegal black prostitution from 200 euros for 30 minutes. who cares?
Freitag, 20. September 2024
in the mossad hierarchy there are autonomous cells that only want to kill me because of the grail, apart from my 38 projects, and that is because: your crime and death sentence is because you have taught your peers to recognize themselves and to take security measures. that is more or less how hebollah ayatollahs, CIA MI6 and other rabble tick, like the UNO
I have proven my lineage and biological origin a thousand times, as well as my abilities and what the world has called a myth and fairy tale until today. Vienna is planning total racial extermination and mass sterilisation for the next 50 years, the illegal money is intended to inspire ambition and motivate people to exterminate masses.
the black cyber torture financial capital has emerged from the mass extermination program, and it secures the future of the racial extermination program, millions of people can be bribed and paid. it is something that Austrian youth are also fanatically convinced of: the money, the system, the result: extinction of the enemy race, creation
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