Dienstag, 9. Februar 2021

austria is austro fascism and mass murder, nazi germany was ended with russians and americans and allies, not with protest and own motivation, doctors and nurses would work today even in a 1000 year old Reich. Nazi is Nazi, Bastard Monkey Breed, New Human, Bastards of Ahriman and Anunnakis, with the help of wehrmachtsjude

michael häupl's wife has 80% of the hospitals' networks under control. the women and girls talk about """""eu‌thanasia""""": these people " iranian jews" will cause us problems in society! Heinrich Groß had this topic in 1932, carried it out until 1945, then from 1945 to 2005 he became a member of the SPÖ alongside michael häupl, vranitzky faymann and others.apparently the country broke all red lines of morality and humanity with laughter and fun, first jews were made laughing figures and then killed

war against ahriman. i needed a camera lens, it cost 75 thousand euros, people earned this money through my property, my private life, people who can not present a topic for 5 minutes.malie gharib, nayereh gharib, ali and hussein gharib, mansour farahani his family, mahmood, ghassem and others. family amiri despite their university degree

vienna against fatima, god gen

what austria europe and america do in vienna has a pattern, system, politics, geopolitics, future version and fascist empire set up.Beginning in 1449 in spain, the paranormal has stolen wealth and gold from native people and given it away to aryan gypsies. just like vienna in the first world war, nazi austria, iran 1918 until today in vienna.our lives wealth and gold was given away to iranian gypsies with a salary of 1,800 euros. and today vienna and austria say we had the right to do so, we don't answer and don't take any responsibility

an ahrimanic soldier, lucifer secret service in vienna is saying: science is what i did with you, i ruined you and nobody said or showed you anything. that is science in lucifer state austria.

the invisible bridge is science

آقا یک روز تظاهرات راه انداخته بودم وین، با شعار مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی، یک دفعه یه خایه مال اومد گفت: صدات به درد تئاتر و سینما میخوره ها، گفتم برو گمشو ما لب و لوچه میندازیم تو صحنه ولی مخلصم چاکرم بلد نیستیم بازی کنیم

elias, sooshiant DNA, origin and ethnic group, 2 tribes. fuck america and EU

Target search and international spectacle with our race is only possible with viennese cooperation and the CIA and UNO. the stasi murder program started 8 years ago with iranian gypsies and hizbullah ahmadinejad, it is only possible with the fascist organization CIA to search for DNA targets

rahim i kill, because of darkforce, dark force is ahrimanic financial system, without money and capital no darkforce is possible, you are this filth in tehran and vienna, a joki gypsy from babol with your family, romani atefeh

as a child i heard fataneh in iran, then i realized that many people rant about fataneh, also abroad, children that heard something from their parents.I looked at the face and knew the fingers and tough are old persian. I thought which bastard saw her big tough

shaman manufactory, prophecy, vienna 21st century. goat stasi game and the Viennese grin

my mother and sister will get sick because of stasi action, rahim, azim, karim, hussein, ali and many say you will not find our children. i find your grandchildren like khalifat, dogs and bastards

police of vienna, secret servicesexploited me with iranian gypsies, today the animals have 2000 strong ahmadinejad soldiers in vienna. with dual citizenship iranian for murder and looting tradition like in 10th century iran. rahim amiri is an ahmadinejad voter, with family gharib and amiri. several emails prove political conflict

darkforce, emigration from home vienna.

