Sonntag, 7. Februar 2021

heas scheißdreck invasor, du faschist du ahrimanischer, elam und shusha, jiroft, takhte jamshid in wien mit zwei österreichische stämme, keine germanische stämme

fucking kurz, häupl, hc and guddenus, faymann, schüssel, vranitzky, fucking nazis

Do you understand
alien and ahrimanic fascism on power is just like concentration camps.
many have kept their cheeks red with blood because of the children, with the aim and sign:
we are productive, we can be exploited.
This concentration camp psychopathy has SPÖ animals, ÖVP and FPÖ animals to this day. concentration system and psychopathy with secret cameras

this ritual also has a protective effect, if the bird is on the ritual of plundering then the european ahrimanic animal cannot cannot require ritual murder until the bird has finished ritual and exploitation.the ahrimanic scum and animal is:viennese politicians, upper class, elite doctors, elite police, secret service and freemasonry, zionist fascists, women collective vienna

In 1993, Azadeh Amiri entered our house, only for one goal: 25 years of exploiting the resources for 180 iranian gypsy families, for the state of austria and ayatullahs. the ritual ahrimanic project for thousands of years. to this day, she and her family and others exploit our private lives, also with fake material and lies

for editing, jezebel, mother, son and daughter. elamite relief iran

OLD DNA. the heavy water cannot have originated naturally, that was a reactor, ahrimanic machinations contaminated the earth for the regression of intelligence and intellect, like today in iran and the middle east, or 1938-1945 the nazi experiments with brain and body

sebastian gib das göld asse, der staat darf mit staatsbürger ka stasi kamera aktion geschäft machen, gib das geld asse oder stirb mit övp und spö politiker und die familien du faschist

plato and elam in the 21st century. and the new human, modern woman

cheap austrian dirt and scum

A 20 year old austrian ape descent whore is as dirty as a sewage toilet sewer:
In the 21st century, the garbage can with two breasts and a rat channel hole says:
our state needs money jewish citizens should die.
who is jew, you whore? the jew is the austrian state with israeli cultic community

my family and i have been citizens since 1992, vienna and austria ruined us with the aim of murder international, the police say we have no evidence of fascism, anti-semitism and iranian terror, we do not work for the political iranian race

i am native iranian, luristan and elam, vienna says no you are jew, but jews live from my money and corruption, i am muslim, christian, zoroastrian and buddhist, what does jew mean? jews collectives have billions in vienna. Vienna says no you are a jew, you mustn't have a life. the jew for vienna is the native iranian, the child of melchior and baltazar, the god genes child

Samstag, 6. Februar 2021


adolf hitler was a Viennese, and he made many statements:
democracy is an intrigue of the jews.
the viennese devious and lying kind is:
the actual jews are children of ahura mazda, the jews fight for us and we fight with the jews because of a common goal. iran israel conflict theater for hunger and environmental ruin

In the 70s my mother was divorced for 6 years, I was a 1000 tuman shirt child with many hazards. Ayatullah Khomeini came, my shirt became 10 tuman, and i became 10 tuman child, there was no more fashion

child of god, holy grail and the divorced mother. visit of the light

I wrote earlier I was 5 times at the public prosecutor's office and 17 times at the police, and said I'm terror and stasi victim:normally the alaram must be struck immediately. normally! the only thing I found out: we are racists, anti-semites and fascists we do not work because of your genetic origin, we are scum and fascists and filth race 1932

آخه جریان فحش دادن ما اینه، این فرازمینی ها یک کاری کردن که اگر کسی هم بخواد ایران زندگی کنه خودش هم بزنه همه رو بکشه، میدونی چرا؟ انقدر بی اجازه و بی رویه زیر خاک ایران زباله اتمی چال کردن، که دیگه آدم حسابی به دنیا نیاد، یعنی همون ای. کیو، ۸۵- ۹۵ متوسط

داشتم الان برنامه مهران مدیری رو نگاه میکردم با علی انصاریان، پیش خودم گفتم چه همه چی آرومه، خوش میگذره به مردم، میگن میخندن، پس من چرا انقدر فحاش شدم مثل لمپن ها!؟، مثل این که همه چی آرومه من فقط بدبختم

