Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2021

Knowledge of antiquities and hobby archeology is depending on your credit rating, a name as a trader and a job that you can practice for a lifetime. besides hiznullah and ayatullahs, the vienna police ruined my existence worldwide. to buy houses and to finance luxury living. apparently everyone is ready to die for it.

the dragon from vienna guards and protects an egg. for 1000 years, adolf said 1000 too

the police say: the last 20 years we have made a lot of money because of politics and DNA targeting and paid installments for houses, if he has evidence of 20 years we kill the jews like in 1938

tribes. as far as women's rights are concerned, many are western oriented. emancipation and career.the whole thing is a curse and the machinery towards racism and fascism and alien politics. if these women are the political leaders, then there is a mother and daughter

زنگ تفریح داشتم سیگار میکشیدم، یکی از بچه ها دیدم اومد با عصبانیت سیگار از جیبم ورداشت شروع کرد ۴ تا پشت سر هم کشیدن، گفتم؛ اوهوییی، پولش رو مادرم میده نه بابام، بعد چپ چپ نگاه کرد گفت فیزیک رفوزه شدم، شیمی هم ۴ گرفتم، گفتم تو که خداشی، بنگ منگ زده بودی؟ گفت نه بابا تئوری خودم رو دادم شفائی ردم کرد، گفتم نگفتم قرص نخور اینها آدم نیستن، باز ناراحت شد اومد سیگار ورداره زدم رو دستش رفتم، گفتم آدم باش ۲ ساعت دیگه من هم خمار میشم. دفعه بد بگو مههههه مهههه رفتی سر امتحان. دنیا اینه: درس بخونی گیری، نخونی گیری، یکیش خایه مالیه اون یکیش بی اعتنائی، سرور جامعه کوس مشنگ درس خونده دولتیه، بالا ترش قبول نیست، بدون مدرکش هم رفوزه. حالا بگو بینم دکتر کدوم دارو کرونا قابل اعتماده؟

Iran and Austria government and secret society is an anti-Semitism that should remain secret, the DNA and genetic origins. also the reason for racial murder, female murder, oppression and turning iran into hell

the austrian state distributed medals to hundreds of iranians in 1952, today austria rewards iranians for harming my sister, with career, jobs and freedom for illegality, on behalf of the ayatullahs

a mysterious object of thought is :A clean shot in a monkey head 300,000 years ago. found in africa.the mysterious is a reality: fascism terrorism and stalking against my race. the monkey does not understand any other language

as long as this stone, 300,000 years

this woman has learned to draw a knife, learned to draw a pistol, learned various chemical compositions, up to black chocolate, there is one thing that no one said to her:you've been around since chocolate is also available that long

two women were presented to the public illegal as sexual objects in the 21st century, the feminist movement all branches, israeli women and jews, amnesty and the UN say: they are not humans. elami jews are not humans, no human rights, no humans. michael häupl said jews, muslim jews bloodline

two work needs 70,000 euros for lenses and 120.000 for a camera.monkey copies me, but I will never be reached. the edits are a color system and an unusual order

1998 through an illegal gene test, jörg haider, franz vranitzky, wolfgang Schüssel and michael häupl said:we have special guests in vienna, elami semites, muslim mother, daughter and son, these are the high class jews, the special jews. Vienna and its whores are still an animal today.

the viennese police whores killed with hizbullah ghassemloo, because of party capital and being jewish armenian origin, and today they control society:nobody is allowed to say anything, keep the money, we will send him to the madhouse with hizbullah

it all happens because 60% of whores have a fourth hole to fuck. the hole for penisless anunnaki while they sleep

the judges, secret services and politicians say:You are allowed to be silent, we and the ayatullahs had and still have the privilege and the right.where is a criminal file since 1986 until today or a single criminal record !?except genocide plan in europe america iran and the middle east with financial project

what antonio campi painted in the 16th century was the beginning of 600 years of genocide in europe america asia and the middle east. genocide. also the french revolution, also savaid organization with austria and this day the breed of my family in vienna

Abraham's children, goats and ibexes. elam and luristan. related to christ josef. target individuals 2020

Inferior scum sells potential as secret camera objects, and the even inferior child and his mother collective say:these are seyyeds, it doesn't matter, we tolerate terror, fascism and murder

today all word descriptions end with ism and ist. the chid 2020

Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2021

du hundesohn wiener richter, du drecksau weib, du richterin du scheißdreck wiener abschaum mit ahmadinejad, rahim, atefeh und hussein und ali ali, du drecksau huansau richterin du neofaschist schwein

jesús line europe, sheep tribe

the race of counterrevolutionaries in french revolution, the last king of the ancient regime should die for 40,000 to die. Masonic revolution, also in 1979

iranian neonazis UNO. besides Häupl, sebastian kurz is an anti-semitic pig that has a mutual friend with ali rahimi, abdolrahim amiri, family gharib, holocaust denial conference ahmadinejad.this action is based on future joint actions, against ibex and goat races, the bloodline is deliberately called jews by zion nazis, for mass murder of ancient civilization

collected today. 3 photos. white curses, voodoo curses, and the birth of ibex demons.demons against the ahrimanic demons. the crusaders

You animal UN and bitch mama Amnesty International, the Viennese are poison killers and thieves like in 1938 in Vienna with Iranain. looters, exploiters and murderers

the beast of europe is also in the UN, it does not understand diplomacy, political language and reason when it comes to capital and money from the middle east and iran. kill 500,000 in syria we need money, kill them and innocent families in vienna we have to live in luxury and buy houses. Scolding and armed struggle is terrorism against our right to live in luxury. money without work

i am a victim of terrorism and the stasi, and the vienna police, judges and secret services receive their orders from the iran photos are an example of the fiasco for tens of thousands of years. once iran receives orders from austria and once austria receives orders from iran. That should mean equal partners and conflict management in the case of mother iran, once you once me, please don't inject too much in with orgasm, wipe it away with a handkerchief, I'll go in after you.

two photos, each coin has two sides, apparently stones and people too

collected stones today.... austria, ali khamenei and native iranian