Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021

falcon sheep and goat mix, the eye

anyone who has earned money illegally, with the most intimate situation will be beheaded, because that is an old ahrimanic ritual europe iran middle east. because laws don't work because of race and genes

huankind österreich zahlt millionen euro zu iranische djinn clans für heimliche verfolgung und schlüsseldiebstahl, und sagt: wir haben das recht elamis und luris zu töten, wir sind europa und anti goat und ibex gott gene, wir sind rom

emam ali was a gene researcher and mathematician and had a central statistical office in his head. what do you want in persia?ali khamenei and his gang pay these former musicians and now business people with sanctions for elami murders and luri murders and kurdish murders, ahwaz murders.ali khamenei pays shams and gharib and amiri for the whore and elami family murders in europe and america, iran

see what's going on, this extreme psychopathy, austria, europe america israel says: Despite the Austrian and European citizenship, we give no rights to this DNA and ethnic origin, no rights to this Iranian family, innocent daughter, mother and son

Iran is a country where the country should defeat the regime with weapons.the north korea security system should be introduced for 10 years, with ahura mazdan genetic controls and politics. and every israeli and american european boots and soldier on Iranian soil should be shot, otherwise the country and its native inhabitants have no chance

I hear regime whores screaming: we fucked you with israel and america, with america and israel, we fucked you, where is your revolution

hi mowgli

the master race, ahura mazda's royal ibex blood will be 46 years old this month, i will find the hole

you mother fucker, i have an eu passport, and america eu and the ayatullahs say:IBEX god gene is illegal, what do you care what genes and DNA I have, you fascist you animal you inferior scum

fucking american stalking business with hizbullah and terrorism.

azadeh i will find you because of the last 20 years and next 40 years. this stasi method won't last a single day, if you disappear then i find the daughters of rosa, minoo or amiri and shams daughters, this action is illegal was illegal and mafia game, apparently you demand mafia behavior until death from us all.
the illegal fascism secret action will not continue until the end of my life

why does he know who we are, he knows us, why did he recognize us, i hate this barbad, he sees us in the smoke, he has a falcon that is watching us, he has flacons and spys

A shit brain from the upper class brings itself into this position with facial expressions and gestures:In Austria there are very rare specimens, very rare these goats. You inferior shit monkey with black corrupt capital, you brainless with 10% potential you thief, charlatan, you monkey, fuck you, inferior dirt

Do you understand. i never accepted a viennese partner and girl friend, for one reason: azadeh is half the race, the viennese woman is the full race.Franz Fuchs fucked when he was 19 a whore the relationship was also ended then, she fucked him for 30 years and he became a letter bomb bomber. a metaphysicist that was also blocked by the university

ahrimanic egg production austria, the result is the psychopathic girl of today, stasi murder psychopaths

Nasser farahani says: i am more powerful in vienna than ahmadinejad, i sacrifice my children for vienna, i fuck a monkey and monkey figures say to me mr farahani, you are human

In 1910 the women collective Vienna said to Adolf:You darling, we can't let this garbage live in Vienna, we don't want to see anything like that in Vienna anymore, we haven't been able to do that since we were primitive apes, we are the new people, the mighty Aryan race, do something, go to Germany and do something adolf, i love you darling, go

heute sagt das arschloch auch: es ist egal, wir haben das gold mit jezebel heraus geholt, bruder schwester und mutter sollen leiden und sterben, wir sind das gold, weil wir das gold haben, wer das gold hat, ist das gold

Ancient ritual against god genes, austrian stones, ahura mazdan stones, no neanderthals stones, or new human stones

In europe it is not allowed that the police and secret services say: we are ahrimanic soldiers ROM, we do not work for such bloodlines,we only murder, through mob and collective organizing

ask the vatican:why are there no writings about black sara, the grandmother of gypsy magdalena, for one reason:The crime of Bavarian women and Gypsy women is taboo, even between 1945 and 1995

iramian government, austrian fascism says: we lied around the world, but today even the Amnesty and the UN agree to kill political activists and victims, that costs too much money, our money, the stasi murder program money

austria always had a talent for turning shit into gold and gold into shit.

1.4 millionen euro für 3 zigeuner familien, gegen gott gene und alte rasse, gerufen "jude", du hundesohn österreich, das sind keine judaica steine, du drecksau scheißdreck krankes kind

malieh gharib, and ali gharib, nayereh gharib, are condemned and rewarded by the state of austria for terrorism, key theft,
illegal entry into the apartment and installation of secret cameras, international lies and hate campaign. rewarded with 1.4 million euros, cash paid out for luxury villas and living

Golden DNA from the "myth" golden age costs 100 million euros for the stasi show

the police elite and austrian secret service says:we will answer like islamic republic of iran,because of the stasi method, attempted murder, lynching, and international financial campaign against god genes.barbad farahani should register resistance and armed struggle here

Austrian women, or mostly women, are genetically deformed, disabled, sick, and this plague and disease says:god gene is the jew, this gene is superfluous, everyone must become like us and our tribes, sick and psychopathic

guantanamo psychopathy, concentration camp psychopathy, evin prison psychopathy, says: your race and DNA will never have social contacts anywhere, wife and children and the joy of life, no money and capital. since 1986 to 2021 i have no police file, criminal offense or conviction, a white file. that is fascism, anti-Semitism and racial hatred

آقا یک سری ایرانی ها قبله شون رو گم کردن، قبیله شون رو از یاد بردن، وگرنه تو اون سیستم کار نمیکردن، قبیله وقبله اهورا مزدا یعنی ضد اهریمن و سیاست اهریمنی، طرف مارو گذاشته تو صحنه جهانی یعنی که چی؟ عزیزم ما تنها نیستیم، دنیا با ماست، قاضی با ماست، دادگستری با ماست. یعنی که من بگم کیرم تو شقیقه ننت خارکوسده، ادبیات سیاسی و فرهنگ گفتگو را تو لایقش نیستی مادر کونده اجنبی اهریمنی نظامی و رژیمی

آقا سگ اهورا مزدایی تا بحال دیده بودید؟ ما هم یک قبیله سگ داشتیم، خلاصه داشتیم، خیلی وقت پیش ها داشتیم، پدر سگ