Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2021

iran SoS has known me since 2002 from my paltaks rooms and actions and activism

iran is a dictatorship, and austrians are laughing on the streets:with mojtaba khamenei and ahmadinejad we are allowed to do everything with you, we even get money for it, young girls with 20 years

the austrian state is still filming me and wants to eat bread from stasi dictatorship, persecution and terrorization of ibex activists, kefalonia and crete DNA, persian race during the kyros and daraios dynasty and sasanid dynasty moved to the islands

مارکس گفت دست از لمپنیسم بردارید و علمی برخورد کنید، اسپارتاکوس لومپن بود. ۱۲ سال گذشت و هنوز هم میگن در جامعه ما لمپنیسم خیلی بده، زشته،علمی برخورد کنید

austria is a mafia banana state that has earned millions through my mother, sister and father's family, brothers and others also made money. the austrians and iranians only return their money through blackmail, violence and hostage-taking. illegal stasi murder attempt money. names and photos, financial statistics later

the deep psychopathy of the viennese police and secret services was: this ibex mazdakist and nationalist even wears deer shirts, that's an absolute no-gos, we can't stand that


this is my political activism today, a piece of wood from the forest. the light teaches and gives a speech

بنده خدا مزدک هم گفت من ریدم تو این سیاهی مملکت، نور رو کلافه کردین مادر جنده های مادر کونده، شما دیگه کی هستین، زدن کشتنش، گفتن فحش نده بمیری بهتره

آقا کیری ترین ایرانیها در وین تشریف دارن، ما میرفتیم تظاهرات، این کوسکش ها میگفتن: برین کلیدش رو بدزدین، دوربین مخفی بذارین خونش بینیم پول ساعتش رو از کجا در میاره

من ریدم به کوس ننت من شاشیدم به پستون اون جنده ای که ازش شیر خوردی کوس کولی کوچ کولی مادر جنده ضد ایرانی وین، توده، اکثریت، خواهر مادر کونی، مسعود مقدم، اکبر، مسعود رهبر، کوسکش مادر های جاسوس رژیم، زیر خایه کیر خور فاشیسم، کوسکش ایرانی.

refusal to serve by the mafia and neo-fascist organization Austrian authorities and judges has this problem:we still kill like on Crete, why didn't he die from our and iranian poison? barbad farahani and his family are jews and have no civil rights we don't work we have nothing

the tree of crete, austrian sheep and goat killer, viennese judges psychopathic killer gene

the viennese judges collective mafia, killers and dirty animals, neo-nazi fascists called rahim amiri last week:rahim we started in 1998 and earned a lot of money, today nobody talks about the money anymore, go and file a criminal complaint so that we can end the action in jail and poison.

ich bin staatsbürger mit bürgerrechte, das ist linke sauerei und israelische schweinerei, hurenkinder

monkey leftists

the leftist monkey understands nothing, profession, existence, social contacts, family, children, sex life, freedom, freedom of speech, no!
we have to suppress some for our goals, the question arises:
what did you do or say when 5000 iranians were murdered on the streets !? Nothing.
islamic government is an anti-imperialist and anti-zionist and the victims are jews.
the behavior is paranormal and based on alien invasion of the anunnakis in their empty minds


Most no one comes to europe from iran to become someone with an old tradition: kidnapping.
the kidnapping is:
we have to find someone to pull us up, in europe this business with left and right and middle left movement is possible, because europe is turning oriental and european deer breed into a lumpen proletariat.
these little gypsies from iran can rarely bring themselves into this position in iran.

Marxismus ist muß, siktir lan du arschloch

Zum ersten Mal gebraucht Marx den Begriff in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Max Stirner, dem er vorhält, das Proletariat mit „ruinierten Bourgeois und ruinierten Proletariern, […] einer Kollektion von Lumpen, die in jedem Zeitalter existiert haben“ zu verwechseln, d. h. mit dem Pauperismus, welcher „die Lage nur des ruinierten Proletariats, die letzte Stufe ist, auf die der gegen den Druck der Bourgeoisie widerstandslos gewordene Proletarier versinkt, und nur der aller Energie beraubte Proletarier ein Pauper ist.“[4] Zu diesem „Auswurf, Abfall, Abhub aller Klassen“ zählte Marx die „zerrütteten Lebeherren mit zweideutigen Subsistenzmitteln und von zweideutiger Herkunft, verkommene und abenteuerliche Ableger der Bourgeoisie, Vagabunden, entlassene Soldaten, entlassene Zuchthaussträflinge, entlaufene Galeerensklaven, Gauner, Gaukler, Tagediebe, Taschendiebe, Taschenspieler, Spieler, Zuhälter, Bordellhalter, Lastträger, Literaten, Orgeldreher, Lumpensammler, Scherenschleifer, Kesselflicker, Bettler, kurz, die ganze unbestimmte, aufgelöste, hin- und hergeworfene Masse, die die Franzosen ‚la bohème‘ nennen“.[5] Im Kommunistischen Manifest beschrieben Marx/Engels die subproletarischen Gruppen als „passive Verfaulung der untersten Schichten der alten Gesellschaft“

wild animals, ariel and the child from elam and luristan

i was on kefalonia 2016, i heard the screams of children and women, these children and women were killed a hundred times more brutally than in concentration camps.Because these Wehrmacht Jews and Austrians, the women collective and bastard collective animals are not humans

mobile photo 2016,,, barbad farahani

Austria is still looking specifically on the internet today, to which point on earth did we not condemn this family to the stasi method, that is the psychopathy of the third generation of kefalonia IBX murderers, children and women murderers. therefore when i see these scenes of 100 austrian tourists, women and men, i am only looking for the corpses to piss on these scum. not by ISIS hostage-taking, because ISIS is a financial project Austria Europe

dictatorship psychopathy always demands violence, it has a longing for resistance and violence, it also wants to die for it, because after violence comes peace, this peace is a Wehrmacht Jew intrigue ;the capital will automatically be redistributed for the construction, and the old stolen capital disappears through portals to Mars. It is different with stasi capital, a different intrgie and strategy

Terrorists like hussein and ali gharib and rahim amiri say to society:we want to see evidence on the table. this is a fool of Wehrmacht Jews with ayatullahs.the police say that too:the city should show evidence of private life sales and terrorism

it has been the case for 10 years:Of the 10 people on the street, 6 grin, and 3 shake their heads and one looks sadly down. non-verbal psychological war, against profession and existence. that's the business with neuro, euro with neuro and stasi method. The character of this city is the scum of 1932, taught by Wehrmacht Jews

die woild ruaft: geh scheiß'n, wüst mit neuro euro moach'n, da muast mit G'schicht a no wos onders M'oachn, kennanst des heit no?

dain göild und leben gehört mir ist a oild's g'schicht