Montag, 25. September 2023

We have Indian and Pakestani facial features, also Indo-Pakestani Sinti Roma tribes origin, that claim: we have no real humans in Iran and Vienna, we are Aryan, and those here (like Barbad and his family) are something like garbage. This is current Iranian anti-Semitism, racism and fascism in action

به جون تو خر پدیده ایست، معجزه است. حالا روانپریش کیری صبح تا شب بگو ایران آریایی، ایرانی آریایی بوده وهست وبعد کون بده مثل رژیم به اروپا و آمریکا و اسرائیل و بگو: ما از این آشغال ها مثل باربد و خواهر مادرش زیاد داریم، ای آریایی منش، ای ایرانی آریایی ای کیری تر از آخوند

خلاصه مثال عکس پایین و آب سمی اینه که هر چی خریت انسانی در ماست طلاست، یعنی خری که طلا میرینه، خر طلائی، داستان خر طلایی پاردوگسنیست که(...) 🤣🤣🤣هیچی خلاصه ببینید نصف بازار تهران دست کیه, بیش از نیمی از این جمعیت ژن خدا پرستی دارند.... لول

Sonntag, 24. September 2023

آقا ما بریم، و: کولی بازار رو جمع کنید از ایران برید،

انقدر خارکوسده شدید که آدم رو وادار به کارهایی میکنید... جاکش ها

- در ایة 38 از سورة محمّد(ص) می خوانیم: « ای مسلمانان! اگر به نعمت اسلام ارج ننهید و از آن روی گردان شوید، خداوند، این مأموریت (پاسداری از اسلام) را به گروهی دیگر می سپارد؛ آنان که همانند شما نخواهند بود».

- اکثر مفسّران شیعه و اهل سنّت، در ذیل این ایه نقل کرده اند که پس از نزول این ایه، جمعی از اصحاب از پیامبر(ص) پرسیدند: «این جمعیتی که خداوند در ایه به آنها اشاره می کند، چه کسانی هستند؟». پیامبر(ص) به سلمان، که در نزدیکش بود، نگاه کرد و دست به زانو (یا شانة) او زد و فرمود: «منظورخداوند، این مرد و قوم اوست. سوگند به آن که جانم در اختیار اوست، اگر ایمان به ستارة ثریا بسته باشد، گروهی از مردان فارس، آن را به چنگ می آورند».3

In 2022 I had lead poisoning, well, so I lost another 14 kilos and got to 67 kilos. Just a headache, brain and nerve function and personality change in a case of lead poisoning is one thing: paradox must be calculated, because I sometimes have a paradoxical reaction when I drink coffee: I faint, I sometimes get so sleepy and sleep for 10 hours, that's why I drink never coffee at night. The only thing I wasn't sure about was Vigra 2017: does it supply blood to my cock or the brain? then I saw the brain, combined with (...)

They want to kill us all, on all continents with house building plan financing. In the 20th century these scum killed millions with the position of "master race" today from subhuman position and glorification: these are genetic miracles, we feel diminished, we feel inferior. This is true discrimination. Why?

I've been waiting for this encounter for a long time because of HAGH. The life of a magoi is sacred and the security of his private area and life is firmly anchored in the country's laws,, in constitution, in democracy and the rule of law. Austria sees the billions earned from his ruined life as a right. like Jewish gold

The confusion attempt and accusation of manipulated photos are worthless, not even Bill Gates has the technology to fake water grail scenes with smartphone. good night. My protective shield guard 😇

Everything that God created they do genetically manipulate, food nature human. Only vmat2 cannot be changed genetically, it is the resistance. They will kill us all with: house building financing

I've gotten to the point where I actually say bravo to every attack in Europe and America, and I think with followers. BRAVO!, but please don't forget the UN, especially Amnesty International and international authorities officials in Geneva and Hague/Strasbourg, we are facing mass extinction and mass murder as far as our race is concerned. photo: August 10, 2023

جریان آدم هیچکاره میدونی چیه؟ یکی رو انتخاب میکنن، یه کم زرق و برق بهش میزنن و میبرنش کجا؟ حالا بگیم بی. بی. سی! به به، به به، عجب سوادی، عجب ابهتی، عجب پشت کاری، عجب شجره نامه ای، خانواده، پدر مادر، عجب تاریخچه ای! خلاصه، یکی از اینها رو دیروز دیدم خندم گرفت، اومدم داد بزنم بهش: خارکوسده هیچکاره اوسکل چرا شکل جنازه مومیایی شده شدی؟کوسکش ابهت ن. ن. ن. ن.ه. ه. ه.. زرق و برق بید حالا چی بید؟ جریان چراغ نفتی مصنوعی اینه جناب هیچکاره!

