Mittwoch, 27. April 2022

der mörder von fereydoon farokhzad war ein sebastian kurz in deutschland mit diese bastarde

deutschland/wien, fereydoon farokhzad war wichtiger als mina ahadi oder hamid taghvaei!? madarsag madarjendeh

all about jews race, the root race

he turns ali gharib, a boxer and kebab seller to klitschko for iran. anti native race and anti vmat2 nationalism. with financial advantage

forbidden politics is the sound tone and voice,

آقا دیشب داشتم پوکر بازی میکردم، چندی گذشت و دوتا بیبی دستمون اومد، دیدم همه رفتن بیرون یکی داره هی ریس میزنه، ریس میزنه، ریس میزنه، گفتم خارکوسده تا شوهر خواهر ما نشی ول نمیکنی. خلاصه کنارش داشتم کنسرت تتلو گوش میکردم، در همین لحضه ها یک دفعه یک دختر از وسط جمعیت داد زد: امیر من خوارکوسدم، خوارکوسدتم. من کیرم. آقا رفتم آلین و زارت بردم. خلاصه جریان متافیزیک یعنی این.

a nuclear attack on vienna is still the right thing to do today, the cause of war with antichrist, antichrist at 14 years old in politics

the animals in vienna burn with secret cameras human, existence, and the shitty americans just like yesterday: we're behind you up to the limit of 6 million, then we march in and drink a glass of wine together

wiener sind und waren gefährliche affen

the evil of this world was vienna for centuries, and fucking america throws atomic bombs on hiroshima, charlatans and fraudsters, bastard europeans in america.

heinrich was an inferior bastard monkey like michael heinz, alexander, KURT WALDHEIM and franz, but look what the masses are doing: we are monkeys but we will make others into inferior monkeys with poison and secret cameras

since 1946 BSA has been working on neuro poisone, until 2005 with heinrich gross to dampen supernatural, in doing so, intellect and intelligence and memory will be greatly reduced by the poison.. but spirituality in deep sleep and intoxication in drug intoxication cannot be destroyed. this is metaphysics, chemistry and biology is useless

walking on water is a 30-year development of the brain and body.meditate diet and exercise is the main theme. but jesus said: if you are 20% like me and can do some things, then you have full potential too, but let it go, we are all human

the jew has a conflict with himself, or let's say the black magicians that call themselves jews: jesus said: ahriman commanded kill the goat, ahriman. because isaac is not a vmat. therefore 80% have become Christians.

crazy dog system, iran/austria

only because of this one video i had death sentence, iranians wanted to do it, austria and UNO uno made it to naszi stasi finanz business

the police put me (a political activist and businessman, vmat2) into the lynching system because the deal is worse than a ton of heroin deal

barbad farahani, 2010

Dienstag, 26. April 2022

fascism you are evolution, you are ape, leave race, ethnic group and the world alone, bastard vienna berlin, paris, washington, you are ape leave us alone bastard origin

abschaum tier österreicher will sich als mensch präsentieren: wir sind mensch, wir dürfen juden töten mit hizbullah und cia. abschaum tier mit 24 und polizeibeamter, tiere, minderwertige rasse, abschaum evolution und tier herkunft, wiener polizei

wiener polizei: wir sind wieder mensch, wir können mit cia nsa und hezbollah juden töten

viennese police are killers with cia and hezbollah, but when!? when everyone has forgotten everything because of money. is vienna race killer!? then die vienna in terror

austria has gene policy with secret cameras and doesn't want to stop, all have been introduced into the financial system for vmat2 racial persecution, persecution of ethnic groups and minorities, old race

scheiß kiwaara du östrreicher, a virus wird bald wieder kuman, ondars, und i zaig eich den leberwurst, wer a leberwurst ist. nazi abfall, nazi müll

no matter what you say, say arab, say jew, negro, redskin, sly eye. we are human and old, you new and psychopath

seit 1946 arbeiten alle gross parteien gegen gene rasse und ethnien mit BSA. die knochen liegen unter wiener erde. huankind bastarde, scheiß drecksau richter akademiker wissenschaftler und ärzte. millionen jahre alte knochen und technologie. hundesohn scheiß drecksau

prophet muhammad emam ali abuzar hazrat abbas imam hussein, emam hassan all that were in solidarity with iranians were old, karbala war was because of holy water and hands. all other gypsies and roman mercenaries, the opponents. shame on islamic world because of fake documents. jews and europe intrique

این رو ببین، کیر عرب توکوس ننه هرچی آریایی مثل رحیم و علی و حسین، حزب توده وسازمان اکثریت، تو کوس ننه هر چی شاهی مادرکوسده

آقا ما بریم پوکر بازی کنیم روزی 500 یورو ببریم و روزی 500 یورو هم عتیقه بخریم میزنن مارو میکشن، آخه مادر قحبه های گائیده شده 40 ساله، هر روز مثل سگ به سایت صاحبتون نگاه میکنی که چی، که ببری؟ بیا ببر. کار بلدی؟ یاد گرفتی!؟ بیا این کیر من. نوک تیز باید بری توش

austrian and iranian feminism scum animals: ali khamenei show us opponents, successful men and we suck, we blow. jendeh kosu feminist an irani, kos lashi jendeh an irani wien