آقا هرجا رفتین آثار تارخی مخفی پیدا کردید، کنار گنج یاب، رادیو اکتیو سنج هم ببرید، خودشون حفاری نمیکنن، میزارن مردم حفاری کنن که ۶ ماه بعدش مردم بمیرن، کوسکش آدم که نیست، دولت از این کوسکش مادر های اتریشی مریض تره، میگه میخوای پیدا کنی که آدم بودی زمانی؟ توی ایرانی؟ پس بمیر، ما مادر جنده ها آدم هستیم ‏

In 2017 I was without insults to the state of Austria 5 times to the public prosecutor's office in Vienna and 17 times to the police, with the complaint stasi method, mass hate campaign and psychological torture, no answer, today I say under psychological torture and pressure and non-verbal stasi aggressiveness Vienna: you son of dog you scum you dirty you bastard breed

a djinn also says:Alev Korun got so much money from ayatullahs that she no longer knows who she is, she wanted to buy all human rights observers because of and for ayatullah's stasi alev korun writes again about anti-Semitism and fascism, with the hope that everyone has forgotten the crime and attempted murder against mother daughter and son. i see you on street alev in front of pedestrians' eyes

آقا یک روز ده سال پیش عکس های ایران گردی این خانواده شمس رو نگاه می کردم، بینم کدوم گوری رفتن ایران، دیدم دکی اینکه خودشه، بچه بودیم هی میدوید دنبال ما بگیره مارو. گفتم پس خیلی خوب، هنوز اونجایی، به ما هم سلام میرسونی اینجوری، آره!؟، یعنی که یعنی، من نباشم اینها هستن

we live in a time where the state apparatus says: due to his ethnic origin and genetics, barbad farahani is not allowed to be human, rahim and ali and the families should be human. then one wonders what it is to be human today !?a lot of money and houses, the only one: rahim and ali cannot make themselves human, because to be human means capital, the state does not give anything, except: loots and sells property, we make you human. Barbad can earn a lot of money, but a lot of money today means human being, so DNA human should not have any capital, because today one is only human with capital, not with genes or DNA or god genes

contact, fariborz and barbad

the vienna judges collective keeps ali terrorism, and hussein terrorism networks high in vienna to this day, with a message: who are you today, what friends and activists do you have today, are you someone today? we freemasons and nazis have the eye and see everything, you have nobody because of terrorism and our dictatorship

Vienna knew who I am 25 years ago, based on DNA and gene tests, the current situation is:iran didn't know because vienna cannot be trusted and vienna is always lying, vienna is hiding or vienna is silent, austria is poison for iran, north africa and the middle east. Vienna is hostile to humans. Vienna is the enemy of my innocent mother and sister,what DNA does your mother and sister have?

that was fariborz, a funny shaman, he said: barbad the monkey mixes insolin so that you get fat in front of the cameras, the thin one kisses you and the ahrimanic state watches you die.

my sister has also bought many collections, this one is up to date, i can put 4 of them together

and i present you a breed that lived in vienna a long time ago, they were very funny, the collective leadership said: make billions of stones in all districts on the subject of god, race and ahriman. a billion ahriman, a billion birds, a billion jezebels and a billion hajis and sheikhs and elamis, the monkeys can destroy 2 billion, which will remain another ten billion so that a barbad comes to vienna and he can correct history with 500. god curse the monkeys if they destroy 5 billion, then barbad has to look for the parts and pieces for a long time,and put the stones together

this ritual means that: arabella fenyves a third class opera singer with arasch amiri a gypsy iq 95 have a child named carla vida amiri, this girl is famous and adored worldwide as anti christ. and aunt azadeh a gypsy nazi the good woman, because of ibex and goat attempted murder

so that amiri clan and shams gypsy clan do not lose their 20 years of stasi ritual capital, azadeh amiri recruited a collective of 500,000 users, these users control austrian society. she only made an advertisement: i want to secretly show my friend's private order from ayatullahs and austrian government because of my activism and career and genetic background