my mother and sister will get sick because of stasi action, rahim, azim, karim, hussein, ali and many say you will not find our children. i find your grandchildren like khalifat, dogs and bastards

when I talk about gypsies, then i'm talking about 4 specific tribes in iran, they have nothing to do with european gypsies, culturally and traditionally. many are genetic jesus christ children and old race,Austria and Adolf proved this in camps with mass murder, and today with tony wegas

the islamic khalifat killed thousands of gypsies in baghdad and iran in the 10th century, they blocked the borders, stole and stopped imports and exports and imposed embargo, they stopped exports and imports by force, they drove food prices three times higher in iran. khalifat ended the action with families and child murder of the perpetrator.In 1979 iran was once again a Christmas goose, with 20,000 families from Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Europe and Kurdistan for power and exploitation. what we see today is the same as in the 10th century:embargo with american and european austrian friends, 5 times higher prices with the statement:where is the khalifat? starves and dies

rahims family, zargari gypsies. fucking CIA, Mossad and NSA, fucking dirty viennese judges, aryan, aryan race, aryan race, ahmadi is aryan race. zargaris from ghazvin. mother fucker austrians, biggest dirt in the world with 3 wolrdwars against humans. shame on USA, shame on you, shame on USA. friends of aryan race, 40 years of genocide

AHNENFORSCHUNG, mother and son

the Viennese judges say:
rahim and his children, atefeh are valuable, the are from us, aryan race. barbad zari ranat? they are genetic something inferior, mother daughter and son, there is a lot of money, we can afford anti-semitic murder with international neo-fascists networks, the UNO and international judges in vienna.
an 80 year old bastard breed, retired dog and animal, viennese judge, son of bastard breed concentration camp murderer and commander

the transition to paradis is a vata morgana, one says activities of the brain after death, natural phenomena, and memories

rahim has built strategic enemies with tudeh and aksariat party, hiznullah, because of the dozen million capital with viennese fascists and nazi judges:speaks against us, and deserves him and punish us somewhere abroad. He should see a different baricade through your criminal complaint.the plunder with the city of vienna and the state of austria should be washed with blood, with international zionism and gypsies, judge mafia

Montag, 8. Februar 2021

do you know this theater?fbi investigations in vienna? a show for the media, we find no behavior research in isolation and live reports and cameras.just like 500 FBI agents have been working with azadeh amiri for 18 years, behavior research and paranormality, experiments with old civilization DNa. we haven't found any cameras or live broadcast

family amiri, naderi, shams, nasri, rokni shahrokhi, have millions of real estate deals in iran canada, america and austria, besides many iranian families they were in international money laundering with the money from my private life and property, every cent is from my life because that 1200 to 2400 euro salary is only for rent and food

AHNENERBE, heas wer woar des? heas jackob woar i des oder woarst du des mit stain, i was net, i was net, i koan mi erinnern du woarst net do, aber net das sogst der hansi woar do, wail frizi kenn i, und der hawara woar immer bei hansi bei uns woar der net. bei aich woarn di zwa a immer, heas oida jackob i woar des, net du, des woaß i wieder, frag ariel wo er woar, als i des woar, net dass er sogt: i woar bei fritz, wail der firtz hot eam a gehosst, des glaub i net, heas oida des ist der juden negerle mai opa bagher, und sedighe main oma aus hamedan, kennst du mi nimmer?

آقا ما جریان این بچه رو که میگذاریم اینجا، جنده خوار کوسده های کوس وکون لاشی میگن به کیرم، دولت اجازه میده ما با شما پول در بیاریم، پول، پول، ما کیرمون هم نیست، اتریش میگه پول در بیار، بخور بخواب، ما پول در میاریم. همین جنده خوارکوسده ها پا برهنه ۳۰ سال گذشته، میگه پول بمیرید واسه پول، ما پول میخوایم، رژیم کوسکش به ما اجازه نمیده اتریش اجازه میده، دمکراسیه آقا، اونجا هم اتریش به مردم اجازه میده، دمکراسی اتریش

the viennese didn't kill the jews, judaism is just a religion and faith. but the ahura mazda breed. with the help of the Jews, Vienna/adolf searched for the old race, or paranormality and old civilization DNA, and killed it, as it they does today in solidarity with Zionism, blood samples are examined in laboratories so that targets can be selected

Germans always complain: we don't understand Viennese.what does owezara mean !?question answered, influence from old times, we to viennese


if my race has children in vienna, the children of vienna 1938 whores continue to commit child murder and torture, with denial. international court of justice and UNO satanism helps perpetrators despite evidence