Montag, 28. Dezember 2020

der wiener nazisau schwein, die faschistin sagt: wir haben weltweit juden vernichtet, wir habe deren existenz ruiniert und alle möglichkeiten ausgeschöpft, niemand hat sich beschwert. und ich sage 500 von euch am schwedenplatz sind zu wenig, 500 nazi fotze faschistinnen . scheißdreck hassmensch, nazi massenmörder . du ali ali hizbullah ali gesellschaft

هرچه که خوار آید روزی به کار آید

the deep psychopathy of the viennese and austrians was so deep in kefalonia and greek islands that 5000 italian soldiers died for it.the paranormal pig and dog shouldn't be proven

die wiener ali ali gesellschaft, ali ali hat den schlüssel für uns, ali ali wiener gesellschaft du scheißdreck psychopath

i take several photos of a scene, the pairing with jezebel man or woman is the worst thing that can happen for a society, children of divorce. psychopatic father or mother, the neurological clinics are full

des sand ma, wir perser, da hintere, des da vurn bist, du, du herrenrase du du massenmörder du

، قحبه های کوس مادر، سومکا کوس ننه میمون نژاد واسه گوزن ۵۰۰.۰۰۰ ساله فاشیست بازی راه انداخته، به کوس اون میمون من ریدم کوسکش مادر های اهریمنی مادر جنده

whoever trades with the elami jewish race after 80 years of national socialism is an animal and a bastard

ریدم به کوس ننه هرچی مادر جنده، شاشیدم به کوس ننه هرکسی که با نژاد پرست و فاشیست سر نژاد کاسبی داره، مادر کونده های هیچی ندار شاشخالی

edelweiss the rubbish container birth, psychopath and mass murderer from kefalonia, murderer of my race, elami race sits today in vienna in the army intelligence service, the police, on the judge's seat and in political parties, against an innocent family without criminal file between 1986-2020. Garbage container birth of the third generation

Time window to old Vienna, where I am sitting there was a pyramid terrace

el comandante and persian magician and king against ahriman and his anunnakis

the massacre on kefalonia and greek islands was because of this: austrians were looking for the old race, it had nothing to do with religion. just like today against my family with israeli fascists

today muslim against shaytan or ahriman, iblis

the old race abhor slavery, god genes don't allow it, god has forbidden it, whoever stands sneaky on a street corneruntil a mother goes out of her home to install cameras for slavery !?

Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2020

quack quack

prophet jeroboams war and conflict was persian god gene line and the mixed manipulated line, such as:6 million in concentration camps and 150,000 in hitler's iran has the same problem with anti-semitism with the jewish lobby. the difference is: we are only muslim, christian, zaratoism today

political engagement and activism by jewish lobby america, europe israel is limited to atomic programs, for one reason:after the liberation of iran, and after ayatullahs, iranian nationalists and ahura mazdans are not allowed to own an atom bomb.mine was:freedom, human rights, and armed freedom struggle.

israeli stopthebomb and judas, betrayal and money, in 2002 i organized political events and organized up to 300 users a day, also in vienna. From 2009 STOPthebomb showed solidarity with me, only because of one topic:money. this is an action by me in front of parliament, one of them, the stasi finance project formed this group with state agent azadeh to stalkers and money-makers my sister have black diamonds? hey gestapo how about a looting with national socialist sumka hizbullah and iranian?

Whoever makes a criminal report after 20 years of terror and the Stasi decomposition method is a fraud, and whoever wants to do a looting model 1938 with hizbullah and ayatullahs is a suicide

the diamond selector is in excellent condition

yesterday i saw a porsche, 160,000 euro piece, i recognized the woman at the next seat, she owns 5 houses like the amiri family, no one asks where the money comes from. who wants to know from my sister where she bought this stone 5 years ago !?

michael häupl and his pirate and thief gang say:we do not respond to illegal stasi financial projects and terrorism, should azadeh and further 15 die, we have to eat beluga caviar every day.your son won't see any more caviar you russian mafia ötzi


آقا چند هفته پیش رفتم منطقه یک بینم یارو تروریسته کی رو کشته، چقدر شمع روشن کردن اینجا، داشتم نگاه میکردم، دیدم؛ اه، یکی مثل گربه نره خودش رو داره هی میکشه جلوو میلنگه. هنو هن هم میزنه، دیدم اه، اینکه ناپدر منه، طاقت نیاوردم، بلند گفتم؛ نمیری! بعد دیدم برگشت غیض کرد مثل ژپتو به پینوکیو نگاه کرد، گفتم برو گربه نره، ژپتو بازی در نیار، پینوکیو نا پسر نا دخترت هستن 

آقا مواد غذایی این ژن باید طبیعی باشه، ریدن تو کاسه مردم رفته، راستی آقا مجتبی با لاریجانیها چجوری پولدار شدن!؟

the psychopathy and sadism says:he will stay young until 60 and his black hair will stay, then it is said we are weaker genetics and race. if he does lifting from the age of 60 then we become even weaker

Austria is the notorious mother and sister of lies, Germany is the father. Both are decisive in world politics, as in the first and second world wars

there are a number of children and grandchildren, ‏descendants of old fascism, ‏who became rich through jewish gold teeth second world war. ‏they call themselves the secret national socialist world government, ‏stalker, ‏killer and stasi finance project animals against race, ‏they transform society into paparazzis for establishing racial murder, ‏mojtaba khamenei and his friend in iran are the second pillar of power in did mojtaba get rich ‎!?

at a depth of 20 meters you can find mossadegh, and a conflict with young prince