Sonntag, 24. Januar 2021

UN and Amnesty say:we need money to help people, racism and fascism, stasi system with the end result of murder with a family is acceptable.this deep fascism and dirty behavior gets 14 months salary, it is not ready to work for 12. Salaries between 3,000 and 25,000. Interns with 2,000.that is hundreds of millions of euros a year, aid for the poor in the third world

آخوند نشسته مسجد امام علی وین، میگه این پدر، یعنی رحیم امیری عزیز ترین پدر ما داریم، اشتباه نکن مرد شریفیست و از ماست، یک نفر تو ایران حرف نمیزنه، میدونی چرا؟ چون راه قاچاق و دزدی به مردم یاد داده، کوس و کون و ناموس مردم رو بفروش و پول در بیار، ولی اونی که ما میگیم؛ بله! ببین آخوند من کیرم تو کوس او جنده که تو میپرستی، فاطمه زهرا، من شاشیدم به ناموس اون زهرا که تو میپرستی، اون جنده اهریمنه، نه اون فاطمه زهرا از نژاد ما، که ما میپرستیم. اون کوس زنت رو جر میداد تولید نسل نکنی خارکوسده

alien invasion, ahrimanic invasion. in the golden age there was peace without racism, conflict and war.Vienna shows its inner monkey:we ruin 20 years and poison, we don't kill, we don't answer, we don't take responsibility. worldwide you are ruined, kill us you are an aggressor and ape

صد وای ای وای به ممد حیدری، ممد حیدر خاک تو اون سرت، پلیس هم پلیس های زمان شاه، ای وا ای وای به ممد حیدری، صد وای ای وای، آقا این کارو بارش، محرم کارش، بی اعتبارم، زائیده حالم صد وای صد وای به ممد حیدری، بار خفتی ممد حیدری

in europe there is a network of police children between the ages of 20 and 25. the collective is psychopathic racists with himmler's racial ideology, this statement: we have uniforms, we are armed, we can steal, plunder, the judges love us.if society doesn't protest, kill this boy or girl for a black carbonado, for one

the hero and the intrigue and trap

linke und grüne bettler

in this society donate monthly
one hundred thousand of these three hundred thousand 10 euros, that's a million euros, with this one million euros per month you can trigger a fascism wave on the internet in east and west europe, even with gypsy iranian

There are 313,000 millionaires in Austria, probably unofficially 500,000, based on a laboratory report on exact genetic and ethnic origin the police and security police say:if he looks like this again and he has money like 1998-2008 then we kill ourselves and him too. this is the deep races psychopathy himmler goebels and other scum

you monkey i human

since 1998 the viennese police with ÖVP / SPÖ / FPÖ / GRÜNE has been in the deepest dirtiest anti-Semitism, racial hatred and satanism. for 20 years the police have been saying:
does everything with this family we don't work for this breed.
because of: anatomy? nose? hair colour? or you ape I human

information stored in monkey gene/DNA is:fear of the big nose, antipathy and hate.because of great special intellect

There are 313,000 millionaires in Austria, over 5million millionaires, dozens of billions of black money in Swiss banks, judges earn up to 160,000 euros a year, civil servants up to 10,000 euros a month, Vienna says:we need money, we need persian families for stasi method

slave traders and the whore of babylon. and sooshiant, cyrus, moses, hoshider, jesus, mazdak

the jew in israel slogans for freedom in iran, and the jew in vienna chants for establishing genocide of the persian bloodline of mother daughter and son.

jeroboam sagte: in wien macht nur die heilige kuh ein muhhhh, wos ist mit eich

jews were also on the raid and plundering, between 1932 and 1945 in vienna and berlin, which jews were they? ariel, stephan and simone? that is forbidden germanic capital, life and existence were called tribute

آقا اینجا جهود اسرائیلی و صهیونیسم هم از ما غرامت گرفته، مثل سال ۱۹۳۸ میگه سرمایه از شما دزدیدیم که دزدیدیم، چی میگی، اینجا زمین ماست. بعد میگی کوسکش کونده اینجا زمین اهورا مزدایی بوده نه اسرائیل، اینجا زمین عیسی مسیح و ملشور بوده، جهود کجا بود. میگه نه ما آدم خواریم، بیا بکش، بزن مارو بکش، ما با سرمایه دزدی میریم قصر اهریمن، شاشیدیم به بهشت، ما قصر نشینیم

In 1998 I saw a girl, she was 22, I was 23, 20 minutes beforehand I bought a carpet for my mother for 12,000 euros, and had it on my shoulder, I kissed the carpet, the feeling was ecstasy. it was a carpet from the 18th century. A lot was burned back then. see today this power burns me, my family, without a crime or police record

satanism and balck magic is religious freedom in your own 4 walls and temples, also when it comes to UN employees, amnesty, including politicians, police officers and secret services. But if the rituals are above democracy and the rule of law, then it is fascism against the old race. ahura mazda breed. glorify, hide, eliminate from evidence the 4th Reich

Buried alive is supernatural and an ancient act of vengeance

haaramarsch, haaramarsch, haaaaaaaramarsch du herrenrasse du, du arische rasse du du herrenrasse, juden hama in wien persische ibex juden, kefalonia rambos sand ma wieder, heas ramboooo kennst du di net sölber? du haaramarsch

what Vienna does is an abstract from 1932:hc and guddi enter a theater stage,Both are filmed for 5 million euros media value, for both, with 5 million euros both get out and organize a milliz group together, 500 inner circle and 5000 outer circle. The jew gold of jew DNA citizens must be protected with yellow uniformed and red uniformed. "this family is a foreigner"

wake up, open your eyes

This stone was made for the native breed, in the 21st century it has a different application than in the 19th century.

the entire vienna police apparatus is active in the psychological torture system and attempted murder with hizbullah and ayatullahs

part of the wood, photographed the day before yesterday.ahriman's plan leads again and again to armagedon, despite the bunker 10 meters below the earth you will die, you greed

UN rewarded with glorification that it is the dopamine for murder and torture

Today's planes fly without a pilot seat, everything technical and electronic has to be put together perfectly so that humans can control it. It is the same with the ahrimanic spirit, annunaki spirit and div and djinns, that meat must be preprogrammed so that it moves, the chemistry in the brain, feelings of fear, pity, empathy, murder, all these feelings must be preprogrammed so that a collective for murder of a family unites. UN rewarded with glorification that it is the dopamine for murder and torture

Corona vaccination changes DNA towards monkey

honest sociobiology and microbiology, genetic research and DNA research shows: the world is genetically ruled by ahrimanic psychopathy, not by humans, especially the human rights activists in alternative clothes are the worst animals.
Corona vaccination changes DNA towards monkey

the alien stasi system is not possible without the UN, which is why the UN is endeavoring to delete or eliminate or manipulate billions of data with programs. From Iranian Dictatorship Ali Khamenei and EU, America Anti-Semitism and Racial Persecution

one stone 300 photos, i am elam, creation

the thinking module system and the eel fish snake.
stasi stalking system thinking modules system, strategy and tactics, instinct in ape brains

sebastian says to the whole gypsy gang and sanam amiri: we are aryan, find your jews

sanam amiri and family amiri and shams, nasri, gharib, and various branches of the mafia system are a large family of iranian intelligence, related to european intelligence, cia and nsa. sanam amir says today we have to kill his family for end result,
she hunt with her networks and gang and with azadeh my sister in germany, of course with gharib gang.
sebastian says to the whole gypsy gang:
we are aryan, find your jews

scheißdreck nazi ötzi, drecksau faschist, bimbo du herrenrasse du, du bist nur a haaramarsch, haaramarsch, du evolution du