Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

heavy steps in jacket and suit in uno city building, do you know who these men are? these heavy slow steps: "it's us" "I am". LOL, not a single one of these men is even worth a thousand euros a month, not a thousand euros salary

A bastard society that deals with genetic engineering, DNA research and ethnic research and history should not be surprised because of these actions. "We research to see who is human, or more human than we are.", sick society, dirty networks and zombies

kumm Oida Ötzi: lamassu und A lamaschu lamadu konnst ins Oarsch schhieb'n wail des braucht A ka mensch du oarsch j....

lamassu and lama and the lioness, assyrian protection and guardian and friends and spirits in my grail no gods but protective spirits. more murder thoughts you jealous subhuman nazis?. do you need money or do I need money for my work and equipment? walking useless material, shit and eating machine zombie, run of the mill shit, fascist bastards, useless existence and material in this world

before I go: adolf hitler had an army of 500,000 women, blond and blue eyed, mostly busy killing 1.5 million children. that's why I say: austrian woman was inferior envious, will always remain an inferior envious, and is an inferior envious and killer. neanderthal inferiority feeling, what we don't feel inside

I have to go, but in this regard, Europe blond and Europe blue eye is more fascist than in 1932 and more killer than in 1938, especially in human rights organizations, authorities, international courts and elsewhere

science and FUCKING NAZI KRAUSE: what the hell is in you that is not in us!? more research is being done in Greece, Persia, the Middle East and North Africa than anywhere else....

In Vienna and no matter where in EUROPE or in America, if I present the evidence from 2002 with company espionage, ruining business, looting, ruining livelihoods and and vmat2 espionage then I will be killed with the help of the CIA,the western democracy and human rights situation:, VMAT2 is not a human

Montag, 24. Juni 2024

Austria wants to kill two women because of: looting and exploitation. I was a political activist, am an activist and know all the strategic and tactical behavior of fascism, Austria wants to eliminate us without a trace. Austria is a mass and racial murderer country, a plunderer, a looter and racial exterminator history, Austria repeats it again

new warnings from the grail: vienna police are considering kidnapping and killing my mother and sister with the help of CIA

، آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی خداییش زرتشت هم بچه خالص زاییده چشمه علی تهرون بود، از همون اول مالید در کونشون گفت گفتار نیک پندار نیک کردار نیک، حالیته؟ این ها هم زدن به زکی و گفتن این اصلا دین نیست ما بیایم توش رهبر بشیم، دین فقط ادیان ابراهیمی.....مگه نه آخوند؟ لول

I have to go to sleep, but: DAN antichrists (Anti Vmat2) are everywhere, as leaders, elite personnel and pastors. Be it in Islam Qum or Mecca, in Vatican or in Jerusalem. Good night

The root of all evil is in Austria and claims very convincingly and credibly that I am a Jew. Austria has always been the stronghold of Ahrimanism and an Antichrist with mass murder events. They are also famous as collaborators in the Second World War

سرمایه دار قلابی اونور هم اومده یکتا و هم پیمان سرمایه دار فاشیست اروپا و آمریکا شده! کوسکش اون چیه از لاپا زنت زده بیرون سوار پورشه بشه به مردم با اکراه و نفرت نگاه کنه؟ آدمی حیوون؟ ریدم به اون تولید نسلت، بی وطن، بی ریشه، بی رگ، بی همه چیز، بی وجوود، اجنبی... ایران رو نابود کردین بی شرف ها، غیر ایرانی اجنبی. آدمخوار بار اوردن چهل و پنج سال بیشرف ها، آدمخوار بار اوردن مادر قحبه ها، تف تو شرفت مجتبی خامنه ای با اون پدر جاکش بی خاصیتت، بیشرف، نجاست های بی ریشه، ضد ایرانی کوسکش

In sterilization stasi murder and genocide system there is no: we have done nothing. disenfranchisement with secret camera actions are sterilization of the race. GARBAGES NAZI VIENNA WITH GENOCIDE HISTORY

