Dienstag, 23. April 2024

Grail breed brains stored in Austria to this day, financial trade economy after 1945. I think some of them are bought by the Chinese

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporarily become a member of the SPÖ after 1945, according to the daily

I have to go to sleep, but the fact is: many car accidents are the cyclists' fault, but not all of them, but in this case only the Jews are to blame

The second republic is the second National Socialism which specifically concerns our race, the shaman race

Dienstag, 23. April 2024

If a Viennese Austrian woman has no signs of psychopathy on her face, then your death is certain. I never attended a university, but a school, it starts at night when I go to sleep

I don't give a shit what religion these children were, children from our tribes, Atlantis. The brains are still in the Viennese basement. fucking Israel, charlatan DAN tribe.

Since 1945 until today, Austria has stored thousands of brains to research what is missing from evolution and what it is that makes us supernatural. bastard animal race, bastard nazi race bastard inferior Austrians

The Austrians have left nothing in my life, since smoke, fire, water crystal and stone actions they have been a daily murder plot. the government is planning suicide or cancer and heart attack news

من کیرم تو فایل کوسکش جاکشم که داره پول مفت میخوره و از رژیم فاشیست اتریش حمایت میکنه، من به کوس ننه این فامیل ریدم، من کیرم تو دهن ناصر بیناموس عن فراهانی، کیرم تو کونت پیرسگ کوسکش

The second republic is the second National Socialism which specifically concerns our race, the shaman race. If you search then you will find the secret research of the SPÖ/ÖVP and Heinrich Gross the neurologist and Nazi doctor

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporarily become a member of the SPÖ after 1945, according to the daily


من کیرم تو فامیلی که مغازه رو دیده، شغل و زندگی و زحمت مارو دیده و میدونه 20 سال زندگی من رو دولت فاشیست اتریش چکار کرده و میگه: ما همه با هم هستیم، تو مریضی، توهم زده ای، این جریان جایی نبوده. بمیرید کوسکش ها، بمیرید دیگه فامیل لجن کوسکش، مادر جنده بمیر با بچت کوسکش خیانت، قاتل

Iran is also suffering from racial madness and racial illness due to the Aryan tribes who immigrated from Europe. America sucks from this disease: freedom for cyber terrorists and cyber torture. CIA NSA Homeland Security protects racial terror nazi terror and black money income.

آقا یه یهودیه ۷ ماه گیر داده به انگشتر ما، از صد رسیده به چهارصد, بدم؟

آقا ما بریم، چقدر خوابیدیم امروز، واه واه واه، واخ واخ واخ، عجب خوابی، عجب عشقی، عجب ماهی عجب شکلی، عجب روحی، عجب حسی عجب سکسی، عجب آبی عجب عشقی گرفتی تو، عجب بوسی گرفتی تو، عجب.... لول سکس تاحالا تو خواب داشتین؟ ،

Vienna disease has been exploited by Americans for more than a century. We suck out the disease and cure it ourselves

Well, since January there have been 8 more visitors, currently 16.

Montag, 22. April 2024

Scientific explanation please, why do I have 6000 Grail smartphone photos with scenes?

همین الان چوس مغز مینا احدی: رژیم سر اسلام داره این جنایت هارو میکنه، اینها سر انسانیت لطف در حق ما میکنند، ما همه باید یکسان باشیم، ما همه باید برابر باشیم، مگه میشه یکی از میمون بوجود آمده باشد و اون یکی نه، یکی به ما بگه حیوان زاده و به خودش بگه آفرینش؟! ما کمونیست ها از ارتجاعی بودن بی رویه ژن خدا پرستی و فاشیسم مذهبی زیان زیاد دیده ایم. لول

خلاصه میگه رژیم محکوم است ولی محکومیت و مجازات ما معنی مرگ این سه نفر را دارد. کی میگه!؟، مینا احدی، رضا پهلوی، معصومه علی نژاد، شیرین عبادی، حمید تقوایی، کوروش عرفانی، چپ ایران، راست ایران، عن ایران گوه ایران، شاشخالی ایران لیبرال دمکرات ایران.... مادر قحبه های اپوزیسیون، ایرانی های وین ایرانی های لس آنجلسی، سلیبریتی ایرانی، هنرپیشه ایرانی، روزنامه نگار ایرانی. کی میگه؟ مهناز افشار عوضی، گلشیفته فراهانی هالیوودی، کی میگه ناصر عن فراهانی

This girl was poisoned, whatever social status she was in, she was sentenced to death by injection in Iran, is there any Viennese judge that is not connected to the Viennese ayatollahs and sits in chat room networks and glorifies the crime against my mother and sister ?

What I found out today is that Viennese judges are so sick that they will kill everyone that will stand next to me as a time witness with criminal files

کی آدمه؟ نکنه تو آدمی گوزو وینی هیچکاره

I regulate the rotation speed as I did back then to open this door again, the same character and subject twice would be the ultimate confirmation, even with small changes it would be ok. but I haven't been able to reach it yet

So, my left hand is now adorned with a sensor, actually for glucose values, but I think it helps me reach worlds with Grail that no one has ever seen before. That's the real thing: the more technology advances, the more dangerous the VMAT2 breed becomes for the 1%.

Half an hour ago I bought limes in a Turkish vegetable shop, I noticed the dealer laughing behind me with amusement. Well, the work of Viennese academics that make workers, civil servants and unemployed people laugh out of doubt, limited potential 1500 starting salary 3000 euros maximum salary: do you think the photos of Barbad are interesting? hahaha like a clown he has in his wald Disney brain only comic figures storage and he reflects that in his grail water hahahaha

Sonntag, 21. April 2024

Plato's three journeys to Syracuse, on each of which he visited the tyrant's royal court. what does the seventh letter say?

آقا ما بریم، ولی این دنیا یه ارگانایزر سیاسی داره عین خود خردادیان، والا، با یه مشت لکاته رقاصه سیاسی خارکوسده سلیطه... حرومزاده ها

daily news nerves, bashar al assad putin ali khamenei, human rights mahza amini, america. More importantly, why does a mouse fly on the back of a bird? good news, I'm going to buy a nanozoom for my smartphone.

إقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی به جون تو خوارکوسده تر از من نشسته ایران صبح تا شب به فکر این: چه چیز کلفت ناشناخته مخوف شاف مردم کنیم بگن آخ، مادرتون رو گاییدم اهریمنی های جاکش.... پرونده لابور رو بفرستین واسه من شاید داروش رو پیدا کردم...

Taraneh Alidoosti is a famous actress in Iran, she is currently in hospital and says: After a forced injection in prison i became seriously ill. I ask you, wasn't this action against my sister a forced injection? What is the difference between making someone mentally ill and making someone physically ill? you bastard Austrian

my symbol: mastery of all elements water fire air earth. For 600 years, Europe has sent garbage to Iran secretly and quietly: underdeveloped European tribes, the result: Aryan Iranian Vienna: we are human, native Iranian not human

مادر جنده مثل حیوون اسکندری با ما ضدیت پیدا کرده، یکی میگه جهود یکی میگه ارمنی یکه میگه جادوگر، یکی میگه..... من شاشیدم به کوس ننتون کوس وکون لاشی های نو ایرانی......