Samstag, 30. Januar 2021

this is the femminism of the 21st century and emancipation:we women have shit on our heads, dogs shit and cow shit, our brains are inferior but we need a lot of money. we have to buy houses through murder, poisoning and stasi shows, we are inferior, elamis are highly intelligent, we are scum like azadeh, we plunder and kill

5000 Viennese whores and killers with Zionist women networks like Simone Hartmann say:we are armed with 86 poisons, who wants to talk about stasi money? the jew's gold is ours. Viennese Zionist blood is Aryan and Gypsy blood and tribe too, like Simone and her father

du scheißdreck fritzi hansi, franzi und gruber, du hundesohn du scheißdreck ötzi du drecksau existenz, du massenmörder rassenmörder du scheiß blut, du scheiß gehirn, du scheiß affe, du drekc du müll wiener

viennese ayatollah, imam ali mosque vienna, fritzi with indo romano aryan race from iran, firtzi and the 110 robbers, son of the bitches, animals, ahrimanic dark force, a shame for emams ali name

genetische drecksau huankinder und scheißdreck österreicher, du abschaum der geschichte, oh du mein österreich. joseph chap says: with doctor pilz and hc strache and wolfgang Schüssel we have allowed the ayatulahs / vienna zionists and israeli fascists to earn money with the mother and sister of a political activist and seyyed bloodline. as tribal law and blood law. joseph chap, where does the austrian constitution say that one can do financial business with ethnic minorities? except in Austria in 1932 and today in iran

bedroom, prison and matrix

many talk about reincarnation, hinduism, islam, christianity and others talk about it a lot. ahrimanic reincarnation is just one sentence:come in, I'll shit you out again, don't forget the money, no work without money

Do you understand the situation: 40 million Iranians have the creation bloodline and live in holocaust, but 8 million put on costumes and say: we are chosen and important, our existence is important, if you say something against us it is anti-Semitism.fascism and anti-semitism 1932 has existed in iran for 40 years. you asshole israel, europe and america, and today in vienna against my mother, sister and my person

the bottom photo is a persian fire ritual by the river.the viennese jew lobby wants to kill because of this history. great elam luristan kurdistan, ahwas, azerbaijan, gilan and other areas in iran, where would the jews be if the elamis and luris, the creation had not existed !? we are the special chosen people

holy wells and relatives visit. from 2001 to 2014, i decided now and then to explain iran and world politics under a microscope, not often, rarely. if 2900 are hanged today, europe and austria say:we have to make it clear to iran that this path is an inhuman path and that iran has to respect human rights, then politics goes home, take 2 grams of cocaine and jerk off because of the corpses:Jews died again, Jews died again, Odin I cum and cum, help me to defeat Odin,

Illegality and unlawful until this minute when I leave the apartment.there should be a murder case, that is what the police, authorities, judges and secret services want, everyone is waiting for murder, for ayatullahs, and secret Austrian racial psychopathy society, and because of millions of stasi income

Freitag, 29. Januar 2021

a persian cannot be ruined, nor his potential with the son of the bitch nazi system, the persian pisses on you and says: i have 32 more systems, for you alien system for the persian creation, talent, intelligence and god's gift

5+1 stones

آقا خدا مهدوی کیا رو بیامرزه، ما ۲ سال کار به مردم یاد دادیم و علی جوانمردی برای مردم ۲ سال حرف زد، امروز هم شنیدم کانادا تا آپریل پروازهاشو لغو کرد، بورژوا و خورده بورژا خودش رو زرد کرد، سرمایه دار هم کاسه صبر را سبز کرد، ببینیم چی میشه، نسل کشی تا کی

tablet editing, February 2019‌. i was and am a highly talented politician and antique dealer, antique textile dealer, austria tries to destroy the whole potential with secret cameras and illegal private life clips sale

IBEX and goat ritual

Ayatollah regime kills dozens of thousands in Iran, and UN, Amnesty, international judges say: Ayatullahs have the right to earn money with political activists and their families, we see DNA and live as an Iranian resource and as long as Europe also makes money

hurenkind hurensohn drecksau sebastian kurz, du tier du schwein du mörder du neonazi dreck: das geld ist ein recht und mord auch, nicht wahr? das projekt ist ein recht, und mord auch, so sand ma des in scheißdreck österreich

The gharib and amiri family poisoned me 4 times in front of the cameras, in front of the cameras in vienna, and the half society laughed and said he'll die soon,fuck mitra and anahita

that was a mistake mitra. Today a woman passed me by, she smiled and wanted to poke me while passing, I said go to hell mitra, allahu akbar

شیصد سال شیر آب سگ رو باز کردن به سوی ایران، حالا اومدن خارج از کشور از حق و قانون قبیله ای استفاده میکنن، چون ایران سرشون رو میبرن برن تو نخ مردم. اتریش آلمان به سگ و شغال به اصطلاع ایرانی حق قبیله بر علیه ایرانی های بومی میدهد، آئین سگ های شاش خالی میگویند: ما باید با بومی ها زندگی بسازیم، خانه سازی کنیم

my ethnic origin is from this soil, so the fascists do not recognize my citizenship. i am a citizen only austrian citizen since 1992, fascism says:Foreigners and dual nationals have master race rights against your DNA

viennese origin, DNA from vienna

In this country the wood is a miracle, the stone a miracle, the water at certain springs is a miracle, in this country the earth is a miracle, the land of ahura mazda. only our race can use these miracles for their own purposes, because of genes and DNA. the ahrimanic dog and monkey invasor says: we don't want to see any of you on european soil, no ethnic origin from iran and orient

SPÖ and Michael Haeupl, Hezbollah Vienna have founded a mafia organization with iranian dual citizens and non-political iranians, with the good news:you need vodka bottles, disco, clothes and fun, the state can only pay 800 euros, gets the rest of the amount from his family, finds his mother and sister for stalking and camera

Bei den keltischen Druiden und in der germanischen Mythologie galt sie als Glücksbringer.

i have dozens of sensations in some branches of science, a productive existence. this man with his son is nothing, not worth it, nothing new, not sensational,nothing exciting, just friends with ghalibaf terrorist, russian mafia, sepah mafia, hiznullah mafia, and drug cartel mafia, the financial mafia is enthusiastic about black money laundering and illegality, that's the sensation

if I had a little brother then the ritual in vienna, övp, spö, fpö ritual would have a worse outcome, with my mother and sister the viennese dog and animal is on a leash with secret cameras until now, the illegality is supposed to lead society to lynching

نیگاه کن مثل گاو ۳ روز یونجه نخورده نگاه میکنه: این سر کیه واسه ما فرستادید ایران، یعنی چی.....

in vienna this is not hostility towards foreigners, but hostility to old persian patriotism and nationalism based on genes and holy water