Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2024

all my daily texts have a cause: depression, sociophobia, paranoia and isolation sterilization techniques. caused by 25 years of constant Stasi system. but positivized legal philosophy; international law and human rights are even known to 19 year old interns in international human rights authorities buildings. does it make sense if I give a speech on YouTube for 5 hours?

all western authorities of whatever position or organization political direction or UNO, international courts warn: do not dig for money from amiri and shams clan! the whole thing has the main reason: Heyate Marg in the west and MASS MURDER of Iranian vmat2 race

ما بریم تا شب، ایرانی خارج از کشور سر نترس داره، معنی داره چرا! برای همین میگم هیئت مرگ و کشتار دسته جمعی

We came to Vienna in 1986 with nothing, only 18 years of work experience from my mother as an investment, from 1998 to 2006 the Iranians and the Vienna police destroyed us with a million Euro existence, burned down to the foundations and pillars of our existence with secret cameras

This campaign started in 1998 with this intention and motivation: native Iranians have more Jewish blood than Armenians. So Jewish

Do you know how often things were stolen from our apartment and the father accused us two? 17 times cash disappeared from the apartment. I brought the company 80,000 to 200,000 euros annually and he accused us

In 1998, Azadeh Amiri stole my keys for propaganda and hate campaign: the sister has a grand piano for 12,000 euros and they have paintings for 20,000 euros in their rooms, these Jews

ما بریم تا شب، ایرانی خارج از کشور سر نترس داره، معنی داره چرا! برای همین میگم هیئت مرگ و کشتار دسته جمعی

شما اگر پولهایی که دختر های ایران و پسرهای ایرانی از این راه در آوردن بکشید بیرون، میفهمید هیئت مرگ خارج از کشور یعنی چی، ببینید با خواهر مادر من چکار کردن که به پول رسیدن، مگه الکی میگم هیئت مرگ؟ این سیستم فناوری شده سیستم کشتار دسته جمعیست

این هارو ردیف میبینید؟ بیشرف تر و کثیف تر و بی نهایت بیشرم تر از هیئت مرگ ۱۶۶۳ این چهارنفر هستن، بی نهایت جنایتکار تر و پست فطرت تر... بی نهایت بی شرم تر. خواهر مارو دیده، مادر مارو دیده، برخورد هارو میبینه، میگه: خوب حالا مگه چی شده؟ میخونه هر روز نوشتم چی شده، میخونه، ولی باز میگه: مگه چی شده؟ هار هارهار

حالا برید پیدا کنید رابطه گروهک های چپ نمای وین رو و پروین خانم و فرخ نگهدار و دارو دسته چریک های فدایی در سوئد و هلند و لندن و آمریکا و غیره. همه شریک جرم قتل نژادی و دست جمعی از دهه شصت تا به امروز

بچه های فدایی پروین خانم جون رو میشناسن دیگه!؟ پانزده سال پیش با یه پا سر میز مذاکره با خاتمی بود، با یه پا دیگه تو پارلمان هلند، سوال که میکنی ده میلیون یورو که از پارلمان گرفتید جریانش چی شد، میگه: رادیو زمانه... لول شاشیدم به اونجا ننه همتون

بادمجان جا افتاده قیمه نذری خیلی میچسبه، یه پدیده است، از بالا شهر هم بچه پولدارها هم با کاسه گدایی میان جلو. والا اینهمه پول داره، اینهمه آشپز اینهمه رستوران، طرف با کاسه میاد تو صف قیمه نذری وای میسه... این سیستم وین سیستم کوسکش هاست یا یک عالمه لاشخور و کاسه گدایی

آقا بادمجان رو پوست بکن، قارچش کن، هر کار خواستی بکن ولی رسوا نمیشه، مگه اینکه درشتش رو پرت کنی تو دیگ قیمه، اصلا یه وضعیتی میشه جریانش، آقا دیشب قیمه بادمجان خوردیم قبلش گفتم بیین بادمجان من چاکر هرچی علیل و ذلیل، جون باری قند مارو یه امشب نبر بالا تو رسوا من رسوا...... خیلی میخوام بخورم، خیلی هم خوردم ولی دیالوگ دیشب سرش به تنش میرسید.. شاعر میگه: تو رسوایی و من...

CIA controls every Iranian abroad for Iranian regime and Nazi Austria, maintaining disenfranchisement system means maintaining bounty system and ethnic cleansing with sterilization

I have to go. My best option is a smartphone but better than this quality is not possible

In Persian poetry you find a lot about relationships, to whom is the poet writing, to whom is he addressing, what relationship the poet has with God is always clear, but then you realize there are other relationships

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

...آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، نظامی میگه: با اینکه سخن به لطف آب است... کم گفتن هر سخن صواب است

I am from Luristan and Elam and will turn the grail in a few minutes. The message is: do it like Cambyses, only with armor and heavy armament

I have to go and take photos, i will sort some and post them tomorrow, but one of the reasons why i split from stopthebomb like a flash and left simone dinah hartmann behind without saying goodbye was this woman! she was introduced to me by simone as a fighter against the regime and a friend of israel. my last words were, kurac she is a fighter. jebem ti majku. Good night

takes the Iranian passport of dual citizens, the people travel to Iran and carry out racial murder orders for CIA EUROPE AND AMERICA...

State secret cameras and espionage/stalking against businessmen, shop, trade license is disenfranchisement and Jewish boycott system

Disenfranchisement is fascism against businessman, shop, and license

Only Iranian gypsy descent works for CIA and European American fascism, with justification and glorification: native iranian are mostly jews blood and not human. we are aryan. Actual iranian Gypsy Nazi movements Vienna

25 years working for Nazi Austria against three native Iranian, mother daughter son is proof enough: bloody hostility against us

I was never a racist, fascist or anti-ethnic, but for years I have been waiting until I see this face in front of me and he or she makes a wrong move, one face among many, same origin as Ali and Huseein Gharib from Ghazvin gypsy village, Rahim Amiri and Azadeh Amiri Domari origin or Ashkan Keyhan Rad Amir Shirazi and others. One wrong move. Mass murder, torture, espionage, poisoning and cyber torture has a specific origin in Iran, all these tribes work for Americans, for CIA and European fascists, with the justification we are Aryan, you are Jews

Since 1998, they have destroyed and burned the lives of two Iranian teenagers, both of whom come from a country where people are killed every day, while the fascists complain: to claim that Europe and America are the ones who commissioned mass murder in Iran is a criminal offense and an insult.

I will take up to 500 photos today, but: American eugenics fascism had the Islamic Republic of Iran as a slave, as a harem lady and whore for 45 years. The ayatollahs always showed themselves from the best position, bent over and with their holes oiled.

رپته سیرابی شیردون

It has never been discussed: why does the hijacker see the building's inhabitants as garbage? It is different from discussing the Holocaust or National Socialism. It is about morality, who is evil? Mass murderers, mass murder helpers, race dealers or the attacker?