Dienstag, 30. April 2024

I have to go to sleep, but even a poltergeist doesn't understand protecting assassins and azadeh amiri. 3 livelihoods ruined with state and social protection? a language trainer?

I have been a well-known face among the Iranian opposition since 2002, all of today's protesters because of rapper Toomaj are shouting die in my direction! because of money, punishment, prison and racial hatred

The fact is that we come from a country where minorities are persecuted, diminished and humiliated, what about us in Europe? 1% vmat2, god genes

آقا ما رفتیم شب برگردیم، خوارتون رو گاییدم با این انقلابیون و انقلاب، والا، عباس راننده نوشآفرین میموند و بی خیال افسانه میشد، ناصر هم شلنگ تختش رو میزد و ما هم میرفتیم راحت پی زندگیمون، آی خوارتون رو گاییدم انقلابیون

گرفتی؟ کون کردن اونور دردش بیشتره ها، به پهنا و درازا نیست، یه کیر دیگست، باید کون ابدی واسه گوهی که اینور خوردی بدی، توماج رو حالا اعدام کن تا بهت بیشتر بگم جریان چی میشه، بچه مردم رو چرا اعدام میکنی؟ ....

the VMAT2 spirit after death, after ruined life and change of fate

I write about a fit program and survival, or reaching the normal age of 120 and 500,000 Austrians planning my murder with 3 million Iranians. with slogan: short life but with a lot of money: vmat2 stasi system forever, we need money

I drink mint tea (not peppermint tea) and green tea with lime and a little apple vinegar, usually it drops 40 units within an hour like now

I don't understand why some people can imagine life without full meals, eating 5 times or 10 times is more fun

The device is great so that you can keep the values low without insulin injections or medication if you ration the eating units and only eat something when your glucose values are lower, but so that line 179 will not be exceeded. I haven't taken any medication or injected insulin for 15 days

این یعنی آدم حسابی... والا میرم پیش دکتر سوال میکنه: جریانت چیه؟ غذا نمیخوری؟ مگه گفتم گرسنگی بکش!؟ والا ما که همه چی میخوریم... چی میخواد بگه من نمیفهمم؟ یعنی گوه زیادی میخوری ولی غذا نمیخوری، یا چی؟

the meaning is innate talent, knowledge and science and envy

آقا امروز بیرون نمیرم، دارم برنامه نگاه میکنم، میگم این همه آدم علمی موفق در آمریکا داریم، این همه علامه‌زاده داریم بعد میزنن خاله مارو سه ماه بعد از دانشگاه و تکمیل تحصیلات میکشن، از سر کچل من و خواهرم هم دست بر نمیدارن. این تخم های باقر قدیمی اتمی بوده مثل اینکه

This is how my story began: Elami semit Mash Bagher, a cock in ass Aryan race and ROM, dirty son of the bitch Nazi blood

How does a stone produce an eye, how did it happen? and then the scene above with michael or gabriel or...

You understand, Indo-Pakistani society has killed masses in Iran, I therefore say Indo-Pakistani society because they never accept us as Iranian and humane. as new Iranians, they despise everything that is from old times, even artifacts, even old writings, even old documents . Iran archeology is infiltrated, manipulated and drawn into ridicule. even when translating old writings...

ترکمون شاشخالی رو ما سال ۲۰۰۲ زدیم در کونش پرتش کردیم اونور ببین ۲۰ سال پشت سر ما چکار داره میکنه با یک مشت فامیل کودن بی سواد بی ارزش بی خاصیت فقیر و عن تر از خودش: ما آدمیم ما ارزش داریم، مرگ این دو بچه هیچ ربطی به ما نداره. لول، میگم فصل بهار خوشگل ترم یا فصل زمستان؟

از ۱۴۰۰ سال پیش به اینور هم در ایران هیچ اتفاق خاصی نیفتاد، هیچ بنای گران قیمتی هم بوجود نیامد، ما رفتیم اسپانیا، مگه آدمید؟ امروز تو آدمی؟ تو عن خودت هی لول بخور... امروز هم پاسپورت اسپانیایی به ما بدن که شاید بدن غوغا میکنم، ستون فقرات اون جامعه میشم، آدم اون جامعه، میشم. مگه تو آدمی؟ کیر‌؛ ی عوضی

ضد اسلامیون بدانند، بی ناموس بودید، لر لجن بودید، لر آدم که دگر نبودید، ما هم با اعراب کیر هایمان را در دهان پدر هایمان کردیم و بعد رفتیم اسپانیا هالیدی پیشه بونیتا چیکیتای لولیتا... جاکشید دیگه آدم نیستید، ما عن داریم پدر نداریم همه هم چسبیدید به عن، آخوند خارکوسده

These projects were individually spontaneous and ambitious against murder programs and racial extermination. mineral stones with crystal and without crystal. Searched and found individually in the mineral stone shop and online shop

Montag, 29. April 2024

I've been writing for 7 years, this sterilization murder financial system is only used against VMAT2 in the West with suspicion of schizophrenia, the voice! As in the Soviet Union, all relatives and family members will be bought; those who cannot be bought will be eliminated from society

I've been posting this photo for 4 years, a successful project with a crystal in water, a stone and the silver mirror, Smartphone Photo. the reaction of the last 4 years: you're a crazy person with hallucinations, a schizopheric with delusions, we don't see anything.The grinning and laughing of people who pass me by has this goal: you are inferiorly ridiculous, you are nothing. This psychological war is taught by organizers to Stasi agents like Azadeh, Ali Gharib and her family, Iranian Turks, Arabs and Austrians, and they distribute it in society: behave as if he were a crazy paranoid with hallucinations

Even if I show the Grail event 100 times, namely the shaman's head cat and bird, the police beg society a thousand times: please don't pay attention to the Grail, remain untouched and show nothing. This is a psychological war because of hundreds of millions of euros of torture and a genocidal economy. For seven years all women have refused contact with me, no contact whatsoever, no one wants to become a target and a whore, every woman that approaches me will be insulted as a whore or will be targeted as such

Sonntag, 28. April 2024

Cyber torture with non-stop cameras is sterilization politics and Stasi economics, it means genocide. The European police can't complain: everything is gone, we can't prove anything, that's an announcement of race war, that means war against race in Europe

آقا ما بریم، ولی میگم لاشی حاضری یه دست نداشته باشی ولی مثل من مریض بشی؟ لجن، مخفی، کونی

What medication for compulsory admissions? the line is not very far from corona vaccination, am I right?

I keep saying: the Jew was never the target, the gene was the target. genetic research 2002

It is an EU and Austrian state that pays 5 million to the father and several hundred thousand to relatives so that vmat2 schizophrenia becomes a wreck, paranoid psychotic and suicide case

There are certain characters in Iran where we have certain names for these people: pire say: old dog or pirekeftar: someone who causes bad things or murder through rumors. 1979 revolution generation and 1968s intellegenzia. sick animal: why do you have a hard cock and I no longer have any blood in my cock

گریگوری در پیتی تو نبودی میگفتی قندش بالاست ولش کنید بزودی میمیره سند هم لازم نیست؟ ما مشکل ساز نشیم بهتره!؟ از دختره ایدز هم گرفته کارش تمومه!؟، پول به درد ما میخوره نه به درد این!؟ زندگی بدنو انسولین، کیر شق بدون ویاگرا، پیر سگ های مادر قحبه، پیر کفتار های ۵۷تی جاکش، پیر سگ، مادر جنده های روانی