Trivializing, diminishing, not acknowledging my work are several dozen other human rights violations. Because of race, ethnicity and racial madness, reduction politics is used because of the glorification of current cyber torture and Stasi system in the city, and further devaluation of the race because of bloodline

why I show the ring is: seyyeds' rings are very popular because event sets, also called event spaces: P y or P vmat2 event sets are very expensive

I'm going to sleep now, it takes more energy out of me than this stone gives me. I bought it from the flea market today, it said hoy bari, I said hi baba, I'm not sure I think it's jasper, or emerald? Definitely a “god” from Central America

We all have feet, hands, face and head all the same, but no, sick dirt buys laboratory DNA and genes in general blood tests: who is who in my company, in my city, in my country? are we the same or are there Jews? In principle, everyone else is called Jews. Himmler's secret speech: There are only two races in this world: Jew and Aryan

It's better if everything is practiced uncovered, and not under the guise: fun. Children are secretly taught: we monkeys are the legal inhabitants of this earth and on our territory we do not allow others to call us monkeys! We have to push them back and prevent them from having children

So on a small Greek island she said: calimera, despite weighing 114 kilos. I suddenly smelled burnt shit next to me and got scared: she won't live to see tomorrow morning if she starts flirting with me. In any case, I experienced a wild pornography that night and was afraid to close my eyes, I was afraid that the woman would be killed: do you think of this positive encounter? to the whore from the village when you fuck me? Anyway, months later I went away and left her. This village is probably contaminated with rumors, lies and fake material today too. which one doesn't?

On June 22nd, 2012, 1:05 p.m., Mariahilfer Strasse was closed because of a demonstration by StoptheBomb and Iranian women's networks, the reason for the protests was: "death fatwa against Shahin najafi", exactly on the same day, Azadeh Amiri discussed with me about starting a family and having children and that I should move to her apartment, she insisted that we live together. I said to my cock: hey dul unequivocally, this is a death fatwa. The weight gain of 117 kilos was never seen as terrorism, but rather: good food supply and good nutrition. In my apartment there was a Bangladesh situation similar to today

These lackeys are maintained in Vienna by Austrians in everything they do or have done, even in murder and manslaughter cases, with the glorification: He is not Aryan Iranian and Aryan Iran, we have his bloodline test

Iranian lackeys: The money that I have been eating from these actions for years is more important than anything else in my life because I need money in my life. I live in a democratic constitutional state with thousands of pages of the constitution. The Iranians were reprogramed by Austria and austria established this murder culture, races and minorities murder culture

Today I went to a flea market table where I know an Afghan, I talk to him every now and then and look at his goods, suddenly an Iranian was standing there and the Afghan introduced me as Barbad Farahani. I immediately wanted to say: don't introduce me to these people and race, this race from Iran... you understand? He doesn't understand when I ask him to, I write and post for minorities from Iran and in Iran, not for this race and lackeys. murderers and scum without empathy

I put three balls in a grail and he adds one more, apparently I have a mental block: You are sitting in front of an important task and in your brain there is only tabula rasa? Then you may be suffering from a mental block. There is a standstill in the head, no trace of flashes of inspiration. What now? A good remedy for mental blocks is brain jogging. This can promote the ability to concentrate and attention.

Samstag, 23. September 2023

I have to go, but first a Christian photo, the eyes of the fish is healing power: attention, care, rescue

I'm going to sleep, but first: everything that generates energy is a tool, magic tool, metal ball or grail, it doesn't matter, vmat2 property. If you want to loot something, then loot energy sellers in Vienna, 100 to 10,000 euro bills. protective shield energy with sold whatever things

Today I took up to a hundred photos again, not with Chinese meditation balls, but the old metal balls, therefore different dimensions. I'll post the rest tomorrow

آقا الان به خودم خندیدم، یاد وایلد وست و هفت تیر کش ها افتادم، والا سیب زمینی پرت میکردن هوا یه سوراخشو از 30 متری میزدن. کار ما هم با این عکس ها شده این. ما بریم تا ساعت ده و نیم

So intellectually romantic and philosophical too, right sweetie?

A message once came through a gate: I fucked more souls than you fucked whores, but this prank will be very expensive for you, you son of a bitch, you bastard. Do you know why?, in Vienna alone 135,000 women pray to Sattan every day: oh Lord fuck my soul, fuck my soul, I want to be yours forever and ever... apparently I have caused deep faith, and he can't fuck them all at once

For months I had to laugh at anti-vaccination protests: do what you want with vmat2, but we won't let the vaccination take away our spirituality and connection, we won't let you cut the connection between us, Lucifer, Lord Ahriman and Sattan. even esoteric shop owners🤣🤣🤣