Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2021

the root and original national socialism of prehistory was like gandhi's behavior and politics, sit down and make billions of stones, and say: you are subhuman we superhuman, can you make such stones !?Austrian national socialism is:there are no laws for your race, we decide whether you are internationally human or not, the state decides whether you are human. we said internationally you are not human, we decide, not your ethnic and genetic origin says it, we say it.

with the murder of mirza taghi khan, europe and austria said: iranian nationalism is a slap in our teeth, and himmler's race theory. we have to destroy Iranian nationalism and socialism. who is the master race? elam? elams falcon? lure, kurd, arab, or other? we will destroy south africa and elam before us there was no one, there are only primitive apes and modern apes

the austrian woman has always been with her children in the history outrageous thieves, sharlaran, murderess and hyena of the battlefields, plunderers and exploiters and deceivers. Today in all positions, even on the judge's chair, she is a murderer because of terrorism

die amiris haben mit blutgeld 5 häuser gekauft, mit blutgeld: österreich tötet barbad nach finanzprojekt

secret cameras from azadeh ali iranian families, iranian and austrian government was money, because of DNA and political activism, money back with damages or death

biology, origins of kings and queens and royal courts, sperm and ovaries. alien biological technology for remote control

heas scheißdreck nach 150 joahr schieb i da persische nationalismus im oarsch, drecksau michi, arschloch franzi, scheißdreck esterhazy

mirza taghi khan was as old as me when he was murdered, 45, that is a ritual number and murder year bill. 20 years of persecution, 1 year of isolation and murder. the isolation and suffering is for the recognition of evil and helplessness before the death of the goat. you see smiling faces for 1 year, austria says:we are powerful. haha hihi hoho, lai lai

the ayatullah that stalks and spies and persecutes me is an austrian with a laboratory report from austria and has been related to austria since safavids, like the murderer of mirza taghikhan farahani, the iranian ambassador in vienna.

Yes, well, the problem, to this day with "wiener wohnen", we will not leave you alone, we will pursue you internationally until you die

In 2002 ali gharib and his family were 1200 euro people, in 2003 he got a 100,000 euro loan for cortez, and rahim amiri with 1,800 euro salary 320,000 euro credit for a house in langenzersdorf

wiener wohnen, login

When I opened the store in 2002, this country installed cameras, next to the cameras the austrians and iranians got pregnant, having children means hope, a career start is also hope, today the children are between 18 and 20, and sit in chat rooms and say: they weren't humans, they're not humans we are allowed to do anything

occultism, related to shah ismail

20 years of illegal entry into homes and minority persecution, international hatred campaign and illegal pornography, 1938 behavior is glorified with it:Iranian embassy and police, secret service and politicians all agreed:you are jews and not humans, that is what vienna says to this day, you are not humans

8 tribes crossing for holy water, deer and ibex. the reason for hostility ahriman, austria and europe america against our DNA

because of nosrat and bagher i was also born as mogli, this pepsi bottle was just a message in a bottle from old times, prehistory

Austria's role in world politics is himmler's racial politics to this day. austria's policy towards iran is: bitch mama, vienna is bitch mama in world politics, also in israel iran conflict is vienna bitch mama. because of Mowgli's presence in the Vienna Woods

between 1960 and today the behavior of israel towards ethiopian jews and oriental jews in israel is german, austrian and european fascism, against old race and DNA, even sterilization politics

do you understand europe's trick box? In 1945 nazi jews stripped their soldiers' uniforms and put on concentration camp prisoners clothes with jew stars, together with children and women. after 4 days of fasting. the german and austrian whores say: now hush hush to israel, there are more jews in the middle east, the nazi jews take off their concentration camp clothes and put on israeli soldiers uniform, and viennese whores laugh at the world.12 million muslim dead in the middle east to date

journalism writes today: assadollah assadi the terrorist has been sentenced to 20 years. this is an old manipulative alien game: we say who is a terrorist and who is not, 20 years of stasi finance project with ayatullahs against an iranian family in vienna is no terrorism, also no fascism and racism. otherwise you would have read it in the newspaper. hussein and ali and rahim and other iranians are not terrorists, they are allowed to take action forever

du abschaum du drecksau wiener, du abschaum du scheißdreck wiener, du hurenkind du scheißdreck wiener, du sau du dreck du scheiß wiener, a göld hoas wegen mai politische aktivismus gegen ayatullahs verdient, du abschaum du tier du unmensch, du scheißdreck wiener du huansau drecksau du abschaum wiener, du untermensch du abschaum

hundesohn kiwara, drecksau geheimdienstler, scheißdreck richter und politiker, das ist faschismus

آقا این ایرانی ستیزه نه یهودی ستیز، میفهمی یا نه؟ اتریش یهود ستیز نیست ایرانی ستیز است

where was the jew 11,000 years ago, who was a jew? why are we called jews, jews have only existed for 3000 years, our bones and DNA are older than 11000 years in iran

fuck neonazi and neofascists austria and UNO, genocide mother fucker

great persian breed with falcon steiermark, in steiermark there are a lot of rocks and mountains with holes symbols, and reliefs. asian african elami breed

ibex and goat is the race that also shows this artifact, it shows that god genes are a prerequisite for government, genes no turbans and quran school

International court of justice, public prosecutor, UN, Amnesty are organizations endowed with billions of euros that say: Ayatullahs have the right to solve the race problem in Iran and we in Europe and America