Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2021

آخه جریان اینه، ذات بد یعنی ژن مادر جنده، طرف میگه: من میام دزدی کلید میندازم مغازه ات که دوربین مخفی بکارم، تو بشاش بعدش به پستون ننم که ازش شیر خوردم و برین به کوسش که ازش زائیده شدم، بعدش هم بزن من رو بکش، من ریده شده هستم، آدم نیستم. بزن من رو بکش، من یک کوس خوار خوارکوسده هستم که جور دیگه نمیتونم زندگی کنم، بمیرم هم کک کسی نمیگزه، تو فقط بالا نرو، من میمیرم ولی تو بالا نباش

the holy water was the final solution against misfortune.The recipe was spread and forced as far as Scandinavian countries. why was it forgotten !?Books were used instead of water as an alternative, only the books do not contain a prescription or a protective shield

actually the finger bird hand sign wasn't an illuminati sign, but a left hand elam falcon sign against the whore. attack signs, and that affirmation for the whore society's existence. black sun

i was politically active in my shop, with daily political discussions and i had hundreds of users every day as admin and political leader. vienna installed cameras with hizbullah and un in my company. my voice was in paltalk with thousands of hours of recordings from the CIA and NsA. Terrorism needed the most intimate situation material, or the chair in my shop for doppelganger fake material

Dienstag, 5. Januar 2021

the black sun artefact is older than the fresco in italy, the rome / venus intrigue, a few thousand years before christ, it is the genetic and DNA code of society. the collective. one thousand man and woman collectives in UNO city that says:this sacrifice of the goat family has nothing to do with hizbullah and ayatullah terrorism or fascism in austria, it's just what it is, not exciting, the jews money and finance project too

what the high society, the rich elite and their children are:we are rubbish, rubbish remnants from 1938, only with the islamic government of iran we are a sachertorte in rubbish containers. after 20 years of secret camera action, fascism says:his sister has investments at home, or he collects stones from roads and forests, these are investments, he owes 30,000 euros because of his company. his sister's things are valuable, he photographs valuable things. not his system and 25 years of expertise and system knowledge are valuable. inferior is always tired of life

golden falcon egg family, child of light, and ahriman

The origin and ethnic origin of Molosser women Vienna:if a woman has sex with him one night and has multiple orgasms 3 times,we'll have him arrested. our action was based on his penis size.arrested and imprisoned for 3 years writing, there is no evidence or witnesses. in prison he becomes violent and gets a life sentence, or he will end up like aliew, murder or suicide !?dirty viennese scum collektiv 1998-2020

the difference to ahab was: elia was israeli without real estate, or an ibex persian and anti ahrimanic caitalism !?

the tragedy .... ahab

biology and social behavior. monster mind collective against ibex, the native LOL the result of birds fuck

i bought a tablet in february 2019, all my published work including editing is with samsung tablet. i never worked with a computer. do you know why? the system! only with a normal tablet phone. In 2002 i also had a system and bought a store with 0 euro capital. the system was hacked with the secret camera ÖVP and SPÖ. the knowledge was not assessed as knowledge but as theft: he buys for 5000 euro and sells for 15000, this is theft

the established middle class has a life of 5 million euros and up today. everything that is underneath "wants". the dangerous thing is the networks and their branches, and the class struggle in the lower classes.This is how a formation is formed, with the police, judges, public prosecutor, doctors, social workers, academics, secret services, an army of darkness:who wants to stand above us? is he jew? what is his origin? what genes does he have? political attitude? family? penis size, sex some point it says:who is he that he thinks he is someone !? he's nobody kills him we've looked at everything. hahahah he wanted to be a millionaire, did you see his penis? how he wanks

the egg oracle, and the ibex's relationship with egg, two photos

the proof for anti-Semitism, minority persecution, DNA tagging is that Mossad, israel, including stop-the-bomb followed me with state secret cameras in turkey and stalked me.fuck ayatullahs, israel eu and america for racial persecution and murder

