Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2021

monkey leftists

the leftist monkey understands nothing, profession, existence, social contacts, family, children, sex life, freedom, freedom of speech, no!
we have to suppress some for our goals, the question arises:
what did you do or say when 5000 iranians were murdered on the streets !? Nothing.
islamic government is an anti-imperialist and anti-zionist and the victims are jews.
the behavior is paranormal and based on alien invasion of the anunnakis in their empty minds


Most no one comes to europe from iran to become someone with an old tradition: kidnapping.
the kidnapping is:
we have to find someone to pull us up, in europe this business with left and right and middle left movement is possible, because europe is turning oriental and european deer breed into a lumpen proletariat.
these little gypsies from iran can rarely bring themselves into this position in iran.

Marxismus ist muß, siktir lan du arschloch

Zum ersten Mal gebraucht Marx den Begriff in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Max Stirner, dem er vorhält, das Proletariat mit „ruinierten Bourgeois und ruinierten Proletariern, […] einer Kollektion von Lumpen, die in jedem Zeitalter existiert haben“ zu verwechseln, d. h. mit dem Pauperismus, welcher „die Lage nur des ruinierten Proletariats, die letzte Stufe ist, auf die der gegen den Druck der Bourgeoisie widerstandslos gewordene Proletarier versinkt, und nur der aller Energie beraubte Proletarier ein Pauper ist.“[4] Zu diesem „Auswurf, Abfall, Abhub aller Klassen“ zählte Marx die „zerrütteten Lebeherren mit zweideutigen Subsistenzmitteln und von zweideutiger Herkunft, verkommene und abenteuerliche Ableger der Bourgeoisie, Vagabunden, entlassene Soldaten, entlassene Zuchthaussträflinge, entlaufene Galeerensklaven, Gauner, Gaukler, Tagediebe, Taschendiebe, Taschenspieler, Spieler, Zuhälter, Bordellhalter, Lastträger, Literaten, Orgeldreher, Lumpensammler, Scherenschleifer, Kesselflicker, Bettler, kurz, die ganze unbestimmte, aufgelöste, hin- und hergeworfene Masse, die die Franzosen ‚la bohème‘ nennen“.[5] Im Kommunistischen Manifest beschrieben Marx/Engels die subproletarischen Gruppen als „passive Verfaulung der untersten Schichten der alten Gesellschaft“

wild animals, ariel and the child from elam and luristan

i was on kefalonia 2016, i heard the screams of children and women, these children and women were killed a hundred times more brutally than in concentration camps.Because these Wehrmacht Jews and Austrians, the women collective and bastard collective animals are not humans

mobile photo 2016,,, barbad farahani

Austria is still looking specifically on the internet today, to which point on earth did we not condemn this family to the stasi method, that is the psychopathy of the third generation of kefalonia IBX murderers, children and women murderers. therefore when i see these scenes of 100 austrian tourists, women and men, i am only looking for the corpses to piss on these scum. not by ISIS hostage-taking, because ISIS is a financial project Austria Europe

dictatorship psychopathy always demands violence, it has a longing for resistance and violence, it also wants to die for it, because after violence comes peace, this peace is a Wehrmacht Jew intrigue ;the capital will automatically be redistributed for the construction, and the old stolen capital disappears through portals to Mars. It is different with stasi capital, a different intrgie and strategy

Terrorists like hussein and ali gharib and rahim amiri say to society:we want to see evidence on the table. this is a fool of Wehrmacht Jews with ayatullahs.the police say that too:the city should show evidence of private life sales and terrorism

it has been the case for 10 years:Of the 10 people on the street, 6 grin, and 3 shake their heads and one looks sadly down. non-verbal psychological war, against profession and existence. that's the business with neuro, euro with neuro and stasi method. The character of this city is the scum of 1932, taught by Wehrmacht Jews

die woild ruaft: geh scheiß'n, wüst mit neuro euro moach'n, da muast mit G'schicht a no wos onders M'oachn, kennanst des heit no?

dain göild und leben gehört mir ist a oild's g'schicht

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2021

Ariel, the fact is: anti-Semitism and anti-Wehrmacht action can also be found in old stones, and the devil's eye

du huankind du drecksau du wüst a mutter und tochter töten für scheine, du scheißdreck wiener ausländer und inländer, du abschaum, du dreck, du müll

the problem is:This type of wehrmacht mayor, general and officers sits in pentagon for world intrigue and mass murder in iran, middle east with ayatullahs and revolutionary guard

