Dienstag, 31. Mai 2022

the grandiose barbad farahani collects stones with eyes and understanding that few have (there are not many normal people left) and calls forth things that no one has seen. fick dich nazi affe

Do you understand, just because of my person and my presence, satanism dictatorship vienna made carla black matter. something that worked normally for 25 years

everything lying around in austria, no matter where in austria, is a logistical task. what is carla!?

austrians have heavy heads, they never had elami god genes, or they had some, but didn't see any elami work, acient logistics

I've been there for 8 hours several times since October and observe everything and I've observed imports and exports. the logistics are corrupt. today as well

carla and caritas are not working properly like the last 25 years since i've been there corruption and donations valuables are illegally withheld and secretly reserved

Viennese women and men, laughing in the streets of Vienna in front of our faces, because of the ruin of 3 shops and a music career, with Iranian. alahoakbar ya hagh

Montag, 30. Mai 2022

Official is official, in the state or UNO and amnesty Organisations . personal opinion of these people: we have vmat to sacrifice for prosperity. these mafia people are only worth eating, fucking and shitting. only that, and for that they have a salary.

after proven theft from my mother in 2002, with vienna judge, Nasser farahani publicly collaborates with ayatullahs and ahmadinejad today, bilderberg intrigue: vmat annihilation. with stasi protocols and techniques: own relatives

for the police, secret services, state authorities only money is important, only money. that's why holocaust and hospital murder, poisoning, gas chamber holocaust is possible in the 21st century, this time naturaldeath global

this is behrouz sayahpour, ali gharib team in vienna for 35 years. cia and bilderberg mafia with faymann. ahmadinejad team

bilderberg conference, statement: vmat is sick, it is a virus worldwide. because of: evolution monkey and creation!?

holocaust fake material with double and actor is murder for money.......... vmat killer wien, bilderberg besucher mit SPÖ., heinrich gross vmat mörder, BSA. vmat massenmordplan global

my fatty liver damage because of the 10 years of insulin poisoning has healed again, but this family is from the lowest strata of society, foreigners, pragerstrasse workers' apartment, 21st district. these people and their tribes are killers because of the stasi millions, killer you dirty shit second republic, killer with whole tribe

unter der mauern wien: zauber. wellenreiten ist zauber. herkunft und blut

all civil servants, politicians and judges are a glass of water inferior, it calls itself the state of austria and the "second republic"

surfboard holocaust

life is terrible, one swims in a swimming pool, one next to his yacht in the ocean.
and someone wets himself with a glass of water and thinks he's swimming. the problem is the glass of water man. that next to the swing pool sits that has no courage to swim in it, he has no testicles. the swimmer in swimingpool uses the man to get to ocean. And then I'm someone with a surfboard, the yacht owner is only afraid of the surfboard, not of the swimming pool and the glass of water

österreicher sind nazi holocaust hurenkinder mit fake material

burn the children and pregnant women if something happens to us: innocent people, burn the animal future austria if something happens to us, we were destroyed with fake material and hundreds of millions of stasi camera action money. burn the mother fucker animals. we are innocent 

all this happens in vienna because global vmat mass murder target in balkan war was covered up, just by UN vienna and international authorities, christians and muslim vmat children and women. kurt waldheim

the world has a problem, after 6 million vmat murders, scum race won't leave vmat alone. even hospital doctors won't leave vmat alone, globally with UNO

2002 war ich 27 und heute bin ich 47 und gesindel lässt mich nicht in ruhe, wiener gesindel, staatsbeamten, oberschicht und die nazi netzwerke, gesindel abschaum wiener, drecksau herkunft fleisch und blut

du oarsch gesindel österreicher du, ayatullah freund, mörder bastardrasse. scheiß gesindel herkunft

herr und frau richter, waren sie mit bolizei und hansi franzi geheimdienstler an abdolrahman ghassemloo mord beteiligt!? jude und armenier sind wir in iran viele. a antwort gibts a net wegen ghassemloo jude. du oarsch gesindel österreicher du

Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022

مادرتون روگائیدم که راه شیره، تریاک شیشه رو به ما بستین، ما نتونیم برای داداش های اونور در رو باز کنیم، که نتونیم یه پله بریم بالا تر که دستمون به دستگیره در برسه. خوارتون رومن گائیدم. ما رفتیم 4 ساعت دیگه برگردیم

interstellar, old friends, falcon buzzard and goat. emam zaman soldier. tablet photo, raw

I'm normal, completely normal. I'm human. since thousands of years. what I can do is human

mother courage is busy in UNO (bertolt brecht), it works worse than in 1932. for 60 years, worse than before

first starts with UN soldiers, then with UN employees, the vmat killer globally, like in the Balkan war

everyone wait until hezbollah and the police kill me, because of the reason: international claims for damages, 300 million euros. including cia nsa and america israel

the iranian government and the austrian government produced fake material for the lynching, pictures and videos, viennese journalism does not write. because of international action