Freitag, 28. Januar 2022

michael häupl, and franz vranitzky and other nazis, political activism is movement, butterfly effect movement.

Als Zeichen des unvergänglichen Lebens und der Unsterblichkeit fand der Schmetterling später auch Eingang in die christliche Kunst – noch heute dient er hier als ein Symbol der Auferstehung. "Per aspera ad astra" – diese lateinische Redewendung bedeutet soviel wie „Durch den Staub zu den Sternen“ und findet sich als Spruch auf vielen Grabmälern der Romantik: Der Schmetterling symbolisiert dabei die von der Materie befreiten Seele

forced vaccination against race and vmat2 is chemical attack dictatorship, i read worldwide reports and suffer from paranoia and panic attacks in a country with vmat2 mass murder history

tablet photo today, mythologie schöpfung und das jüngste gericht

3 world religions talk about god's blessing in vienna, money is a blessing. in one of the richest countries in the world. no one proves anything or gives evidence because of greed and intent to murder, israelis the church and mosques talk about: blood money is god's blessing

viennses stones, ahrimanic gold and capital, slavery. tablet camera today

SPÖ, nazi Waschmaschine. nazi akademiker, 1945-2005

today, in front of every shop: entry with g2 determination and proof of vaccination, with logo: vaccinated and recovered. chemical nazi experiments in austria was also vmat2 recovery. the world should be freed from vmat2. vaccinated and recovered, racial cleansing. 20 years of the stasi financial system shows the vmat2 psychopathy

Viennese spö and viennese judges have ruined 3 shops for the general welfare of the Aryan race, real estate projects, with Viennese Israelis and Jews., 1998-2021

Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2022

racial killing, jeroboam from luristan and elam kurdistan is polishing the old psychopathy mauthausen: our viennese have bought thousands of properties for prosperity, 3 jews should die for us., SPÖ. jeroboams and jesus were zartushti and not jews. fake history

i have never seen nasser farahani since 2003 my biological father never talked to him or phoned him. What Vienna has made of him with its whores is a psychopathic wreck with millions of euros in Stasi money with his daughter and son., 2014

austrian government focuses on me state cameras for these 2 cent people in iran: you are human, barbad farahani is a jew and not a human

سفر به ایران

آقا یکبار یک خانمی سوال کرد: شما یک بار هم ایران نرفتید؟ یعنی اصلا 34 سال ایران نبودید؟ مگه میشه آخه، آدم شمارو میبینه و حرف میزنه انگار دیروز از تهران اومدید.... لول
گفتم خانوم ببخشید پایبند به خاک بودن و پایبند به ارزشهای انسانی ماست. گفت وا!؟ یعنی چی؟
گفتم شما اکبر عبدی رو میشناسی!؟ خندید
گفتم این تربچه رو میرفتم ایران دست از سرش بر نمیداشم، بذار آدم بمونیم

i have to do a health check before i go to the dentist in a monkey nazi country, mauthausen bastard animals

For 20 years he, his family and gang were not convicted, arrested or warned. for vigilante justice and killing fascism the judge will say 20 years, just for one. All Nazi repeat offenders with Austria after 40 years of genocide in Iran

I've been writing for 5 years and Viennese judges say legality to 1938 repetition with secret cameras. jeroboams from luristan, kurdistan and elam

vmat2, falcon stalker

آقا جبهه این نامرد ها میومدن نوک انگشت دست پا بچه ها جبهه رو میخوردن، طرف هم از خواب میپرید میگفتن یا امام زمان، والا، تاریخیه

ببین گوگولی مگولی تف تف نکن، فرش فروش عتیقه فروش سوسه نیا. از صندوق چریکهای فدایی خلق اقلیت یک 5 میلیون دلار گم شد، یک 100.000 تا و بعد یگ 10.000 تا، پول دربیار ما هستیم از خر در بیار شما، بچه ها با حقوق کارگری پول میفرستادن. شیر فهم!؟ ما پول دربیاریم شما از خر دربیار

jeroboams and la bohème is the same. old jude says the nazis, old jude to ahura mazdan race. antisemitism is israel with vienna

the boy who is friends with azadeh amiri today is a murderer, because of 20 years of ayatullah and austria crimes, an intrigue plan on a global level in chat rooms. iranian secret service

Viennese women want to commit anti-Semitic murders internationally, with Rana and I as an example, earn money and kill the old race, 60 to 80-year-old women with daughters and grandchildren

the boy who is friends with azadeh amiri today is a murderer, because of 20 years of ayatullah and austria crimes, an intrigue plan on a global level in chat rooms. iranian secret service

halva, ba nargil dava, pooste moz zire pa o dava shalalal lalalala, halva ba nargil dava.. shalalalaal, who was "jeroboams"

La bohème bourgeoisie is an old meaning and definition, marx was an asshole and the western countries don't want to indicate it more precisely. they want to kill us international

آقا ما هی میرفتیم قمار، هی میگفتیم مارو نگاه کن، تو رو به حضرت عباس بیخیال، ما کیر به خودمون میزنیم دست وردار، زره پوش نیستیم. هی میرفتیم اینو بخر اونو بخر پول در بیار بده بره، هی گفتیم لمپن بورژوازی رو ول میکنی یا نه ابولی عوضی! ؟ دیدیم نه، کیر خوره این خارکوسده کونی

for austrian eyes, i was dareios and cyrus in 2001, at the age of 26, a dealer with knowledge and know-how. international ruin and torture business because of ultra nationalism and radical measures against race and vmat2 in europe

the nationalistic anti-Persian psychopathy: through his ruin, rama and sita and hanuan are supposed to get rich from the lowest class, 1400 to 1800 euros salary. the repetition. also in 1938

the conquest of persia was not possible without rama and sita, the betrayal was the lowest class in persia. two alexander coins

rama der verräter und hanuan, und gharib problem

europe nazis and vienna 21st century: judengold belongs to aryan race, denial is a right like holocaust denial, kill barbad farahani, rana and zari, or arrested all for concentration camp show

pharao and his two political magician

moses and pharaoh.