Montag, 21. November 2022

can a butterfly create a natural disaster?, or the baba with a glass of water from a pitcher? after 26 turns

vienna left us debts, 180,000 and 35,000, vienna won't give us an apartment and wants to plunder rana, exploit her savings, vienna wants 9/11. animals want charlie hebdo case, viennese journalists animal want to say: we are animals1932

because of antisemitism and fascism and financial project with race, ethnicity and vmat2 police officers and judges and prosecutors should be dismissed. official fascism against innocent mother and daughter dismissed. fuck you blond blue eye nazi monkey

I'll leave it here until tomorrow, international judges, public prosecutors and all human rights organizations read it too, actually more animals than Vienna in human rights costumes

between 1989 and 2009 i cost this dirty state zero euros, never asked for anything, i was never registered as unemployed, never asked for money or an apartment. zero cents was my cost for this state for 20 years. I've been looking for work since 2009, never got a job, like today: the state doesn't have a small apartment for you, jews armenians never get a job and apartment on this ground. fucking animal SPÖ/ÖVP, dirty fucking evolution animals

austrian government and 60,000 civil servants 80 years after national socialism: we are dirty cheap scum and dirt, because of our origin, our behavior is because of our origin, monkey. you were humane, we were monkeys

I want to open a gate to other dimensions, not for crossing but for information exchange, half-proven, because nobody knows the language. for this i have to build a device with hydrogen and holy minerals and holy water, that is my value of existence

that was always and is and will be: of unnatural origin, scum race, lower beings and an animal, animals, animal origin and genes manipulated shitty body and brain, today still in collectives in vienna and europe, european scum race genes and dna, scum animals and dirtiest being and existence, dirtiest animal existence

Sonntag, 20. November 2022

we have been citizens since 1992, earning money through EU citizens with stasi camera State violence is fascism

I have to go out, I'll be back in the afternoon, I'm going for a walk in a city of animals, nobody has done anything against the old breed and vmat2, or because of money and prosperity

these historical signs have an origin, stones with natural formation and phenomena from vienna, only in iran do these tribal signs exist as art and artifacts, not in israel or saudi arabia. but in persia and europe, stop killing us with israel/america and arabs, the islamic government is just a lackey and murder machine for israel and america, for europe and vienna as an animal and 2nd national socialism against the old race

2000 years ago I would have been described as a great magician and worshiped in Cyrus the great palace, today say the genetically modified human and culture:with this coincidence and luck you should play lotto, euromillion lottery. every click a scene has potential for millions of euros

no government, agency or authority can produce a certificate that you are a worthwhile being or not, the confirmation comes from the other side and dimension, here the authorities of whatever rank are worthless. insofar as only badgene, egogene satanism genes and shit genes are chosen as elite and mangment

who can find this mystical child in mythology? bad tablet photo, that good cameras cost from 35,000 to 80,000 euros is ahrimanic, with this vmat2 suppression and dumping: we earn billions and give you 970 euros pension

Panlong Dragons played an important role in Chinese mythology. They were often bound to the elements. Panlong were the water dragons, believed to inhabit the waters of the entire Orient (the Near, Middle and Far East).

Panlong Dragons played an important role in Chinese mythology. They were often bound to the elements. Panlong were the water dragons, believed to inhabit the waters of the entire Orient (the Near, Middle and Far East). tablet camera, grail, silver and glas ball

millions of people read this website and only readers from france are shown as statistics. my page is displayed live on other portals, and the statistics are stolen. advertising circuits is also money, my site is free without financial interest

everyday reader,do you want to learn new methods? lolput a tibetan singing bowl on the table, pour special mineral water in it, then you need a tibetan prayer wheel, spin it and pray, do you know tibetan magic spells? in any case, meditate with water for half an hour and pray, after half an hour put a wooden stick, like an ice wooden stick, in the water, make sure that it is horizontal in the middle and put it in the freezer. wait 3 hours and then take out the shell. if you manage to get the ice ball out without damaging it, then you see a dragon in the ice, then you know: you were worth it

we are confronted with this: europe's police judges politicians, authorities, american authorities and officials drag society into vmat2 stasi torture financial projects with preferred bloodline jews armenians from the orient. 9/11 and charlie hebdo case, other cases is the right answer against fascist state authority america europe and western states, with UNO and amnesty support

Doing business with Rana's private life, raping privacy with state power, lucrative financial projects involving sex life, secret recording and stalking, fraud and deception, psychological warfare, friendship deception, stasi romeo deception is antisemitism and fascism. because of vmat2 and bloodline

Samstag, 19. November 2022

whatever filthy aryan animal talks about this topic: we will earn money from the iranian race and god genes, he talks about the information american research, and he talks about the second chance national socialism in europe and america with the help of israel

the vienna police prosecutor's office, viennese judges and authorities, UNO and amnesty international have never cared who has earned money since 2002, through the stasi system and illegal secret camera project, but everyone is interested in how much i buy for rana, artist since 2005, ruined career since 2007. a music talent with voice and piano. I'll show you the evidence. the problem with vienna is: we want to see evidence with corpses. no one researches the million income, no one will dig up the money with corpses and dead people because of fascism, NS repetition

اینم روش گری گوری پول در بیار

شُکرِ آن را، که تو در عشرتی ای مرغ چمن

به اسیرانِ قفس، مژده گلزار بیار

😇 14. bezirk, wiener steine

Oh Mensch! Gib acht!
Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?
Ich schlief, ich schlief.
Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht.
Die Welt ist tief.
Und tiefer als der Tag gedacht.
Tief ist ihr Weh.
Lust – tiefer noch als Herzeleid.
Weh spricht: Vergeh!
Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit.
Will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit!

Austria is a son of the bitch and a whore that sits and lives on a history that doesn't even belong to him, all historical buildings, tombs, writings and technology are being destroyed with the excuse of town planning and train tunnel construction, and secretly cleared out, all subterranean icons, saints paintings and rooms are being pulverized , the race belonging to it is tortured and killed. with the help of churches synagogues and mosques

You shit Europe America Israel, for 2000 years you Aryan you, you fucking black magician israeli Jew, you killer race Wehrmacht Jew, zionist nazis., anti persian and vmat race, anti elam bastards

did anyone think back then that michael jackson would die by chance in 2009? no more news from iranian streets, the world is shocked because of michael.

atashkadeh message: with a defective nuclear facility, iran's revolution will be stifled for another 30 years. does the regime do it?

michael häupl pressed the hand of carpet dealer ali rahimi in the hand of the mayor of moscow in 2002, for me it would mean 5 billion euros healthy economy, for ali rahimi the carpet dealer: international persian, elamite vmat2 slave trade. this is the romano gypsy race made in iran, and in the last 40 years you have seen: gypsy leadership and mismanagement with 200,000 murdered activists and their families

the problem of this world is that bad genes, apes origin evolution sits on top everywhere. one says i am a judge, one is a police officer, one is a politician, secret service agent and high officials. plus preachers, pastors, bishops, popes, ayatullahs and rabis, ali khamenei. bad gene sits high up and says: vmat2 and vmat1 man is gods blessing and we are privileged to sell it, we get orders direct from god as not god genes