Montag, 31. Januar 2022

tablet photo raw, cristal, stone, mirror. interstellar. native race the master race, the human. ancient viennese stone

wiener richter:, wir sind das recht neben die ayatullahs mit rana und zahra farahani. nach geheim kamera aktion, wir sind das recht. wir sind nicht weniger als ayatullahs gegen rasse und finanzprojekt

the future of iran has no chance without nationalism and racial doctrine. insofar as europe is the opposite pole and strategically wants to destroy everyone with ayatullahs. example front national and the networks europe america

left hand hero

آقا دارم فیلم سینمایی خروج رو نگاه میکنم، گفتم: یک چهارم سنگ های مارو عدل آبادی های اون زمان درست کردن. والا خیلی ادعا و پشتکار میخواد، داستانش هم بیشتر سر شهید پروری و مبارزه با اهریمن است

چطوری سرکار، زکی

آقا هوس فیلم پلیسی کردیم، زدم یوتیوب"بهترین فیلم پلیسی ایرانی" دنبال سامانه میگردم برینم به پلیس تهرون، نشستن مثل ابولقاسم ازکفر قاسم به جنده بازی پلیس اتریش مثل خنگ ها وکودن ها میخندن. میخندن و خوش و بش میکنن، بی ناموس

unjust state austria wants to say with ayatullah's dictatorship, with violence and illegality: you are not human and have no rights. there is a stasi system, violence, slavery and death. i say freedom for archeology and let's do gene and dna test you darwinist

it has reached Iran

the question is why this anti-democratic strategy and line with me and my family!?
A pattern repeats itself over and over again:
real estate and land prices are rising so high that austrians think i'm not human anymore, no car no house, i can't keep my tradition and culture and goal in life anymore. I am not a human. 3rd generation works in politics, secret service, police service and as a judge. it says you are human, barbad farahani and his family are not human. loot, plunder, buy house and car. it has reached Iran

samson and the state

antidemocratic strategy for 20 years: pays no rent, buys real estate at exorbitant prices and kills race and god genes

With this prosperity viennese police and viennese secret services want to commit lynching with vienna because of race trafficking, human trafficking and stasi money

Viennese police officers receive 10 euro meal tickets every day with a salary of 1400 to 3000 euros

healthy organic nutrition 3 meals with variety costs 5 euros per day in vienna, 3 meals. at 970 euros unemployment benefit. who needs money in vienna? that race and god gene should be destroyed for it

مادر جنده چپ

یک بسته فالافل اورگانیک برای 6 ساندویچ، 1.50 سنت، با حقوق بیکاری 970 یورویی، بعد زنیکه جنده میگه: زدنگی خراب کنید پول در بیاورید، سهم زندگی ما در وجود نژاد اینهاست، حق، ما بیشتر از اینهاست

آقا، امروز از مینا کمونیست سوال کنید کیر و فرونت چیست؟ میگه: ما حکمتیست ها نمایشگاه کوس در دانمارک و سوئد هم داشتیم از کیر نمیترسیم، شما هم کوس بگویید و کیر کنید ما نمیترسیم

lass leben, du zerstörst du abschaum., abschaum


this is austro and european psychopathy: nothing must remain but darwin's theory. Vienna is full of historical documents about creation

anti semitism and racism was never an issue among us, it started with indo germanic race and immigration. my grandmother was from hamedan and malayer and white, and my grandfather bagher black from elam

we are different our culture and tradition is different we are cohan, when did a persian nationalist said: sell native persians as slaves, except gypsies

mazdak gestapo and nationalist formation could not watch that in iran. emam ali was the final solution. shit safavie with vampires and divs dragon formation

blood money and: Susan shams has never had a salary over 1000 euros in the last 30 years, 300,000 euros buying a house in tehran is ruining 3 businesses with azadeh amiri, and i have the problem because of 10,000 euros for teeth, as an antiques dealer and another 16 professions

the alliance leftists, greens, right wing, right wing parties because of vmat2 annihilation, generated tens of thousands of mindless bastard users in dozens of thousands of chat rooms and networks, murderer army for anti vmat2 program

ancient race vienna, the idea: magic cup

I need certain mushrooms in the forest, frog blessing and water

at some point i'll make a tea out of the wood, i'm only missing three things for the mixture

family shams and amiri will eat blood money like animals, blood money like animals., susan shams and soroor shams, blood money

phenomenon, a gift 2 years ago in the forest. a piece of wood, natural formation, and evidence of viennese black magic against me

my sister bought the true

myron was human, you are monkey origin, probably elam semit gene and dna. elami and luris are old semites from europe

new world order and fascism: for vmat2 jews, black or white there is evidence only with kalashinkov, die or kill like myron may in america