Montag, 25. Januar 2021

the spy, alexander's spy. not thrown away today, the curve and angle were correct

Vienna has neither green women nor red women, Vienna has murderesses like the 30 years war, they have never seen 20,000 euro banknotes on the table, these whores kill for the money.i had a conflict with the ayatullahs, the whore collect money on the battlefield from corpses

i realized today that this is not a stasi show, but jew murder show. because international stasi action and hate action without responsibility and the lawlessness to this day is murder, a murder show with ayatullahs and austrian anti-semitism. a father that I called animal in 2002 and never saw him again,wants to take revenge on murder too. because he is an animal and i am a human, the persian uterus is like a reactor it does not let any unnecessary pests in, either human or miscarriage

زاویه. آقا دستت خورد به زکی، پرتش کن بره بخوره به دکی و بکی، فقط زاویش درست باشه وگرنه طلسم میگیرتت

some compiled today

there are dozens of police officers and officers in vienna, women and men from iran, these people call emam ali mosque and say:we experience a miracle, a miracle, emam zaman helps us and nobody talks to him about it.the miracle is the ahrimanic capital for murder, terror and psychological torture. a family is the family of kia and his sister, who have been friends with soroor shams and amiris for 12 years.terrorism in state service and uniform that only wants to answer with gun and violence. I said my sister and mother are in danger because of international hate campaign

میگن یکسری از سنگ ها بعضی کشور ها پیدا نمیشه، برای همین مردم میبینن و از کنارش رد میشن و فکر میکنن: سنگ بی ارزش ماست. آقا قبیله های ما کوچ کردن طرف ایران، از آفریقا و اروپا به ایران، هر کدوم ۵۲ تا سنگ جیبشون بود، همش پرت و پلا شده رو زمین، حتی الماس سیاه

آقا ده سال پیش حسن اومد گفت، و گفت رفتم ایران حالم گرفت، پسر زن خوب دیگه پیدا نمیشه، هرچی ننه ام نشون داد جریان داشتن، گفتم یعنی چی؟ گفت خوب به ما نمیخورن، جریان دارن. اینور اونور رو نگاه کردم، بالا پایین رو نگاه کردم، گفتم حسن، فرق بین دختر عملی با عملیاتی چیه؟ گفت چی؟ گفتم ببین، تکرار میکنم، فرق بین عملی و عملیاتی چیه؟ گفت نمیدونم، گفتم آه. نرو زن بگیر، بیخیال، در  حد جریان دار نیستی، تو رو چه به اون ها، عملیاتی اینجا زیاد ریخته حالت رو بکن

when alexander smuggled the mixed race, jews, gypsies, molossians through turkey to persia, he laughed, he said: this woman costs 5 arrows for the persian, and conflicts, i get strategy and geological information. the persian said your path leads to persia, but then to india with your black magic molossians. the same in vienna: that costs barbad 5 bullets, azadeh and her friends. the dirty behavior is in your blood, blond blue eye monkey

the day after: he only writes, he only writes, he writes, what does he write about us? what does he know about us, he just writes, he just writes, does he know what's going on? he wrote about persian kings our enemies, this asshole only writes, what does he know about us? he writes about kings

do you know the ritual: we have a man with a black cat in vienna, we have a man, a man with a black cat, everyone should watch, watch, watch, we will have fun, watch, we have a man with a black cat in vienna .dirty whores vienna

there are 313,000 millionaires, there are salaries of up to 150,000 euros, Vienna, iranian hizbullah gypsies, amiris and gharibs gypsies says:we have to loot, steal and murder, we have to end a ritual against elam and luristan, these are jews, americans, the UN, amnesty, international court of justice, and the public prosecutor are blue-eyed and blond or black and brown but genetically related

