Sonntag, 3. Januar 2021

800,000 euros living means potential, who has the potential? police elite? 2500 euro salary, secret services, 3000 euro salary? azadeh amiri 1400 euro salary? Rahim 1800 euro salary? ali gharib 1700 euro salary? you bitch mama fake.

In this world even a piece of wood is the truth: monkey says to goat: I can do everything you can, what else can you do!

collected today, tablet photo, raw, two minutes ago, rakhsh, rostam and the dragon

800,000 euros living means potential, who has the potential? police elite? 2500 euro salary, secret services, 3000 euro salary? azadeh amiri 1400 euro salary? Rahim 1800 euro salary? ali gharib 1700 euro salary? you bitch mama fake.

natural wood, collected today. well, one wood 300 photos, i'm elam

two tablet photos, raw, 2 minutes ago, natural wood, collected today in augarten

vienna and pandora. what the old Viennese women do with ali and azadeh, the families, with nasser and his brothers, is the new race extermination program, parallel to iran. the whores want to establish it worldwide. do what you want with rana and his mother all over the world, we laugh too, like in 1938

I collected this set a hundred meters away from the wood. the pandora, first world war, second world war, and the 30 years war

The meaning and purpose of the whole story with Austrian fascism and Ayatullah national socialism:A 14 year old girl, a deer, is shot by a sniper during a protest action and nobody cares, Austria and Europe say: the jew girl was not careful. death is forgotten after two days, for 40 years it has been forgotten after two days. was it an Austrian hunter and collector? a sniper? for 100,000 euros from a nearby building?

i have been writing for 3 years, azadeh amiri put cotton in all ears with the iranian secret service, hizbullah, austrian secret society and secret service, with this statement:I haven't done anything for 20 years, you haven't done anything either. You can always earn money from these 3 people, even by killing them

the black magic mafia ritual with secret camera eye has drawn Vienna into black matter:why doesn't this innocent family die. we are higher, no criminal charges, we need jews money, we need houses and cars, we need other families as victims. it all happens with fake leftists and actors, romantic socialist satanism and red fascists

the question why I collect wood:the age of wood is very important to me and the energy that is collected. energy is history and time machine, maybe 500 edits and pictures

my cross

a piece of wood, natural without external influence, found today in the forest. exorcism and black magic.
I was walking for 3 hours today. i went to the second district, to augarten. and found this piece of wonder under a fallen tree. my cross

Jebel negotiation before ahura mazda, guilty, Because of the ape panic and attack politics and hate campaign

there are 350 rich Viennese children that have been involved in this campaign for 15 years: 65 plan my murder with police children for the state of austria, the SPÖ and ÖVP.Today 30 armed men passed by by car and on foot.because of the million jews gold project austria iran

آقا ما ۸ سالمون بود با دوچرخه بلند شدیم از خیابان هدایت رفتیم تیر دوقلو، گفتیم این پدر نیست پهنه، ته و تو جریان این بود، مغز پهن، حالا اندام شانسی لر، ولی سیم بندی مغز پهن. موج و امواج جن و پری جوری اینهارو حک میکنه که آدم میمونه حیوان چه گناهی کرده ما به اینها بگیم حیوان، باید گفت پهن، سر ما رو ۴۵ دقیقه گذاشته بود زیر پاش هی فشار میداد، هی فشار میداد، منم هی به علامت سوال مجازی نگاه میکرم، پهن گاو یا خر!؟. خلاصه رفتیم شهباز جنوبی ۶ هفته موندیم پیشه آدمیزاد. اومدیم اتریش، برای آخرین بار این پهن رو زدیم در کونش سال ۲۰۰۲، رفت سنده فاشیسم و تروریسم شد، که باز سر مارو بگیره زیر پاش، فقط این رو نمیدونستم، محمود و عباس و قاسم هر سه برادر پهن نیستن، دارم به علامت سوال مجازی باز نگاه میکنم: این پشگل از کدوم یونجه خواره ‏

elam du arschloch, du arschloch faschist, elam, der juden negerle woar des, der jud, der juden negerle. äthiopien und elam der luri du oarschloch, wo gibts so wos in österreich du oarsch. a zieg, a ibex woar des. du narr, du nazi, du ibex killer von kefalonia

das ist nur neid, wir hatten gestapo, NSDAP, LPD, geheimdienstler, michael häupl und SPÖ als haustiere, elamis und luris, die native austrians. fuck monkey racism and fascism, fuck darwinism, viva creation and gott gene

police terror and jews trade, german law 1932-2020. mauthausen situation with state secret cameras

jews trade in vienna also has a securities option,
police collectives have 500 euros per person per month as guard and killer alongside hiznullah, mafia in vienna and europe

2002 was that person1800 euro salary, today for 10 years 800 euro pension, why did he get 1.5 million euro through fascism with Kurz und häupl support and ayatullah dictatorship

scheißdreck arische rasse wien österreich iran, unterstützt von scheißdreck michi, abschaum michi, huankind michi, drecksau michi huansau michi, franz ficker michi: karim, azim, rahim, atefeh, hussein, ali haben alle 4 häuser gekauft, die arische rasse ist ehrenstaatsbürger rasse, jetzt darf die arische rasse juden töten, elami luri juden, drei unschuldige luri sklaven

آقا ۱۲ سال پیش یکی پیشنهاد داد واسم از ایران مهره مار بیاره، گفتم کوس عمه ات قطع رابطه کردم...

As a political activist and DNA of ancient civilization, I stand in front of the absolute fascism collective and network of: judges, doctors, police, social workers, public prosecutors, politicians and finance lobby. outside the law, human rights and the austrian constitution

at 25 my knowledge in business was worth a million, with purchases selling 5,000/15,000 euros. today 50,000,000where can you find a good asiatika expert in vienna today !? that was the situation 20 years ago and also the purchasing power is 500,000 and the sale is 1.5 million euros. because of expertise

this country is the biggest dirtiest kind of fascism with its 5 grade elementary school graduation ali. 5 classes of elementary school education with his daughter

150,000 of them were in the adolf hitler's army, today in Vienna Israel and Austrian party members in the SPÖ, FPÖ, and ÖVP. more racist than all, viennese israeli fascists and nazis against iranian race. our race is called by the third generation of these 150,000 as Jews for mass murder. the ahuramazda breed.the result is vienna from 1998 to 2020. against a mother and daughter

tablet photo, two minutes ago. the pharao pyramid system is a lump of shit with black sheep

i think wilhelm reich was never read from this angle or perspective. the people in a city,

The mass murderer is psyche psychopathy, genes and genetic makeup, brain modules. Austrian media write that the SPÖ is a Nazi washing machine. all mass murderers rapists, torturers, psychopaths and academics were accepted into the party as functional and elite. the result is:national socialist behavior towards mother daughter and son since 1998 to 2020:luris, elamis, kurds, beluchis are not human. we only have one good breed, and that is romanic gypsy breed, romano breed in iran. like gypsies ali, hussein and rahim and azadeh