Montag, 8. Februar 2021

augen 4 stämme ahura mazda

the viennese police work like in ghassemloo case for hizbullah and ayatulahs and viennese fascism sect, one step towards my sister's apartment for theft and plundering like 2008 with amiris then I defend myself like ghassemloo you bastard breed

ich rufe magie und zauber gegen dich, du schande wien, du kindermörder wien, kinder ahura mazda

vienna is anti persian, jew muslim, buddhist, freedom fighter, opponent of the regime, it doesn't matter, vienna is anti-semitic and anti persian, viennese jews and others

finds the grave of adolf's mother and father, adolf was a viennese jew

Many have a problem, one does not want it to be proven that he has fucked monkeys, and the other does not want his father to be proven, a solidarity for covering up the history

the dishonorable hostage-taking of Darius' family, mother wife and daughter, was only possible through betrayal by the alexander jews. just like in 1932, and today in vienna with rana and zari

Iranian terrorism with Austrian citizenship motivates international networks to murder political iranian Jews, the police and secret services want to erase traces of terrorism, social networks trace

diese scheisdreck nazi affe verfolgt und stalkt mein schwester, scheißdreck antsemit, mörder mit zigeuner scheißdreck iraner, mit scheißdreck ali und rahim. du hundesohn du scheißdreck affe, du krankheit, du mord, du massenmord, du rassenmord du scheißdreck abschaum auf gottes erde

scheißdreck ötzi, drecksau ötzi, heyvan ötzi du killeraffe, rassenmörder, massemörder gene, abschaum gen, meyman ötzi, scheißdreck du, huansau du, du nazi terrorist du faschist du tier, du abschaum DNA,du abfall, du abschaum herkunft, abschaum herkunft, scheißdreck herkunft, scheißdreck neandertaler, wos wüst anschaun du drecksau wos wüst du affe wos wüsst du affe du herrenrasse, he? wos wüsst anschaun du oarschgsicht du affe ha? wos wüsst du spanner du affe du stalker, du rassenmörder du du scheißdreck kiwara

the austrian state killed ghasemloo with young police officers and has not answered this case to this day, because of our bloodline, looting of party accounts and genetic crossing. the deep ape psychopathy SPÖ / ÖVP / FPÖ

the darkness began when the monkey became a bride, through black magic and with love potion.

azadeh amiri has been working for fascism, anti-semitism, racism and terrorism, the state for 18 years. how many long-term cocksucker does the regime and nazi austria have?

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hey fucking nazi austria, great persian kings and magicians, baltazar, casper, mechior. called jews in austria

من ‏شاشیدم ‏به ‏کوس ‏ننت، ‏اینها ‏بچه ‏های ‏ما ‏بودن، ‏نژاد ‏قدیمی، ‏نه ‏جهود، ‏مسیحی ‏یا ‏مسلمان، ‏کوسکش، ‏تو که ‏ایران نشستی میگی ‏آمار ‏۶ ‏میلیون ن‏بود، ‏۱ ‏میلیون ‏بود

The ape society: Vienna, Europe, UN, international judges and public prosecutor says:it makes no difference if he kills 10, 50 or 500. looting is tradition, denial and silence

the parasitic ape behavior vienna iran: hug hug hug hug we plunder, we plunder huhh huhh hugh you have brain, we don't have anything, you can do so much, we have to do it hugh hugh hugh hugh what else can you do what can you still work, we loot we can do more, we are better

from the 12th century onwards, the austrians started building habsburgs and thus mass murder intrigue worldwide. to this day, even against three people in vienna, mother, daughter, son. the ötzi says: As former pets, we don't allow anyone to call us subhuman, we are modern people today. then I ask myself: why said adolf to my race and other subhumans? or Austria and cellar Nazis to this day? inferiority complex of adolf and himmler? michi and sebastian?, vienna, judges, police, politicians, upper class children?10th and 23rd district of Vienna on the right. persian / oriental homeland

i can prove the origin of man in vienna, the problem is that the bavarian invaders and other tribes do not belong to austria, no roots, culture or civilization. All lies. i also prove mass murders of "jews" by the romans and today's "austrians". before christ and after christ. and first world war by K&K army

my youth and life and private life is being sold, me, an austrian citizen, no dual citizens, so that all bastards and old inferior dogs and scum not only have one house, but 5. illegally

photo today, 08.02.2021. Garbage over 70 years destroys the lives of young people for more capital. Is that to be believed?garbage over 60 says we need more houses and money, young people should die

in austria, ‏the women collectively earned millions with rahim, ‏ali ‎، ‏iranian embassy and israelis, ‏with terror persecution and secret cameras. ‏the looting and exploitation of our property, ‏our private life, ‏our citizenship. ‏today austria and the astullahs are urging that no traces of the financial action remain. ‏in the hope of violence and resistance, ‏fight against terror and fascism

ahriman and zahaak, cannibalism psychopathy and gene

die arische herrenrasse: ich plündere und töte. bis heute, 21. jahrhundert. abdolrahim amiri und azadeh, die polizei und geheimdienste wien, politiker, oberschicht, richter und die netzwerke

آقا این صادرات و واردات انگلیس و اروپایی قرن ۱۶ میگه ایران آریایی بوده و برای ماست، بیناموس، امام علی به کمک ما بدبخت بیچاره ها بومی اومد ایران، کوسکش اهریمنی که یک مویرگت ایرانی نیست. دزد مادر قحبه، شارلاتان، دوزاری ژنتیکی. هرچقدر مزدک و امام علی گردن زدن باز قرن ۱۶ وارد کردن به ایران. این مادر جنده هارو

Looting by racist and fascist ideology must be arrested, the entire family, or there is a tribal law for warring tribes, kill, behead and stuff.attacking my mother and sister had this point

UNO batards race, scum race, UNO city, Animal ahrimanic race, UNO how much for my mother and sister, alien bastards, scum, scum UNO how much?

من شاشیدم به کوس اجداد فاشیست تون، من کیرم از پهنا تو دهن ننتون که دارید برای سرمایه از فاشیسم عقیدتی حمایت میکنید و دست به فروش نژاد بومی ایرانی زدید، به کوس ننه جندتون که امام علی امام علی هم میکنید مادر قحبه ها

austria and the ayatollahs, ali khamenei say: this crossing is expensive, satanism pays millions of euros for suffering, lawlessness, hate and illegality

sebastian du hundesohn hol das "göld" asse plus schadenersatz, mein leben mein eigentum, ich schneid euch die eier weg, massenmörder, rassenmörder, faschisten eier und schwänze. SPÖ/ÖVP