Montag, 11. Januar 2021

genetic psychopathy scum islamic government iran has to pay 500 million in damages because of sattar beheshti and a billion because of me, because of rare gold diamonds origin

great origin, gott gene, ibex gene, 500.000 B.B.C. fucking monkey and stalker

genetic toilet means:animal psychopathy, after 6 million murdered god genes, the race is once again treated with suppression, murderous thoughts and crimes. genetic toilet is the psychopathy against old race and civilization

fucking dirt and scum EU and UNO, fucking black magic society, fucking killer and animals EU and UNO

the vienna police secret service judges and politicians want an unfair and bestial negotiation, sentenced to death like in iran. genetic toilet austria and scum vienna says:
20 years is a lie, finance project is a lie, ancient civilization and god gene is a lie. death by suicide or poison

Because of my political activism, and genetic origin and with the ruin of my existence, austrian neo-nazi terrorism, Viennese upper class and their children, leftists earned millions illegally in addition to the security police, politicians and hizbullah and ayatullahs.with the aim and end result chemical poisoning and chemical bomb for scum since 1932

the problem with austrian scum is:since 1932 until today, the scum has not experienced any chemical bombs like in syria or the middle east. as long as europe, america and austria want to kill god gene

Abschaum und drecksau österreicher, du scheißdreck herkunft, du hundesohn, du dreck, du müll origin, du affe du killer du scheißdreck hund mit sebastian scheißdreck kurz

Vienna says with UN City and EU: Ayatollahs kill tens of thousands for us every year. this jew family here does not deserve prosperity and is not worth millions. why doesn't this family die !?
After 80 years of National Socialism and Mauthausen, Vienna and Austria prove:
austria is a genetically toillete, artificially created origin and scum without empathy and humanity. killer monkeys and animals created from ahrimanic scum. mass murderer, serial killer genetics

Atheism is dead flesh, satanism is poisoned bitter meat, communism is rotten meat, that's why there is not only poverty, hunger and war, but also stasi gang stalking. not enough humans are dying

kukuri ku, kukuri ku, kukurku quack quack quack es ist alles ein zufall. kukuri ku kukuri ku gott ist tot, gott gene ist überflüssig, kukuri ku kukuri ku gott ist tot, gott gene ist sinnlos

ibex god gene is the holy water,for hundreds of thousands of years. ibex is cosmas and damian, technology, ahura mazda god technology for healing

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2021

ÖVP/SPÖ fascism iran. in the name of science, iran is doing statistics to know how many gods we have.There, 2000 luris and elamis are poisoned with HIV with a single syringe, with sorror shams, nayareh gharib,malieh gharib, huseein gharib, amiri clan. Austrian Iranian Alliance. today with corona. 500,000

The Nuremberg Doctors Trial from December 9, 1946 to August 20, 1947 was intended to end racial hatred and experiments and persecution. For 50 years it has been said in Austria again:Without racial hatred and experiments there would be no career in the Viennese hospitals, the SPÖ and ÖVP dictatorship. no luxury life without approval for genocide.we help people as good christians, some should die, living with god genes is a pain

i show stones, i am not allowed to dig 5 meters for high culture and civilization and not 15 meters for technology. monkeys do it secretly so that they say:we are modern humans with visions and inventions

cuba has been under a strict embargo for 40 years, only because of one thing:one and two said no, just like mohammed reza pahlavi, no to zion nazis austro fascism and world fascism. khomeini said yes

I have (VMAT2), and as a citizen I have no rights. action carried out by inferior unnatural artificial manufacture. it's called darwinism

Genocide and SPÖ. what god genes feels and immediately recognizes with high spirituality is the black matter and energy, in person or in space or in the city.SPÖ is a permanent guest at the bilderberg networks, connection up to a small hospital in thailand with 100 doctors, a hospital in seri lanka with 40 doctors a pharmacy in ankra with 4 pharmacists

ask vienna and government politicians police and the whole system:Was my life worth something or nothing for 20 years.the answer is:we are nothing, we are worthless, we only had you. kill and burn us it doesn't matter

the gate leads to an infinite world, and takes the empathy towards some humans, our enemies

Police children are only worth for the secret society, government and mafia to write car traffic notes and watch car crash, or to guard demonstrations, for 1400 euros.hizbullah ayatullahs and secret society want to use some children for looting, for 10,000 euros an hour and a better job after being fired from the police

ahura mazdan dracul gate and the "bat".batman !? or captain nemo

the behavior of the police is a 1938 crime and Hezbollah and Iranian secret dinesty behave: we kill witnesses, helpers and jews friends in vienna and austria. because of evidence and jews gold project

In fascism and anti-Semitism and racial murder, armed struggle is an obligation, especially against red fascists and bastards of unnatural artificial origin

burschiiiiii, oarschiiiiii, heas leftist du intellektuellllll, heas burli, heas mäderl wer sand ma, wo sand ma, wie sand ma, religion ist das opium des volkes, puhfffff puhfffff puhffff, na oida. wo ist des stain oraschi burschi, anti gott gene burli

my hatred is justified:when at the time 20 people were being murdered in jail or streets in iran, thousands of leftists and police officers and others were sitting as moderators in chat rooms with an asghar farhadi and laughed at ruined political activists.when i see asghar i just say:Let yourself be fucked by hizbullah you agent and murderer

i was 14 and suddenly found myself at a leftists demonstration in front of the vienna opera.i ran away from boarding school for 4 days. I think only for an experience, I took a brick and threw it towards 100 police officers, they all stood in a row, I hit someone in the face with the stone. the helmet and the plastic flew away and i said:i hate you more than red communist philip you asshole. you are both the same. philip stood next to me and chanted international solidarity, i said hey you my father is a "socialist" like you, you ass

my research on socialist satanism showed one thing: socialism/mazdakism, has no color, satanism is colorful. this shows the joint project:enslavement of god genes in america iran and europe politics

the networks of satanism and black magic mafia collected because of 3 bloodlines,decide with ayatullahs and austro fascism about fate.5000 people were shot dead in Iran last year. Apparently the decision of Austria, Europe and the American network bastards, and capital. bastard networks' reward for iran is black money laundering for iran, and murder in malta

mother son and the pet. the holy grail

فرانسه جیگر مرغابی میفروشن صد گرم ۵۰۰ یورو، واسه اینکه یه ماده بهش میزنن که نرینه چربی جمع شه تو جیگرش. حالا بیشر ما میگن ما هم به آدمیزاد انسولین میزنیم، جیگرش کیلو چند؟ ‏

40 years of ritual should be enough for the next 1000 years. the falcon wants to rise again, persia should believe in itself again. in what it was and what it is. the master race, human rights race, cyrus the great race. fuck austrian nazis, and global ahrimanic society. 600 years of genocide