Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2020

fucking dirty europe and mass murder in iran. a regional judge and international judge that says:that is not terrorism iran and fascism austria, then capital fascism put the judge's head like a pig in a bucket full of brown banknotes, smeared with shit. a european judge from anti-semitic networks. dirty genetic corrupt scum in uniform, neo-colonialist, asshole paracite, fucking blue eye and racial killer

jezebels rule the world. happy new year... when there are no more sheep, BIA will destroy the world with her jezebels. when there are no more whistleblowers

25% of austrian women, germany and parts of europe have a natural urge to kill the race, man, woman, child does not matter, torture, orders, and kill. these women also do cunning black propaganda and infect the remaining 40% with lies and staged the women of vienna influenced women in america. islam and sword have a meaning, it is the deeper metaphysics

آره ‏خلاصه ‏یدی ‏به ‏ابی ‏گفت؛ ‏ببین ‏این ‏چینگ ‏چناگ ‏هارو ‏جمع ‏کن ‏بریم، ‏اینجا ‏میموناش ‏دارن ‏یه جوری میشن، دارن مارو ‏میلرزونن، ‏خوبیت ‏نداره، ‏بلندشو بریم، خلاصه ‏رفتن ‏طالقان، ‏ ‏چونگ ‏هارو ‏هم گذاشتن ‏افغانستان

ببین ‏بچه ‏کونی، ‏منافق، ‏حزب ا‏لله، ‏سپاهی، ‏ما جادوگر ه‏ای ‏ایرانی حامی ‏عیسی ‏و ‏امام ‏علی ‏بودیم، ‏بی ‏ناموس ها

photo 2 minutes ago. most of them ask: where are the magic stones in iran !? one address is taleghan, the river and the forests

du türkische satanist du huren, du saudreck türke. a woman in a headscarf and burqa is a worse whore than the animals in vienna, the viennese mother is a muslim and her mother mecca haji, you whore in a headscarf and burka you satanist with a headscarf

rassen wahnsiniger, hundesohn, du abschaum du drecksau, du hundesohn österreich, du scheißdreck österreich du tier du bastard, du dreck du müll, du abschaum, es gibt türkische huren mit kopftücher, diese frauen beziehen seit 25 jahren sozialhilfe, was wolltest du von eine teppichhändlerin und musikerin? du affe du rassist du fashcist du hundesohn du abschaum

Austrian police secret service and politics says:we test iranain for DNA and genetics, if they are jews and regime opponents then we can treat these jews like 1938, it doesn't matter if they are muslim or christian, bahai or zoroaster. mossad, zionism and israel also earn money

european politicians kill daphne caruana galizia in malta, because of black money and exploitation of iran, why is nobody killing european chancellors and politicians to stop it !?because the stasi and secret camera action is the new oil field for politicians, iranian bloodline project europe

islamic government of iran says:we don't have any more oil, but enough jews in ahwaz khuzistan and kurdistan, sistan beluchistan, burns them with secret cameras and earns money. no austrians died because of hunger for 40 years, but hundreds of thousands of iranians. because of solidarity with ayatullah regime and racial madness from austrian animals.austrian, european neanderthal animals

Vienna has been waging this psychological war with the Amiri family, internationally since 2002.that's why i lost 16 professionsand all assets since 2003, through fraud, theft and manipulation in internet businesses

huanweiner, scheißdreckweiber, sauhund weiber, neonazi scheißdreck geburt weiber,

this is a symbolic action: elam luristan sistan baluchistan, kurdistan, ahwaz, abadan is hostility for us, we have been islamic republic of iran for you for 600 years

the country destroyed all my rights as a citizen in a 15 year terrorist action and the animal and dirt austria says we are like sudan we need money, we need the terror money from ayatullahs. you filthiest fascism since 1920

cheapest dirt and animals austria vienna, fucking shit ahrimanic monkeys

With a base salary of 917 euros, Vienna says:
we are like sudan and ethiopia we have no money, we have to do that, ayatullahs pay a lot, our children need money, we are poorer than sudan

mojataba khamenei and sebastian bastard kurz terror

hizbullah and viennese neo-nazi police want an open fight on the streets, no one shows the networks and stasi method from their cell phone with the hope of new material and money. mojtaba khamenei pays for poisoning of political activism

scheißdreck niedere rasse sagt zu sich selbst "herrenrasse" damit sie unschuldige familien und massen töten, scheißdreck niedere rasse

austrian neanderthals have been involved in the racial war for tens of thousands of years, 1938,Until today 2020, Austria also infected other countries in the fight, with hate propaganda

the third eye

austria plays khalkhali role in europe for my race, khalkhali and lajewardi alongside mojtaba khamenei

elams eye, the tribe in austria, native austrian

austria american, israeli fascism also works on facebook. I am blocked

the murdered children in vienna by SPÖ heinrich groß, called oriental resilience were luri/elami crossroads. the brains are still in glass and vienna laboratories.heinrich gross friend of michael häupl and franz vranitzky

falkonian elam and luristan, the child of black and white.

2 minutes ago, tablet photo, raw. elam spirit

first alexander burned persian knowledge and books, together with jews, then ahriman arabs, gypsies, moles in islam. how should people develop further in persia and the middle east without books

das ist kein arisches system, bagherrrrŕ art/bagher system, elami negro art, meine DNA und vorfahren, du arischer du, du heas du herremrasse du LOL scheißdreck komplexler, rassenmörder, genozide psychopath

racial genocide politics nazi austriathe little peppercorn from a village is ready to die for money along with the family, that is the high flight with capital.the peppercorn from the capital goes into politics and networks in order not to die. that is the vienna these differences have been undermined: as austrian citizens, peppercorns from the iranian village should be integrated into politics and networks, regardless of whether they die, we will take revenge

since 1979 the politics in iran have been: we raise children from villages and provinces, from gypsy families and emigrants. the ahrimanic capital system needs martyrs like ali hussein, amir, ashkan and rahim and the sons. azadeh. shams and amiri families, stasi criminals, suicides.For the state these are worthless pieces to continue intrigues worldwide

the austrian problem is:you are diamonds and creation, older than us, under a million there are 8000 gemialities, you spread as far as greece and the islands, 7 years of national socialism was not enough, we are still persecuting and chasing you today