Samstag, 16. Januar 2021

anunnaki gate for turkish kepek race, the fight with fpö and turks: they should enter us not into you

from 2002 to 2014, i had 25,000 political debate hours, a large number of actions in vienna and i was always in conflict with the regime, toudeh and aksariat party, austria and iran paid hundreds of thousands of euros to nasser and his brothers for lies:diminishes him, lies so that we may kill him. after his death there will be more money for you.because austria has been a bastard for iran for 600 years, and austria will be, as freemasons, racists and fascists and friends of ayatullahs. my political issues

Austria says:we are with Amnesty International and the UN elite help racial murderers, where is the evidence? we will kill victims with racism and fascism terror evidence

2014 nasser farahani made a statement in a divorce suit: my son has been addicted to heroin for 20 years, i was surprised because i have had 46 blood tests in the last 22 years, and in this case austria is not a banan republic,you immediately get into an anti-drug program.then i understood: if my son is politically and commercially smarter than me, then only heroin can be to blame, not bagher's DNA

آقا نقاش این تابلو بنگی منگی یا هروینی نبوده ها، دنبال آشغال نرید، بنده خدا فرهاد و شاملو تا مرز شاعری بودن، فراتر از اون آشغال نمیذاره، خود ارضایی با شعر و ترانه مواد منفجره نیست، بلکه آه و ناله، همون افسردگیست

the problem with drug consumption, especially in iran and neighboring countries, and many other countries, is: the hidden creativity, ingenuity, intellect. it wants to break out, without aids and with eternal blockages it turns into depression and psychosis. why the nerve pathways and the third eye are closed is a millennial intrigue with neurotoxin

the UN elite vienna is dirtier than austro fascism, israel anti-semitism, ayatullah terrorism and american absolutism, an autocracy in racial madness

this is a bloody friendship with shams and amiris against my mother and a political activist and businessman i am confronted with the fact that mojtaba khamenei and the state of austria generously reward the hostile race and families for murder plan

my mother's uncle, hedayat, started smoking opium when he was 18, he was a book and antiques dealer. original persian, origin from hamedan, malayer, luristan.This accident and total damage in the family happened when he smoked opium liquid after opium, pure stuff. suddenly he heard a woman on the street: we sharpen your knives, we sharpen your knives. He put the knife in our stomach, the enemies of my mother and aunts and uncles. 4 died no call for condolences for 10 years. an insult

great persian dna and origin. tablet photo, melchior myŕrhe and smoke, added some color in tablet. original tablet photo

the hostility situation in vienna against my family is also israel, europe and america, middle east war psychopathy. goat and ibex trade in vienna but also in the middle east the business with the dead ..with 4 tribes, indian gypsy race, immigrated to iran.warning signs were left in india and iran, 5000 years before christ, from indians and persians.what vienna, israel, europe, america is doing against us with iranian gypsies in vienna is also the psychopathy in syria, iraq and the middle east too. mass murder, genocide

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021

Israeli racial policy is Nazi Jew policy like in 1932, Israeli today is the third generation of 150,000 Jewish soldiers in the Wehrmacht. simone and israelischekaktusgemeinde proves it in vienna, attempted murder against my family

the snowball battle iran israel in syria has statistics:one snowball 1000 DNA, two snowballs 5000, after 10 years one million, out of one million probably 8000 ibex children, 120,000 goats, and 500,000 sheep. this is how europe and america see the people as herds of cattle

israeli zionist psychopath, killer and fascist without bloodline notifies iranian gypsy, saba in berlin and says:rana lives in germany and works in theaters, earn money with her, find the keys and steal them, there are millions of viewers from iran.stopthebob simone and stefan get their orders from iran, the attack on sepah in syria is the snowball fight for mass murder

Austrian police, secret services, politicians and the upper class, anti-Semitism and xenophobia, hizbullah and ayatullahs say:kill the family after the financial project there is no evidence, the UN says it too. the race does not matter we have too manny victims for you in iran

the psychopathic concentration camp psychopathy, women brain abnormality says:everything he does is worthless. of course because of 20 years of camera action, the camera action was because of what i always did:anti european political action because of lies of history, and racial extermination because of true history. dictatorship and annihilation in iran because of ethnic and genetic origins, annihilation of our environment because of the removal of natural habitats, poisoning of food because of the slow aging process.elamische and luri venus wien, the roots elam and shush in wien