8000 criminals with data protection sit in austrian prison, what is that besides fascism and racism and the start of a genocide and second national socialism with the 3rd generation of "wehrmachtsjuden". against a mother and daughter

inglourious basterds

if the Viennese of whatever origin and religion have turned my sister's private life into business despite years of therapy, and the state of austria does not take any responsibility because of our ethnic origin, and the perpetrators are rewarded for the islamic republic of iran,
then i will cut your heads like lettuce cucumbers, that is not a threat, but a fact that after 6 million mass murder of my race vienna is still striving for genocide in iran and europe

all 3 world religions leaders hate absurdity, like charlie and joe

In 1938 the austrians killed the retail trade as a financial Jew, the vegetable seller and meat seller, they kept the others for ayatullahs today, so that both with fascism kill ibex and goat international, billions of national capital on the Zionist banks, and the people in iran are starving

you have to get used to it, there are god genes jews and finance jews, in 1932 adolf had finance by his side, gene was destroyed. 150,000 in the armed forces

the viennese jews knew from the hospital report and viennese networks, my sister had panic attacks from 2003 and 5 years of therapy with medication. for the psychosis, the viennese fascists and the jews took the foundation of her security: mother.your mother is an international whore with no police records and crime, for total psychological destruction and her music talent

in front of the eyes of rich and poor, and the world makes Austria, europe abdolrahim amiri, an accountant to landowner, 5 houses, amiri family with 5 million to be millionaires, azadeh amiri with 1.2 million to women idol, amiri schirazi a pharmacist to hero, ashkan keyhan wheel a bathtub seller to soldier with 500,000 euros and others too. europe, fascism makes genocide lucrative, assassination of the iranian race. europe says with ayatullahs that they have the right to kill and earn money, we also receive hunters, 100,000 euros a shot, at mass protests

the intrigue of zionism, fascism and satanism is:in vienna the ahrimanic / satanic capital and business has gone like black matter into the blood of these people. matter says: kill or die, lie for the money. all nationalities in vienna

این صحنه ‏و جریان ‏۵۲ ‏سنگ ‏روی ‏هم ‏چیده ‏شده ‏است

زرتشت گفت ای اهریمن ناپاک، من مخلوقات آفریده دیو را خواهم برانداخت، من "خنتائیتی پری" را خواهم برانداخت. من عفریت نسا (اشه و مردار) آفریده دیو را خواهم برانداخت تا آن که سوشیانت پیروزمند از "آب کالن اوایه" از طرف مشرق، از طرف مشرق متولد شود.» (هوویدختر فرشوشتر وزیر کی گشتاسب پادشاه مشرق زمین بوده است بنابراین بسیار منطقی است که موعودهای آخرالزمان مزدیسنا در مشرق پا به عرصه وجود گذارند).

when was Austria a human that he allowed himself to kill people in the name of being human? or kill masses? today?

comandante ibex genius, for finger ring. 290 pictures and history, kaveh ahangar, arasch kamangir race,.. yahoooooo,....

armed struggle against fascism in paris, amsterdam berlin, vienna, brussels, rome, and other capitals is an alternative for stopping the genocide globally, in iran and in latin america. against the elite, secret agents and police commanders and judges. it is an alternative and last way out, this behavior of the police, politics and secret services is unbearable, ruining, attacking, psychological torture and murdering for millions, with hizbullah and ayatullahs

greek islands ibex and deer breed, shit in the mouth of euro fascism and shit austria, after 80 years of global genocide.shame Vienna, with bastards and dogs can't even leave mother son daughter alone, shit vienna and austria because of DNA and genes. we are citizen since 1992, not since 2015. austrian genocide mother fucker psychopaths: kefalonia genocide 1944, and today iran with ayatullahs

these are different genetic branches of race, the front one is the origin and wild race, magician and kings race, the other goats, ibexes.for this reason austria gives my citizenship no human rights, and civil rights, together with ayatullahs and UNO fucking city

we moved from vienna to khorramabad, he didn't leave us alone, i came to vienna and it says:I have to get to your height with secret cameras, I'm higher

آقا ما تابحال یک دونه سنگ هم نفروختیم در این ۲۵ سال گذشته، میخواستیم ببینیم خارکوسده تا کی قتل ژنتیک زنجیره ای میکنی!؟ مادر جنده ها رفع بیکاری در ایران اینطوری میکنن: برید ببینید دختر دائی مادر بزرگ صدیقه همدونی کی بوده، اینها چمدون رو بستن اومدن تهران، باقر ممه دونش رو چجوری پیدا کرد، بعد یکسر برو دهات حسین آباد شاملو ببین حجت زن پسر عموش لر بوده یا کرد همه رو پیدا کنید قسمت بندی کنید، شبکه بندی ها را در بیارید و آنالیزم کنید، ما باید همه را پیدا کنیم. ببینید صدا مدا اینها گوش میکنن یا نه. بعد از چهل سال حکومت کسخل آخوندی، شدند کونده برای اتریش و اروپا.