Vienna is a sick garbage since and before the second world war and mass murder thoughts and goals have increased even in the post-war period until today

this is vienna with international support with all human rights organizations support with geneva hague strasbourg il support: if VMAT2 JEWS dance around with evidence then we kill the family, by vienna i mean turks arabs iranian afghans and all other foreigners too. money is distributed, careers are promised, houses are promised, grants and support are promised, only for one goal: native race and VMAT2 mass murder through cyber torture

Nazi Austria, America and Europe want to arrest me with hide evidence and embezzlement of evidence, because of vmat2 crime. Supported by UNO international courts Amnesty International and all human rights organizations and journalists, who commissioned Iranian regimes in the 1980s for mass murder? UNO with Kurt Waldheim

CIA Austria Europe and America were the ones who commissioned ethnic cleansing under the pretext of "political activism". What is this bullshit about? He was not even in a cell for one day but in a VIP luxury villa

تواب یعنی از کون کیف، جون تو، ما ها چومبول زندانبان رو گاز میزدیم پرت میکردیم اونور و میگفتیم حالا بزن بکش مارو مادر قحبه، ما از کون کیف نمیشدیم

جاکش ا. مصداقی از کون کیف خوار کونده مادر سگ شاشخالی هم داره هفت سال فیسبوک مارو میخونه، میگه:، جازمن رو جدی نگیرید، ما بلدیم چکار کنیم، جاز من کی مطرح بوده؟ مگه ما خودمون پالتاک نبودیم!؟ دغلباز های کوسکش آدمخوار. جاکش تو بگو جازمن رو شما کی تونستید یک بار با خود رژیم کیر کنید بیناموس؟

New world order today sees vmat2 as a disease and mental disability. God-madness must die out, real God-madness with illusions and fata morgana.

I have 10,000 crazy Nazi Austrian stalkers in one network alone. 10,000 of them are below average and are constantly looking for new information and details about my life. All of them are equipped with microphones and cameras. There are dozens of networks with tens of thousands more of different nationalities who are looking for new sex material and intimacy clips.

University of Texas also confirms: many tribes in Iran are of similar bloodline to Jews and Armenians, more Jewish than Armenian

STASI NAZI disenfranchisement system with secret cameras NAZI AUSTRIA: AUSTRIA IS AUSCHWITZ STERILIZATION PROGRAM. you bastard amnesty international UNO, hague and strasbourg https://barbadfarahani.blogspot.com/2024/06/stasi-nazi-disenfranchisement-system.html

STASI NAZI disenfranchisement system with secret cameras NAZI AUSTRIA: AUSTRIA IS AUSCHWITZ STERILIZATION PROGRAM. you bastard amnesty international UNO, hague and strasbourg

I don't need to write it, you've been observing it yourself since 2014: Viennese journalism is a fascist Nazi animal, a dirty scum Darwinist and a shitty existence. Viennese journalists.,, University of Texas also confirms: many tribes in Iran are of similar bloodline to Jews and Armenians, more Jewish than Armenian

University of Texas also confirms: many tribes in Iran are of similar bloodline to Jews and Armenians, more Jewish than Armenian. You shitty Austria have another mass murder plan with this disenfranchisement, with the help of the Ayatollahs......genocide NAZI, bastards, genocide junkies you bastard NAZI Austrians.

we native iranian, original iranian have common ancestors and origin with jews, with only one small difference: vmat2 is and will never be traitors. we never betray or kill our equals, but worship them. once betrayal always betrayal... you money worshiper

every Israeli, every Viennese Jew, every Mossad agent knew me as Jazz Man Paltalk, every Mossad agent knew my rooms with the theme: armed struggle and freedom struggle. all of them voluntarily participated in terror and bounties against my mother and sister!?https://www.hagalil.com/2010/06/farahani/