Terror because of political activism on one side, fascism and racism because of ethnic origin on the other side, this woman wants to kill the three of us because of deep faith in the ahrimanic capital. a German teacher, the father accountant, the mother insurance agent 3rd class and two brothers also lower class with salaries. iranians are the lower class, politics and the upper class use these people as human shields

bloodline ritual. The psychopathy of europe, america, asia, turkey is in this black bucket, a paranomal black matter bucket.tesla died with a penny in his pocket in america.koratien serbia, bosnia, are genetically from ancient civilization, since daraios, and cyrus the great and before. how many DnA are left after the first and second world war, and after the balkan brothers war !?

in Austria everyone has to live with a salary, an asshole came and said: we have an ibex jew, we can live beyond our limit. the result is:manipulation of the regional and police database, because of jews extermination plan and financial plan 20 years

oild sand ma in österreich, die tehraner, du a, ober dain oilder wül i net hob'n, des mit juden töten ist dains net mains

In 1932 austrians said:Jude has a big nose and ugly face, these people were politicians and business people. In 1938 the austrians said: we have ruined their lives, they have nothing left to eat, they run around hungry like animals in gethos, better when the suffering is ended, we have to kill, that is a good deed, we have pity.Today is the whole procedure and procedure against an Iranian politician and businessman and his family:he smells his pants, he jerks, fucks, he ruffles and penis size:We ruined him internationally, better if he dies, that's a good deed, he has nothing left, he is inferior, he wants to criminalize us, us, the master race.

آقا یگ زمانی میگفتن: رفتار نیک، گفتار نیک، کردار نیک. هر نامردی و کس و ناکسی شد نیکنام و نیک فرجام، امروز قطار نشسته بودم، دیدم یکی داره محترمانه فارسی حرف میزنه، پیش خودم گفتم عجب صدایی، عجب ادبیاتی، تلفن تموم شد نرسیده به ایستگاه دیدم از تلفنش چند ثانیه صدا خنده چند نفره داره پخش میکنه، گفتم پس کیر تو روحت مادر جنده با تربیت. بعد گفتم اجداد ما مغزشون گوزیده بوده گفتن ما مهمان نوازیم و باید باشیم با فرهنگ آریایی، اگر به کوس عمشون از همون اول میریدیم نمیومدن به آمریکایی و اروپایی بگن شما آقایین، خانه ما رو هم به دلخواه خود نگاه کنید، "ما ایرانی ها" کوچیک شما هستیم

sohrabs paintings and woods also had many illusions and fata morgana

gemeindebau burli privat da hoam: heas oida i schlatz eham ins gsicht, oidaaa wer ist bundeskanzler, bin i des? der javad haut mi 25 millionen noach in europa, wos wü der perser, heas leck me am oarsch i bin der kanzler i moach mit javad wos i wüü, kiwarai sand main fraind, di woiln a a göld

آقا مشکل پارانویا و شیزو فرنی میدونی چیه؟ هی باید تو خونه با همه سلام علیک کنی، چاکرآقا سهراب.... گل گلهایی

When I was 18, I read something about a protocol, I said suck my ass, should I study political science and explain to a professor what actually this black magic was? i'm becoming a poet and i talk a lot without a title

In 1932 austrians said:Jude has a big nose and ugly face, these people were politicians and business people. In 1938 the austrians said: we have ruined their lives, they have nothing left to eat, they run around hungry like animals in gethos, better when the suffering is ended, we have to kill, that is a good deed, we have pity.Today is the whole procedure and procedure against an Iranian politician and businessman and his family:he smells his pants, he jerks, fucks, he ruffles and penis size:We ruined him internationally, better if he dies, that's a good deed, he has nothing left, he is inferior, he wants to criminalize us, us, the master race.

you know, ‏a lot grows on the holy ahura mazda soil, ‏it is repeatedly polluted with rituals, ‏two world wars and sacrifice of ahura mazda's child race, ‏in masses, ‏mass graves are still found over ancient temples of zarathustra and fire halls

the gate is open, for editing

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