Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021

if the viennese authorities and police do not punish the millions of amiri and sham's family and the crime, the families, including their grandchildren, will die. fascism and racial hatred will be punished with dead if the state does not act

ما سال ۱۹۹۴ با هرچی پسر،و دختر ایرانی بود قطع رابطه کردیم، فقط این دختره موند با ایل و تبارش، فقط برای یک هدف: ما آب کیر سگیم، نوکر اتریشیم، ریدیم به ایران و تو، ایران هم برای زندگی هیچوقت بر نمیگردیم، تو هم بمیر همینجا، تو هم ایران نداری. تا همین امروز دارن صحنه سازی میکنن و لجن پراکنی و هوچیگری، ‏

the system was:who can with smoke and fire, who can with stones !?the pure persian breed.the policy of choosing wives, rakhsh is salvation.ahriman's problem has been for millennia: persian and ancient uterus

gypsy girl is back home, alexander's secret weapon against great persia. turkey, from alexander's time

intellect has a root, you only have a mask, made and produced from our history, the ancient civilization

many nazi jews were involved in the background in south africa and later in hitler's army.abadan khuzestan, ahvaz, beluchistan, kurdistan, is a joint project israel europe america with the ayatullahs. likewise chemical bombs attacks intrigue iran iraq war. for diminution of intellect and intelligence. Monkey researched chemical weapons for 200 years: we are higher, we are aryan

when i wrote this as goat and ibex it had a meaning, israel showed:we have more animals with secret cameras than adam and eva

there is an old race of old civilization, a mixed race, asia, africa, persia, elam, luristan europe.Austria has been stationed in south africa and iran since the 19th century and says this breed is bastard breed. With the opinion there was no old civilization, only monkeys, we were all monkeys

scheißdreck österreich sagt: was kummts her!? arschloch was machst durt? drecksau

europe, eugen, austria germany eugen lives in south africa to this day, eugen has been saying for 600 years:we are the modern apes and you are the primitive ones. there were only monkeys, aryan breed is the master monkey.

afghanistan is older and nobler, richer than switzerland with the resources for a 1000 year old empire. envy?

I piss and shit in the veins of the Aryan race when after ruining existence and attempting murder, Austria says we had the right to do so. perpetrators are aryan and the victims jews. fucking EU fascism says:Iranian government is aryan, and the beauty, god genes, raksh from afganistan jew

Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2021

UN dictatorship. After the mass murders of the first world war and the second world war, nazi officers and the black sun society founded the UN in 1952, alongside nato and pentagon:nobody is allowed to touch the history. so that the reason for mass murder in the middle east remains a secret to this day. one of them Yugoslavia war and inactivity of UN soldiers.also the action against my family on the global level. because of genes and DNA

i prayed today and asked sudabeh for help because of demons, we need your help and from ahura mazda

the ayatullahs say:if terrorists are arrested with milkionen euo, then we kill the whole family, we have all viennese networks under our hand with millions.OK. 50,000 children women and families live in america, canada and europe. kill the children too

it is not about stones, wood, metal or other things, it is about the fact that the states are sick. police politicians and secret services and officials. Officials are only wanted with specific DNA and genetic patterns. an austrian, (not a foreigner), an austrian needed to consume canabis on a daily basis because of his cancer, his problem was that with a pension of 900 euros he could not afford canabis, he tried to found a small plantation at home. the police visited him, confiscated and banned him, he died 6 weeks later because of pain.that is the sick state of austria where terrorism has permission for millions of projects, stasi action and black money and a cancer patient no permission for a flower vase plantation

al shayatin say in the name of islam to this anti ahrimanic demon shayatin

when the dog is finished and gone, an oriental with djinns remains

the primitive scum some turks and arabs say:why don't you kill us, ali and amiris !?that's why:i live in a democracy and the rule of law, with democratic values and the highest respect for human rights, what you do with ali and amiris is anal sex with austria, austria wants you to stick your cock up to the last millimeter in his ass.that's why

dr. who and allied daleks army

today I thought: at the level of Dr. who do I see austrians as daleks ?: annihilate annihilate, annihilate, annihilate luris and elamis, annihilate jews worldwide annihilation


آقا ما یک سری پشمک داریم من بهشون میگم برمک، به زن هاشون هم میگم شکوفه. معمولآ یک کتاب هم نخوندن ولی سر سرمایه کلان دارن، یعنی بازار یابی کن، و اختلاس موز رو جوری شرح حال کن که پسرت بشه دوماد روحانی. بعد عجایب روزگار که میبینن یا اشیاع قدیمی گم، میگویند: تا صاحب نظر پیدا نشود ما چیزی باور نمیکنیم، حالا صاحب نظر کیه؟ اونی که برای باباش اختلاس پوشک بهداشتی رو شرح حال میکنه، رفته فیزیک هم خونده، خونده ها، خونده. آخه اختلاس هندوانه عموش رو فقط میشه با فیزیک فلسفی پاسخ داد

welcome to the kingdom. for editing

esterhazys, habsburgs, austrian upper class and elite hate elami semites more than jews. He showed that in 1918 with KuK army intrigue, 10 million dead. and today with my family

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امروز میخ شدم رو این سنگر اهورایی، گفتم فاتحه اهورایی چجوری میخونن؟ گفتم شاید با تله پاتی عشقی از راه نزدیک، پائین رو نگاه کردم تو سفیدی، آهنگ بابا کرم اومد تو سرم، گفتم پس مرامت رو عشق، لبخند برلبانم نشست

this Soil and ground belongs to adam and not to heyvan that kills 6 million people because of genetic origin, and still wants to kill and plunder today. blood and soil DNA

today i found a grave of my wife sudabeh..I was given a walking stick after I finished prayer

who paid taxes for 280,000 goods sold? azadeh and her parents?