Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2021

Austria's role in world politics is himmler's racial politics to this day. austria's policy towards iran is: bitch mama, vienna is bitch mama in world politics, also in israel iran conflict is vienna bitch mama. because of Mowgli's presence in the Vienna Woods

between 1960 and today the behavior of israel towards ethiopian jews and oriental jews in israel is german, austrian and european fascism, against old race and DNA, even sterilization politics

do you understand europe's trick box? In 1945 nazi jews stripped their soldiers' uniforms and put on concentration camp prisoners clothes with jew stars, together with children and women. after 4 days of fasting. the german and austrian whores say: now hush hush to israel, there are more jews in the middle east, the nazi jews take off their concentration camp clothes and put on israeli soldiers uniform, and viennese whores laugh at the world.12 million muslim dead in the middle east to date

journalism writes today: assadollah assadi the terrorist has been sentenced to 20 years. this is an old manipulative alien game: we say who is a terrorist and who is not, 20 years of stasi finance project with ayatullahs against an iranian family in vienna is no terrorism, also no fascism and racism. otherwise you would have read it in the newspaper. hussein and ali and rahim and other iranians are not terrorists, they are allowed to take action forever

du abschaum du drecksau wiener, du abschaum du scheißdreck wiener, du hurenkind du scheißdreck wiener, du sau du dreck du scheiß wiener, a göld hoas wegen mai politische aktivismus gegen ayatullahs verdient, du abschaum du tier du unmensch, du scheißdreck wiener du huansau drecksau du abschaum wiener, du untermensch du abschaum

hundesohn kiwara, drecksau geheimdienstler, scheißdreck richter und politiker, das ist faschismus

آقا این ایرانی ستیزه نه یهودی ستیز، میفهمی یا نه؟ اتریش یهود ستیز نیست ایرانی ستیز است

where was the jew 11,000 years ago, who was a jew? why are we called jews, jews have only existed for 3000 years, our bones and DNA are older than 11000 years in iran

fuck neonazi and neofascists austria and UNO, genocide mother fucker

great persian breed with falcon steiermark, in steiermark there are a lot of rocks and mountains with holes symbols, and reliefs. asian african elami breed

ibex and goat is the race that also shows this artifact, it shows that god genes are a prerequisite for government, genes no turbans and quran school

International court of justice, public prosecutor, UN, Amnesty are organizations endowed with billions of euros that say: Ayatullahs have the right to solve the race problem in Iran and we in Europe and America

Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021

Viennese society has everything in hand and says:We continue to earn money with the race because the state allows us, we need money, black illegal money next to the unemployed and social money.people are supposed to die, we need money because the police also earn money illegally

falcon sheep and goat mix, the eye

anyone who has earned money illegally, with the most intimate situation will be beheaded, because that is an old ahrimanic ritual europe iran middle east. because laws don't work because of race and genes

huankind österreich zahlt millionen euro zu iranische djinn clans für heimliche verfolgung und schlüsseldiebstahl, und sagt: wir haben das recht elamis und luris zu töten, wir sind europa und anti goat und ibex gott gene, wir sind rom

emam ali was a gene researcher and mathematician and had a central statistical office in his head. what do you want in persia?ali khamenei and his gang pay these former musicians and now business people with sanctions for elami murders and luri murders and kurdish murders, ahwaz murders.ali khamenei pays shams and gharib and amiri for the whore and elami family murders in europe and america, iran

see what's going on, this extreme psychopathy, austria, europe america israel says: Despite the Austrian and European citizenship, we give no rights to this DNA and ethnic origin, no rights to this Iranian family, innocent daughter, mother and son

Iran is a country where the country should defeat the regime with weapons.the north korea security system should be introduced for 10 years, with ahura mazdan genetic controls and politics. and every israeli and american european boots and soldier on Iranian soil should be shot, otherwise the country and its native inhabitants have no chance

I hear regime whores screaming: we fucked you with israel and america, with america and israel, we fucked you, where is your revolution

hi mowgli

the master race, ahura mazda's royal ibex blood will be 46 years old this month, i will find the hole

you mother fucker, i have an eu passport, and america eu and the ayatullahs say:IBEX god gene is illegal, what do you care what genes and DNA I have, you fascist you animal you inferior scum

fucking american stalking business with hizbullah and terrorism.

azadeh i will find you because of the last 20 years and next 40 years. this stasi method won't last a single day, if you disappear then i find the daughters of rosa, minoo or amiri and shams daughters, this action is illegal was illegal and mafia game, apparently you demand mafia behavior until death from us all.
the illegal fascism secret action will not continue until the end of my life

why does he know who we are, he knows us, why did he recognize us, i hate this barbad, he sees us in the smoke, he has a falcon that is watching us, he has flacons and spys

A shit brain from the upper class brings itself into this position with facial expressions and gestures:In Austria there are very rare specimens, very rare these goats. You inferior shit monkey with black corrupt capital, you brainless with 10% potential you thief, charlatan, you monkey, fuck you, inferior dirt

Do you understand. i never accepted a viennese partner and girl friend, for one reason: azadeh is half the race, the viennese woman is the full race.Franz Fuchs fucked when he was 19 a whore the relationship was also ended then, she fucked him for 30 years and he became a letter bomb bomber. a metaphysicist that was also blocked by the university

ahrimanic egg production austria, the result is the psychopathic girl of today, stasi murder psychopaths

Nasser farahani says: i am more powerful in vienna than ahmadinejad, i sacrifice my children for vienna, i fuck a monkey and monkey figures say to me mr farahani, you are human

In 1910 the women collective Vienna said to Adolf:You darling, we can't let this garbage live in Vienna, we don't want to see anything like that in Vienna anymore, we haven't been able to do that since we were primitive apes, we are the new people, the mighty Aryan race, do something, go to Germany and do something adolf, i love you darling, go