i was once in istanbul in 2008 and once in 2010, both times i noticed: the turk with the cow patties in his head looks at me like napoleon, and the intellectual looks down. i sat at sultan ahamd square and looked at the egyptian column, i saw in the milky way from the position and angle through the column, i traveled far and wanted to know where this smoke was going. cow shit steams violently. allah allah allah cannot be there, just a hathor and thot that feed on negative cow shit energy. i saw and i understood that erdogan wants stasi camera method for human head in solidarity with europe. no intellectual is allowed to go up, only cow dung. austria and europe do not tolerate high class oriental and nationalists

iran has the problem of daily massacres, austrians, the dogs shit and scum says:we have iranian jews to plunder and kill and we need you know what austria is?animals and scum, concentration camp murderer breed. Viennese scum.these are animals, not whores and women, only animals with poison in their hands

آخه مادر جنده، کوسکش، مادر کونی، سگ اسکندری، خوکچه هندی، سر چی داری با اروپا و اتریش به مدت ۴۰ سال ده هزار و ده هزار تا میکشی، به غیر از اینه که ژن مثبت و منفی رو داری تجزیه میکنی برای کشتار دسته جمعی، من شاشیدم به پستون جنده هاتون تو اتریش، کوس مادر های سگ و خوک ایرانی وین، آئین سگ های حوله بدست، جنده ایرانی های کیر سگ خور ‏

the austrian ambassador loudly proclaims: we must represent the interests of the ayatullah regime worldwide:by that he means:to promote fascism and anti-Semitism in Europe and America so that it means: hizbullah and ayatullahs only kill jews in iran, please no protests. we kill in vienna elami luri jews too, please no protest

a minute of filming of the most intimate situation of a carpet dealer with two shops and an antique dealer costs a million euros fine,due to deliberate ruining of the company, reputation and business.SPÖ and ÖVP say:it's 1932, and persian elami and luren jews in vienna, no matter muslim or not, they are jews

great persia, ‏iran has a problem, ‏anal whores and cock sucker society for europe and fascism, ‏israeli anti-semitism and racial madness

scheißdreck molosser ötzi unterstützt seit 40 jahren terror, verfolgung, rassenmord, massenmord und folter, und sagt heute zu mir: geh ham farahani, geh ham. du sauhund drecksau scheißdreck geheimdienstler du terrorist, huankind kiwara, drecksau politiker, du huankind abschaum drecksau, du hundesohn molosser terrorist du arschloch ötzi

sooshiant, the messiah line

Montag, 4. Januar 2021

sasanid artifact. the persian was never a terrorist, the persian was sooshiant, hooshider and mazdosht, babak, the freedom fighters.rome and europe have been sending defective genes and DNA to great persia for 3000 years: the dog with poison, the devil with turban and fathers with whores. pigs and dogs alliance for nasty ahrimanic eagles

fucking UNO, this black magic venus and romeo trap with poison is as old as the black sun society symbol, ahrimanic molossian project

Buying a house is potential, 800,000 euro life is potential, inferior aryan race says:we buy houses through Kurz's dictatorship and michael häupl's SPÖ fascism

das ist absolute 1932 faschismus und juden stalking, wiederbetätigung von akademikerverbände, burschenschaftler und linke und grüne sadisten und schweine mit hizbullah und ayatullahs, unterstützt von peter pilz

sex espionage and romeo trap, venus trap was amd is the financial project with state whores and pimps for 20 years.thereby the secret filming of the most intimate situation for psychological decomposition, the eternal illegality for psychosis, and isolation for suicide or murder

Azadeh AMIRI the stasi agent and killer. like in ghassemloo case: police, secret service, rahim amiri, hussein gharib ali gharib and dozens of other terror cells are planning to kill me. by accident and illness. because of 20 years of political activism, finance project with the race international. because of 20 years slogans against ayatullahs and ali khamenei

Between 1986 and 2020 I haven't had a single black mark on my police files, I've never had a crime. where is the evidence? except fake material for ayatullah terror and austrian fascism terror