Mittwoch, 30. August 2023

Good morning, I have to go now, to all the bald ones: today I shaved my head again, or at least what was left to wait. a head with honor doesn't keep a hair on its head, honor is the good connection to jedi knight, the antenna works better without hair, hair is just a parasite that disturbs the wave flow. my bald head is an honor, i'm proud of it

I have to go to bed, but what was called rubbish in the 20th century can also be called rubbish in the 21st century, fascism in official clothing, unnecessary and replaceable at any time. Nothing that counts as special or extraordinary, nazi rubbish in official uniform

we see nothing has a specific reason: we want to keep the NS re-activation course, we want to build up our lives through vmat torture, humiliation and vmat2 existenz ruin. vienna has reopened pandora's box

star wars had addicted fans, all in euphoria and also in trauma: it can't be that something like that doesn't exist, something has to be there. well people: shi khamia tia, samu tokitishba. so it said hello to me

bobo knows everything, when are you coming bobo?

do you see that? dozens of human rights violations should be reported and the filth reads every day and also says every day: what can you do that we can't? well, I'll conjure up the right bobo, you bimbo. or do you think you are bobo? you bimbo

are you jews armenians dna and vmat2? then shit happens

I saw a john lennon fanatic guy in the supermarket today, around 27 years old, he also had an asian girlfriend next to him LOL, he kept looking at me and probably he was saying: we all know our azadeh, you were the asshole and she one of us! he probably meant: 0815 and nothing!
we are all at risk because of these john lenon fanatics, leftists, greens, environmentalists, alternative groups, social democrats, and center left movement: the salvador allende fanatics and freemasons. see: worse than pinochet fucks me, a native iranian and they say bravo.

the price for this metaphysics photo, plus 67 follow-up photos for a script costs several million euros, photo maker barbad farahani, the persian, fucked by the nazis and anti-semitic eugenics fascists

inferior race:

the third opening of the box is: we have inferior iranians in vienna as citizens for cyber torture business and homicide: luri elami race, jews armenians race. barbad farahani, rana and the mother

This ruining and killing is Pandora's box, again in Vienna like the first and second world wars, racial mass murder

what was opened by this team of three is good luck for our breed. This is the equivalent of Pandora's box, go out of your apartment in Iran and look under every stone, there is enough for everyone: GOLD. Make your way to valleys, forests, rivers and caves where your heart's feelings lead you

this is the new vienna with the help of all human rights organizations, UNO, and international authorities with international judges: WE WILL GENETICALLY CHECK ALL OWNERS OF RETAIL SHOPS AND IF WE DON'T LIKE IT THE OWNER WILL BE BOYKOTED AND RUINED

unfortunately a bit blurry with a smartphone camera, but the message is: one of three Austrian secret services has a murder and terror plan, it is the SPÖ secret service,This terror action should be blamed on ayatollahs or Austrofascism sects or capital fascism and capitalists, but not on the SPÖ and leftists and the green party

Dienstag, 29. August 2023

حافظ هم زبان پدریش این بود ها: آخه مادر جنده اجنبی کوسکش، مادر کونی خوب حالا بیا این رو بخون چوس نژاد عن ننه

I have to go, but this statement under exiliranian and opposition is a fact: they murder every race and ethnic group in iran, only with this one and his family do we all benefit, billions have been collected for 24 years. what's the problem three fewer in hundreds thousand?

maybe i actually do it: i give other worlds an insight into this earth, in 1920 nobody was there, or was there and had forgotten the old knowledge to do something. in my home country thousands are still being murdered, and the only one who knows what to do is behrooz vosooghi: i hug urshalim reza pakhlavi

around 1980, discussion about political islam became established in the west.The whole concept and philosophy and story became a weekly topic in media worldwide. the goal was ali shariati and his peers in the islamic world. not the muftis, ayatullahs or hezbolah, or osama or albaghdadi and others

An Attention to Louvre Museum and Iran Archaeology. we always had and still have political opinions.

on the photos below you can see an oriental on the right side and 4 on the other side,the balls connection is a puzzle, the bridge., why? I have been using chinese meditation sound balls for a week. turn and turn and then the bang: doonnnnggggg

تا نباشد چیزکی مردم نبندند شیشکی

we decide for the world: we don't want this race from the orient and iran, society is in agreement with us. we decide statement and why society says nothing is therefore: society is 100 percent dependent on the shitty system, whatever branch of service, care or help, hospital. also in terms of job and career

بیا عبدل کس خرنه سازمان اطلاعات ایران هم الان میگه: تو کدوم حماسه هستی ما پیدات میکنیم، بهمون میگی کدوم حماسه. لول.. ببین بیلاخ به او شیشکی پشتش توووو، ای کونی، جاکش عوضی دوزاری: تا نباشد چیزکی مردم نبندند شیشکی... خارکوسده عوضی

حماسه ای ها

آقا زمانی که ما مغازه نشسته بودیم، کار به بچه های علی دشتی و حماسه رشتی و سیاه کلی نداشتیم، به جون تو، یکبار سر سالگرد سیاهکل میخواستم افتخاری سرود سراومد زمستون رو به جای نی لبک با جاز ترومپت بزنم، دیدم بیخیال بابا، اینها به این مدرنیته هم میگن از بیخ خیطه، سر این آیدی جازمن هم مشکل داشتن: تو چرا ابولحسن قادری رو رد میکنی و میگی به خودت جازمن، یه ریگی تو کفشت هست.. اول موضع خودت رو مشخص کن، من جاز منم یعنی چی؟ بهرحال به کیرم چپ سنتی، دیدی خودت خارکوسده ای با توده ای و اکثریتی... دیدی حالا جاکش برده سرمایه داری... منم همون جازمن ارتجاعی... لول

in that sense there never were gods, there is only one god, but the visitors were always worshiped as divine beings by some sects.. do you know what the ridiculous thing is? that creatures and deformities of nature appropriate billions to present themselves as gods: we make the decisions in this world, who else should? I say you are just ants, even with several tens of billions. so cheap that a 1800 euro salary accountant rahim should take away your fears: kill him rahim kill him for us, he ist dangerous

I never annoy with questions: who are you or where are you from, I feel warmth and radiate warmth back and say: thank you for being here

we, my mother sister and i will not be left alone in vienna because of our ethnic origin, elam and luristan crossing plus vmat2. we are under constant surveillance espionage multi-stalking and persecution by illegal secret cameras, both governments, nazi state of austria and islamic fascist republic iran are supported by UN and international authorities and amnesty international, and all have made hide evidence and evidence suppression their top privilege, because of billions of euros in race trade revenue

what happened in iran in the last 40 years: the number of asghar farhadis quadrupled, and the number of Fereydoon Farokhzad race has been reduced more than 50%

islamic republic of iran is supported by the UNO psychopathy after 45 years of mass murder, austria with mauthausen history is supported by the UNO psychopathy, all luciferian states are supported by the UNO, and then it says: we don't have a vmat2 mass murder plan with a financial plan and economic strategy