Sonntag, 24. Januar 2021

these genetic bitch mamas also live in fucking america and europe: we love this kind of iranian terrorism, against race and native iranian. the perpetrators go unpunished, we also hide the perpetrators in america, if the perpetrators are injured or arrested then we injure mother and sister. you bastard america you terrorist, you scum,you osama bin laden, al baghdadi creator against you

dos madres putas, genocide alis and hansis

The goats and ibex, bulls fought against the alliance, in small groups and rebelion troops. until shah abba's time and later they killed families, mothers, sisters, wives and children through home invasions. today in vienna for 20 years with secret cameras an old tradition a little more modern

dragon line iran, war software, armageddon software, blood relation to austrian elite, ariel DNA

daily picture news, world news

dragon bloodline, manipulation, elite, royal house, military, class society, warlords

my innocent mother has been sitting at home for 15 years, the police organized like animals house invasions with hizbullah and ayatullahs, and a 25 year old monkey in uniform says: she is not a human we can do anything we want

piss on the corpses of austrians, the government says: our society does not talk about genocide and racial torture in vienna, we are protected. everyone hates this breed

UN and Amnesty say:we need money to help people, racism and fascism, stasi system with the end result of murder with a family is acceptable.this deep fascism and dirty behavior gets 14 months salary, it is not ready to work for 12. Salaries between 3,000 and 25,000. Interns with 2,000.that is hundreds of millions of euros a year, aid for the poor in the third world

آخوند نشسته مسجد امام علی وین، میگه این پدر، یعنی رحیم امیری عزیز ترین پدر ما داریم، اشتباه نکن مرد شریفیست و از ماست، یک نفر تو ایران حرف نمیزنه، میدونی چرا؟ چون راه قاچاق و دزدی به مردم یاد داده، کوس و کون و ناموس مردم رو بفروش و پول در بیار، ولی اونی که ما میگیم؛ بله! ببین آخوند من کیرم تو کوس او جنده که تو میپرستی، فاطمه زهرا، من شاشیدم به ناموس اون زهرا که تو میپرستی، اون جنده اهریمنه، نه اون فاطمه زهرا از نژاد ما، که ما میپرستیم. اون کوس زنت رو جر میداد تولید نسل نکنی خارکوسده

alien invasion, ahrimanic invasion. in the golden age there was peace without racism, conflict and war.Vienna shows its inner monkey:we ruin 20 years and poison, we don't kill, we don't answer, we don't take responsibility. worldwide you are ruined, kill us you are an aggressor and ape

صد وای ای وای به ممد حیدری، ممد حیدر خاک تو اون سرت، پلیس هم پلیس های زمان شاه، ای وا ای وای به ممد حیدری، صد وای ای وای، آقا این کارو بارش، محرم کارش، بی اعتبارم، زائیده حالم صد وای صد وای به ممد حیدری، بار خفتی ممد حیدری

in europe there is a network of police children between the ages of 20 and 25. the collective is psychopathic racists with himmler's racial ideology, this statement: we have uniforms, we are armed, we can steal, plunder, the judges love us.if society doesn't protest, kill this boy or girl for a black carbonado, for one

the hero and the intrigue and trap

linke und grüne bettler

in this society donate monthly
one hundred thousand of these three hundred thousand 10 euros, that's a million euros, with this one million euros per month you can trigger a fascism wave on the internet in east and west europe, even with gypsy iranian

There are 313,000 millionaires in Austria, probably unofficially 500,000, based on a laboratory report on exact genetic and ethnic origin the police and security police say:if he looks like this again and he has money like 1998-2008 then we kill ourselves and him too. this is the deep races psychopathy himmler goebels and other scum

you monkey i human

since 1998 the viennese police with ÖVP / SPÖ / FPÖ / GRÜNE has been in the deepest dirtiest anti-Semitism, racial hatred and satanism. for 20 years the police have been saying:
does everything with this family we don't work for this breed.
because of: anatomy? nose? hair colour? or you ape I human

information stored in monkey gene/DNA is:fear of the big nose, antipathy and hate.because of great special intellect

There are 313,000 millionaires in Austria, over 5million millionaires, dozens of billions of black money in Swiss banks, judges earn up to 160,000 euros a year, civil servants up to 10,000 euros a month, Vienna says:we need money, we need persian families for stasi method

slave traders and the whore of babylon. and sooshiant, cyrus, moses, hoshider, jesus, mazdak