Sonntag, 10. Januar 2021

Police children are only worth for the secret society, government and mafia to write car traffic notes and watch car crash, or to guard demonstrations, for 1400 euros.hizbullah ayatullahs and secret society want to use some children for looting, for 10,000 euros an hour and a better job after being fired from the police

ahura mazdan dracul gate and the "bat".batman !? or captain nemo

the behavior of the police is a 1938 crime and Hezbollah and Iranian secret dinesty behave: we kill witnesses, helpers and jews friends in vienna and austria. because of evidence and jews gold project

In fascism and anti-Semitism and racial murder, armed struggle is an obligation, especially against red fascists and bastards of unnatural artificial origin

burschiiiiii, oarschiiiiii, heas leftist du intellektuellllll, heas burli, heas mäderl wer sand ma, wo sand ma, wie sand ma, religion ist das opium des volkes, puhfffff puhfffff puhffff, na oida. wo ist des stain oraschi burschi, anti gott gene burli

my hatred is justified:when at the time 20 people were being murdered in jail or streets in iran, thousands of leftists and police officers and others were sitting as moderators in chat rooms with an asghar farhadi and laughed at ruined political activists.when i see asghar i just say:Let yourself be fucked by hizbullah you agent and murderer

i was 14 and suddenly found myself at a leftists demonstration in front of the vienna opera.i ran away from boarding school for 4 days. I think only for an experience, I took a brick and threw it towards 100 police officers, they all stood in a row, I hit someone in the face with the stone. the helmet and the plastic flew away and i said:i hate you more than red communist philip you asshole. you are both the same. philip stood next to me and chanted international solidarity, i said hey you my father is a "socialist" like you, you ass

my research on socialist satanism showed one thing: socialism/mazdakism, has no color, satanism is colorful. this shows the joint project:enslavement of god genes in america iran and europe politics

the networks of satanism and black magic mafia collected because of 3 bloodlines,decide with ayatullahs and austro fascism about fate.5000 people were shot dead in Iran last year. Apparently the decision of Austria, Europe and the American network bastards, and capital. bastard networks' reward for iran is black money laundering for iran, and murder in malta

mother son and the pet. the holy grail

فرانسه جیگر مرغابی میفروشن صد گرم ۵۰۰ یورو، واسه اینکه یه ماده بهش میزنن که نرینه چربی جمع شه تو جیگرش. حالا بیشر ما میگن ما هم به آدمیزاد انسولین میزنیم، جیگرش کیلو چند؟ ‏

40 years of ritual should be enough for the next 1000 years. the falcon wants to rise again, persia should believe in itself again. in what it was and what it is. the master race, human rights race, cyrus the great race. fuck austrian nazis, and global ahrimanic society. 600 years of genocide

Austria has been a threat to the world as a terrorist since 1952, Austria is doing blood tests and DNA tests to find races, with its secret services, judges, police, public prosecutor, politicians and the secret society. today austria says:we have laboratory reports that 3 people illegally have the austrian passport. the world can do anything to this family, we have illegal jews. elami ibex jews. the passport is invalid

illuminati Kurz/ illuminati zarif. the deal with sebastian kurz, pürstl, häupl, hc and guddenus was: One or all three of the bloodlines should die for our paid millions.there is:Turkish, Arab, Iranian, EU, American, Chinese and international black magic mafia, satanism and ahrimanism mafia. black magic global with mojtaba khamenei and javad zarif

کیر ‏سگ ‏تو ‏دهن ‏همتون ‏مادر ‏جنده ‏های ‏تخم ‏سگ ‏جنده ‏ایرانی ‏وین ‏با ‏مرد ‏های ک‏وسکش ‏قالتاق بی عرضه. ‏کو‌‌‌‌‌‌‌سکش ‏مادرها. کونده ننه ها، پول در آوردن کار هر مادر جنده ای نیست، حرومزاده های مافیای قاتل

