Freitag, 1. Januar 2021
there are references, evidence, research that kurds elamis, luris and parts of azerbaijan have jewish bloodlines. bastards like himmler have decided to completely identify the old civilization with religion.i live in an anti-semitic neo-nazi country where emigrants are tested for gene and dna because of migration. america europe israel want to destroy this bloodline with the gypsy race. today austria trades with jews dna citizens. with america and israel
آقا عشق ما دوچرخه سواری و اسب سواریه، برای همین هیچوقت دنبال تصدیق نرفتم، بعضی از این ترکهای خارکوسده ماشین نداشته باشن میزنن خودشون رو میکشن، کوسکش ها کوس ننشون رو هم حاضرن بفروشن واسه یک ماشین که بگن ما آدمیم، خر و اسب و شتر بخوان هر روز سوار شن جفتشون جفتک میزن بهشون، میگن برو گمشو آدم نیستی. این شرط آدم بودن قبول نیست!؟
europe's new oil fields with iranian jews DNA
the cheapest country europe, scum and remains of national socialism, glorifies terrorism, ayatullah sadism and austro anti-semitism and fascism. the whore country austria is waiting for confrontation and conflict between my person, terror cells and israeli mafia zionism. because of millions of jews slaves work with secret cameras project. europe's new oil fields with iranian jews DNA
dirty fucking aryan race, romani race and ritual poisoning, jesus bloodline, gas chambers austria germany.20 years after the destruction of 3 businesses, existence, reputation damage, rape of privacy, looting, theft and millions of businesses, the viennese police and austria are hiding the evidence for the end result: poisoning like in mauthausen. the answer is sword and kalaschinkov against dogs and genetic monkey scum, anschau, in scheoßdreck nazi österreich, abschaum
والا ما نه راسیست هستیم نه فاشیست و نه قوم ستیز، فقط بدبختی ما اینجاست: بر علیه اهریمن و مبارزه با او ما محتاج هستیم به انگشتان پای آهورایی و سر اهورایی، بدبختی اینجاست: یکی سرش ایرانیه انگشتان پایش اهورایی نیست، یکی انگشتان پایش اهورایست ولی سرش ایرانی نیست. جریان اینطوری شده: باید ببریم و بدوزیم فرانکن اشتین درست کنیم. آخه یه عمری به ما گفتن تو سینه و باسن و ساق پا رو ول کردی چسبیدی به انگشتان پا، فتیشیست بدبخت، فلک زده.
racial genocide politics, austria, iran, europe, america: between 1989 and 2008 i didn't cost a single cent for the state of austria.i tried to make money with antiquites and art.From 1998 the state installed cameras for the upper class, from 2008 for everyone so that I become a social case and the state says: we have an unproductive unemployed man to kill
In 1932, himmler and hitler said: we will destroy the masses in single file, the american penguins said: that is too obvious, this brutality betrays the history you stupid goose. Today the mass extermination program is different, penguin politics: we take away all possibilities and chances and destroy the potential of race, and say: the world does not need an unproductive individual. Today fascism means: legal satanism, social darwinism, racism: means legal black magic, and murder is a funny show .... international social networks with geese and chicken. 500,000 Syria
shepherds and goose herders, rome has been killing for 5000 years so that geese don't eat the shit of sheep. the current situation in vienna. when the geese shit on grass, the sheep get sick because of the germs.a comedian decided:we manipulate the genes for germs or insolin in food, so a goose shepherd can also give a shit
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...