Dienstag, 5. Januar 2021

the austrian ambassador loudly proclaims: we must represent the interests of the ayatullah regime worldwide:by that he means:to promote fascism and anti-Semitism in Europe and America so that it means: hizbullah and ayatullahs only kill jews in iran, please no protests. we kill in vienna elami luri jews too, please no protest

a minute of filming of the most intimate situation of a carpet dealer with two shops and an antique dealer costs a million euros fine,due to deliberate ruining of the company, reputation and business.SPÖ and ÖVP say:it's 1932, and persian elami and luren jews in vienna, no matter muslim or not, they are jews

great persia, ‏iran has a problem, ‏anal whores and cock sucker society for europe and fascism, ‏israeli anti-semitism and racial madness

scheißdreck molosser ötzi unterstützt seit 40 jahren terror, verfolgung, rassenmord, massenmord und folter, und sagt heute zu mir: geh ham farahani, geh ham. du sauhund drecksau scheißdreck geheimdienstler du terrorist, huankind kiwara, drecksau politiker, du huankind abschaum drecksau, du hundesohn molosser terrorist du arschloch ötzi

sooshiant, the messiah line

Montag, 4. Januar 2021

sasanid artifact. the persian was never a terrorist, the persian was sooshiant, hooshider and mazdosht, babak, the freedom fighters.rome and europe have been sending defective genes and DNA to great persia for 3000 years: the dog with poison, the devil with turban and fathers with whores. pigs and dogs alliance for nasty ahrimanic eagles

fucking UNO, this black magic venus and romeo trap with poison is as old as the black sun society symbol, ahrimanic molossian project

Buying a house is potential, 800,000 euro life is potential, inferior aryan race says:we buy houses through Kurz's dictatorship and michael häupl's SPÖ fascism

das ist absolute 1932 faschismus und juden stalking, wiederbetätigung von akademikerverbände, burschenschaftler und linke und grüne sadisten und schweine mit hizbullah und ayatullahs, unterstützt von peter pilz

sex espionage and romeo trap, venus trap was amd is the financial project with state whores and pimps for 20 years.thereby the secret filming of the most intimate situation for psychological decomposition, the eternal illegality for psychosis, and isolation for suicide or murder

Azadeh AMIRI the stasi agent and killer. like in ghassemloo case: police, secret service, rahim amiri, hussein gharib ali gharib and dozens of other terror cells are planning to kill me. by accident and illness. because of 20 years of political activism, finance project with the race international. because of 20 years slogans against ayatullahs and ali khamenei

Between 1986 and 2020 I haven't had a single black mark on my police files, I've never had a crime. where is the evidence? except fake material for ayatullah terror and austrian fascism terror

fucking dirty UNO black sun kurt waldheim society. Iran itself is a country that has been persecuting minorities and the dervish race for 40 years, and the austrian whore collective says: we convinced the society in iran that we have done nothing. with fake material!!!

UN city elite says: we are anthropologists, race researchers and are allowed to use all stasi methods against race and DNA targets and families for our income. we have to pay 5,000 to 25,000 monthly salaries to 5,000 employees. we can only earn money through gangstalking and ethnic persecution and minorities stalkimg. how much money did you earn in the former yugoslavia war through racial cleansing !? daraios and cyrus breed, nikola tesla breed. we have a common history and origins

this is a photo of a meteorite stone. the photo is raw. the processing, 2,600 pictures cost 760,000 euros.that's me, what were all perpetrators before february 2019 !?

the police and hizbullah terrorize me, and around 8 out of 10 look at me like animals on the streets, and they make noises like the dirtiest animals. you son of the bitch cheap Viennese dirt. you viennese dogs shit, you viennese scum like animals against innocent families

کوس مادر جنده خوار خارکوسده بابای بی عرضه اش اختلاسگر بوده، باباش ۱۰ میلیون بهش میده بیاد خارج از کشور، مادر کونی بی عرضه تر از باباش نمیدونه چکار باید کنه، شروع میکنه با کوسکشی آدم فروشی، عنتر و مادر جنده تر از باباش، خواهر ننه جنده ایرانی وین، کوس ننه جنده های کاسه لیس رژیم

the earned money was not based on:potential, work, invention or industry.just a 300 euro secret camera, my political activism and our genetic and ethnic origins

there are all traces of iranian terrorism and austrian racial murder fascism against innocent people. the neo-nazi and fascist police state says:we destroy and ruin jews lives and earn money with black sun society UNO, we don't answer, all human rights organizations support us.

artemis my lady and queen, then called great persia at the time, now 10th district favorite. when the romans have left something you can find their palace.

You abnormal creature, you scum and mass murderer, you psychopathy and killer, world war whore and racial murderer. elam didn't start in takhte jamschid, but in vienna 500,000 years ago. the reason for races and mass murder. freedom for archeology

this whore this animal, this scum and heap of shit, 3 holes whore, has blown so many cocks in iran until she killed 10 million from old civilizations, today she blows the cocks because of my mother and sister and my person, the animal vienna, with molossians relatives in london and europe

these women in vienna and azadeh amiri, sham's family, the families are animals, absolutely filthy animals, even after 1945.the lie is the loyalty, the love for ahriman.

in iran there are laws, it is a dictatorship but with laws, what sebastian Kurz and his friends prove is: we are dirtiest animals and villains against the old race and we are ready to die for it. also our leftists

Austria is a rogue and terror state, this terrorism action is worse than ghassemloo terror with the ayatullahs.The secret camera is for focusing psychopathy and inconspicuous murder

goat and ibexe can influence society like spartacus. storm act and free people, tactical and strategic superiority is the prerequisite. one ibex can move up to 5 million people.the ayatullahs austria, europe america all have genetic data and DNA patterns. since 2002 i have been filmed non-stop by the police and secret services and checked with a woman.until 5 minutes ago. the secret camera is for dozens of thousands in iran and outside iran. the negative energy is transmitted from the viewer to me,with mind control rays. it should block the neuro-pathways from the ibex brain.The number of spectators is important for the 15,000 ritual

Ghorbati economy iran austria: It is fascism and racism of Iran and Austria insofar as:my mother was never a political activist, but was a civil servant in the iranian culture ministry for 18 years and worked in vienna for 15 years.the immigrants in iran, zargari, gharib, amiri, the ghorbatis, lead the gypsy economy with burglary, theft and kidnapping. with their daughters. accepted in vienna because of the romani breed.

kurt waldheim black sun fascism UNO city have gradually introduced a policy:Employees are chosen based on genetic and DNA patterns. the result is:we are allowed to trade with jews with elami / luri slaves.We do business with freemasonry Vienna and ÖVP, FPÖ, SPÖ.Israel fascism says:ahura mazdas children and shiites are not our jews, the aryan race iran is our jews. rahim and azadeh are supported by israelis ayatulahs and fascism

I'm talking about history with historical documents:one thousand years until islam some arab tribes and other tribes turkey middle east were in roman army, and invaded persia again and again. with islam, the tribes tried as sunnit to destroy our race. today also in vienna, with satanism romance, turk, arab austrians

I agree with emam ali and emam hussein:it is not a question of sunni or schia, it is a question of genetics. he said:with name sunni i don't let any scum into my home persia. the turk and arab in vienna is also called sunni and is in romance with viennese satanism and ahrimanism. persecution of innocent and financial project with thoughts of murder with Viennese sebastian Kurz, häupl scum, the antichrist