زن جنده، دختر جنده ایرانی رفته سر ماده اصلی، ماده سیاه لجن آزاده امیری و سرور شمس؛ کولی گرائی ۲۰۰۰ ساله، این چرا نمیمیره ما پولدار بشیم!!!

the spirit of elam is inventive, systematic and modern. the enmity says:cosmas and damian either you kill us or we kill you, we do not allow any progress

First a politician should be a successful business boss and then he should lead the country. in vienna there are only getho gangsters like sebastian Kurz with political masquerade, people who turn into business people through politics and corruption

this woman, soroor shams earned money through illegal secret camera action, from a mother with 35 years of employment and work. should I harm you pigs?

elam shows the tragedy with his left hand, bundle of energy

after the Habsburg monarchy, austria is a cheap mafia state, the dirtiest system in europe, as austria has proven from the beginning of the 20th century.In other words, people from the lowest strata of society are still elected as federal chancellor for getho mafia politics, such as SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ and a sebastian Kurz from a 60 square meter apartment in the 12th district.a sebastian Kurz who wants to earn millions of euros with the murder of a family in mafia formation

this ritual was carried out because hizbullah and ayatollahs had an opponent from 2002 that tried to organize and found. A systematic struggle for freedom and ideology, no pyramids network system and old structures but a modular system.satanism used my reputation as a political aktivist with iranian, toudeh and alsriat party with daily discussions from 2002 onwards

Samstag, 9. Januar 2021

judges collective fascism and ritual.this is no abuse of law or illegality in the EU, this is judge fascism, police satanism, elite sadism and politicians terror. an emergency for everyone: we have to kill jesus bloodline and end the ritual with iran because of 160 million in pot

if you see the painting below there is one thing you must know. gypsy black sara was the mother of maria magdalena and maria magdalena was a white gypsy and not a jew. jesus was a child of ahura mazda, from melchior, baltazer and casper?

österreich du huankind du scheißdreck du abschaum, du willst wieder juden töten, mit zigeuner, iranische zigeuner. österreich du und deine huren, scheißdreck abschaum weiber, du scheißdreck land du abschaum du dreck

race extermination and finance project in second republic and EU. and the denial. The young and old doctors the women and girls today are with Azadeh Amiri, the Pakistani Aryan race in absolute fascism, because of liver damage to health and neurological tests too. the ritual of the romano race is old, older than jesus chistus against our race. a white girl from a brown hussein gharib and azadeh amiri. Vienna complains:why doesn't he die after an international show, the financial project is an austrian right against the race

Austria has no financial weakness or lack of money, Austria has a lack of many things, for example character, or one thing is: why is your race higher than us, we should be the master race with violence and war, weapons, torture and lies. the Viennese monkey behavior of today:
why haven't you died yet, why aren't you getting old, why can so much. 38 projects and 16 professions. why are austrians so inferior and childish

doctors trial in the nuremberg trial was called: war crimes and crimes against humanity.In Austria and Germany, the race was the victim of experiments and chemicals, the race. Austria is still at war against race. the whores and bastards from austria and germany were in chille, thousands of people disappeared in chile for experiments, neurological experiments against the mixed race. to this day in iran and vienna and elsewhere. stasi nazi method wien is no longer an experiment, but a crime and attempted murder against the race. war crimes, austria continues to wage war against the race to this day.

every time the persian says shalom chaverim, the chaverim fucks us with woof woof tribe, quack quack and black magic tribe.Cyrus said that too, shalom shalom. for this the daraios was fucked with woof woof tribe and others

austrian politicians and judges earn between 5000 to 15 thousand euros a month, for more money sebastian Kurz, guddenus, hc, häupl, alev korun, peter pilz have become murderers and outlaw pigs.fucking europe fucking fascists animals and races murderers

austrian government the killers of my family because of black ali ali capital. the austrian police, doctors, judges, secret services, politicians, parties only want one thing:when does the jewish die, the jewish brings a lot of money, no one needs music just money