Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2020

the third eye

austria plays khalkhali role in europe for my race, khalkhali and lajewardi alongside mojtaba khamenei

elams eye, the tribe in austria, native austrian

austria american, israeli fascism also works on facebook. I am blocked

the murdered children in vienna by SPÖ heinrich groß, called oriental resilience were luri/elami crossroads. the brains are still in glass and vienna laboratories.heinrich gross friend of michael häupl and franz vranitzky

falkonian elam and luristan, the child of black and white.

2 minutes ago, tablet photo, raw. elam spirit

first alexander burned persian knowledge and books, together with jews, then ahriman arabs, gypsies, moles in islam. how should people develop further in persia and the middle east without books

das ist kein arisches system, bagherrrrŕ art/bagher system, elami negro art, meine DNA und vorfahren, du arischer du, du heas du herremrasse du LOL scheißdreck komplexler, rassenmörder, genozide psychopath

racial genocide politics nazi austriathe little peppercorn from a village is ready to die for money along with the family, that is the high flight with capital.the peppercorn from the capital goes into politics and networks in order not to die. that is the vienna these differences have been undermined: as austrian citizens, peppercorns from the iranian village should be integrated into politics and networks, regardless of whether they die, we will take revenge

since 1979 the politics in iran have been: we raise children from villages and provinces, from gypsy families and emigrants. the ahrimanic capital system needs martyrs like ali hussein, amir, ashkan and rahim and the sons. azadeh. shams and amiri families, stasi criminals, suicides.For the state these are worthless pieces to continue intrigues worldwide

the austrian problem is:you are diamonds and creation, older than us, under a million there are 8000 gemialities, you spread as far as greece and the islands, 7 years of national socialism was not enough, we are still persecuting and chasing you today

هفت سالم بود گفتم کیرم تو ناموست، امروز هم میگم کیرم تو ناموست، از کیسه آریل و فرانز بخور بی ناموس،اجنبی بی رگ و ریشه

Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2020

austrian jewish wehrmacht soldiers on kefalonia and greece. the behavior of today's viennese jews shows:we killed 6 million so that the 150,000 Jews of the german armed forces could produce more children, the behavior of israel in the 70s with ethiopian jews is an example of fascism, the fascism of wehrmacht soldiers

Nazi crime, From 1932 to 1945 the killing of fascist animals was not a crime in Austria, Viennese whores and bastards, fascists and animals also counted the stones back then, why are you creation and we neanderthals, that is your stones, and then we were your pets

nazi austria 2020 with UNO kurt waldheim black sun mafiaAs in 1938, the SPÖ, ÖVP, Greens, FPÖ, the leftists maintain collective solidarity with genes and racial madness. all the others are bought with a lot of money or paid for with apps.illegal business and the establishment of genocide in europe and iran

azadeh amiri, 800.000 euros illegal money, secret cameras. money should only earn know-how, information, expertise and knowledge.Nobody with 4 years of elementary school and 2 years of secondary school like sophia gharib, 200,000 euros, an azadeh amiri German teacher 1,400 euros salary: 800,000 euros, and an unemployed malieh gharib 70,000 euros, a taxi driver nayereh gharib 900 euros salary: 90,000 euros with illegal material

ayatullahs hizbullah, viennese rich children, money launderin, UNO city neonazi mafiaislamic republic iran, israel, austria and gharib and amiris had 20 years of illegal material for illegal business, which the people believe their children are safe because of money laundering. money laundering with ayatullahs and israelis

viennese police terror with iranian hizbullah. i am a terror victim because of political activism from 2001 to 2015, the police want to storm my sister's apartment on behalf of hezbollah and ayatullahs without a judge's permission because of looting and theft. because of my sister's valuables

the revenge of the light, according to jezebel ibex ritual

ich wünsche euch 10 jahre keine weihnachtsgeschäfte und silvester geschäfte, und keine sommer urlaube. ärgere kummt no

für futlappen huan, für 1200er drecksstücke zahlt ka mensch, nichts wert die uniformierte ötzi nazi hure

the other problem is: young and old police officers earned money for 15 years through my sister. they don't know any israeli iranian or ali and azadeh and rahim, only nasser farahani and barbad farahani, for honor killing.The aim was:when we attack mother and sister he attacks us armed

the israeli ambassador works together with iranian ambassadorsbecause of financial transactions and stasi money because of my family and my person. prosecutor says:There is only evidence with machine guns, there is no money

Simone iranian regime agent with azadeh and reza nasri, hussein gharibthe viennese jews and zionists, ariel and simone gang say:the financing of iron dom israel is more important than anything else, we protect the networks and hezbollah members hussein and ali gharib the families and iranian secret service families rahim amiri and brothers and sisters.that means prove everythingthechildren of simone or other jewish children in the israeli community, we kill you with hizbullah and austro fascism

wiener meuchelmörder und die ayatullahsSebastian kurz regierung, michael häupels heinrich groß SPÖ, grüne und FPÖ, die linke, erziehen die wienern zu meuchelmörder. niemand darf uns anzeigen heißt:tötet die opfer, wir haben die millionen zu beschützen, es bleibt bei uns

ancient stone and european drawin

tradition against native iranian is:ali gharib genetics and azadeh amiri genetic origins. produced in india for export. 4 tribes

viennese and edelweiss ahrimanism psychopathy and crimethis is an obvious race policy of austria vienna ayatollahs and europe, and the networks today. either kill us or we kill you. partisans fight kefalonia

this criminal complaint was enough to prosecute the terrorists: terror and attempted murder.ahirmanism and satanism said in the public prosecutor apparatus:we give you motives for our murder