Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2021

I've been a political activist and admin since 2001, with hundreds of users, my first statemant was always:bastard europa has been involved in terrorist murders and genocides in iran since 1980,today we have seen the answer for 20 years

ahrimanic anunnaki ibex ritual and lord of time

Nasser farahani, ali gharib, azadeh amiri, rahim amiri and black magic mafia have jackpot:the jewish woman with panic attacks will kill herself.45 million euros international stasi game against race

Shit in blood and brain, shit in veins, scum, animal, garbage with Kurdish and Turkish tin origin, my sister had 6 years of psychotherapy and psychotropic drugs, because of her father, you still say jew, without empathy you pig austria you animal you bastard origin

Shit in the blood said in 1932: our Aryan race should drink mineral water every day. you, mother fucker, shit in blood and brain, who has the potential to kill 6 million people in camps, should drink heavy water from reactors, it works, but the austrian and german mineral water doesn't work

there is solidarity in austria because of the financial project and the destruction of ibex and goat VMA2 gene.sheep are spared and not persecuted

Alev Korun has been in drug trafficking with the Kurds for 20 years with the Green Party,just like the animals see my sister and treat her as a commodity and product

this state has created black matter and fascism financial projects out of us, unemployed and social recipients are not allowed to earn any money besides their salaries, but who makes money with me and my family does not matter, authorities do not punish anyone for illegal black business

It sits in the 5th district, an academic, a police officer, an Austro fascist who studied law like nazi officers, he says:i can't find anything, if we can't find anything, then there was no international action with 100 million viewers, if you die nobody cares, go to our concentration camp and drink poison

huankind drecksau österreich die amiris haben 5 millionen euro in immobilien, mit 1800 euro im monat? du hundesohn, du scheißdreck

in this ritual and stasi action attempted murder were two shops of my mother she was the owner,and an antique shop of mine, as the owner, nasser farahani was unemployed for 9 years.PKK heroin mafia, PDKI opium mafia, and Turkish cocaine mafia sit in the green party and SPÖ / ÖVP and help fascism internationally:we are kurds, we did it too, they weren't valuable people. for 100 kilos of drugs a year.heroin business since 1982

خارکوسده، کیر تو کوس اول تا آخر جندت، مادر کونی، مغز کاسبی نداری بیفت بمیر مادر لاشی کوس ننه حروم، حروزاده های چوس مغز میمون زاده، مدرک تحصیلاتی آکادمیک هم دارن، کونده ننه ها

فرق ما گوزن های روان پریش با گوسفند اینه، کیر لا پستون زن هاتون گذاشتن کاری واسه ما نداره، ولی اون کیر به معنای گرفتن سرمایه از شما است نه به معنای آناتومی، کاسبی کن با فروش انسان و فرهنگ برده داری

این گوسفند کوسخل ناصره، این جنایت بر علیه بشریت محتواش واسه گوسفند ابله شده این: من از زنم طلاق گرفتم، دنیا به من حق میده، این جنایت بر ای من بود، من زنم بد بود، من انسان بزرگی هستم، دنیا حق زندگی به من داد

black sun secret society sheep, blind sheep

great persian god's army against races murder global

the tribes have rituals and traditions, a culture that is not a Persian tradition and culture, but a foreign one. therefore they have their roots deep in another soil and not in persian soil. the exploitation, looting of iran for europe is carried out by these tribes, out of 8 million exiled iranians, 3 million are of these tribes, the only one:europe and america allow these rituals with networks, in west the race has ritual freedom and is above the law with fascism

hurenkinder, das nicht nur religion sondern genetische psychopathie veranlagerung. du drecksau scheißdreck wiener mit zigeuner ali und azadeh

atefeh amiri is the sister of rahim amiri and the aunt of azadeh amiri, azadeh is indo geramnian origin from both sides, shams family and amiri. atefeh has been working as an interpreter for viennese judges, police, secret services, a common aryan ritual with dogs vienna for 25 years. therefore no one has stasi evidence and no one works until Kalis whores finish their ritual with a mother, daughter and son

Dienstag, 26. Januar 2021

tablet editing in early 2019, editing from the Bosnian pyramids stone slab, shiva

aryan blood from bosnian pyramid, in samsara people no longer sacrifice people for goddess kali, but goats, in iran and europe, america, goats are called jews for stasi method. an indo arian murder ritual with iranian

this is the same stone as the monkey, the goat and ibex rarely has 2 to 5 percent of this psychopathy but against satnaism and ahrimanism this is necessary

armenier killer, armenier genocide

haramzadeh, haramzdadeh, haramzadeh, 5000 muslims sterben auf die strasse von tehran, nix sagen, nix sagen, alles ok, hizbullah weiß schon, haramzadeh 25000 wegen 10 palästinenser, haramzadeh valade zena, es ist alle genetisch, erdogan sagen: kurden, luren, elamis, alle andere juden und armenia blut, hizbullah macht schon, nix sagen nix sagen,, erdogan sagen juden, armenier blut, österreich auch sagen, österreich gut, hassen juden auch wir auch menschen wir auch

wiener türke, erdogan wähler und harumzadeh, bastard: abi alle machen estasi, warum wir nix estasi, es gibt genug für estasi, alle machen, wir auch machen, politik gut abi, österreich politik gut, hizbullah sagen das auch, alhamdulilah wir alle muslim wir machen alle estasi, wir auch menschen, wir alle menschen, österreicher menschen, wir auch menschen wir alle machen, meine frau sagt: titte ist titte ich haben auch titte aber andere titte besser, wir sind muslim wir zeigen keine titte, bitte bitte wir machen stasi auch mit andere tite alhamdulilah va rabil alamin, titte titte geld machen mit titte alahmdulilah österreich gute gute, geld machen mit titte

11 years ago, 25,000 people were protesting because of mavi marmara, 8 leftists parties, hizbullah lebanon and iran, turks, arabs, orthodox jews, and other nationalities. i photographed all of them, 300 photos, all of them are in the stasi method against my person in chat rooms and financial plan with the state of austria since that time, internationally. austria organized all besides israel and stopthebomb

ahrimanic intrique behind me, close to my asshole

hundesohn sog wos bist, hundesohn sog wos wüst, hundesohn sog wos suachst in adern

the world leadership, the leadership of all countries, freemasonry and the Bilderberg Conference, want to conquer something with this action in vienna: with ayatullahs we are allowed to destroy the race up to the last person

my sister's apartment has 25 secret cameras, no animal in uniform comes to my sister's apartment on behalf of hizbullah and ayatullahs, illegality will be fought with cold weapons, a bow and arrow or other aids. 1938 violence costs lives