Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2021

elam and luristan shaman production:dog son and asshole fascist alexander, austrian bastard wants to kill us in iran with ayatullahs, race extermination. with the help of israel, europe and america

It is the working class and middle class that must understand:15,000 rich children and fascism international networks, leftists networks europe say:if we can't play with the native Iranian race, we kill without mercy

the vienna police and secret service are the dirtiest organization and largest bastard organization in europe: besides the islamic government of iran and iranian secret service,makes these bastard breed organizations iranian and european animals with animal behavior, with money and the stasi financial system, who doesn't need luxury and money? UN ?, amnesty bastards vienna?

ببعی ‏و ‏جاکش ها

جاکش ‏ها

آقا طرف رفته ۱۵  جلد کتاب در این ۲ سال گذشته خونده، بعد میگه این یارو خودش رو خیلی بالا میگیره، زیادی خودش رو بالا میگیره! ببین نالوطی من خودم رو بالا نمیگیرم، جریان میدونی چیه؟ تو از زیر پشم حاجی نمیخوای بالا تر بری، من نبودم، ندیدم، نکردم، سند نیست، یعنی چی؟ یعنی چی؟ یعنی کمبود، یعنی حقارت، یعنی یه کوسخل مثل ناصر و محمود و عباس و قاسم که کتاب نخونده میگن ما بالا تریم، چون کوسکشیم، آخه کسی که زیر پشم خایست باید بگه من کوسکشم، اگری نگه میزنه خودش رو میکشه، مثل علی، رحیم، آزاده، شمس، امیری. میگه بلاخره کوسکش بازی هم صفایی داره واسه خودش تو زندگی، میگیم و میخندیم در جمع هاپولی هپول میکنیم. به ما میگن کوسکش حرومزاده، بهتره تا بگن حیوونی‌. آنقدر بدبخت نیستیم به ما بگن حیوونی، جاکش ها هم بلاخره آدمه دیگه، ازش حساب میبرن.

the cat, the medium and protector

heidi and ötzi are also endowed with god genes against ahrimanic eagles, djinn and shadow beings. god gene protects against helplessness and trauma in dreams. Is that the reason why the K.u.K. army ordered in the first 3 months of the war: hang 40,000 civilians and families with children on the gallows !? illegal order without documents !?

gott gen und fetti fetti stasi bum bum

In a conflict and political struggle against the Iranian regime, there is terror, murder and torture, every Iranian knows that when he takes the first step towards the fight. but dirty and hideous, lousy and devious, europe sits next to regime and brings stasi fascism into action. that is dirtier than the regime, stasi financial fascism against opponents of islamic republic and the family of opponents in EU

Mythology only becomes spectacular when there are stones without any external influence, and if you don't know the physics and chemistry. The aryan race can produce diamonds artificially, as can other gemstones, but can you store 2 hours of movie inside? hades underworld was muktikulti, as were his opponents. fuck fascism and racism, ape behavior

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2021

The Stasi manipulated relations of friendship, love, marriage, and family by anonymous letters, telegrams and telephone calls as well as compromising photos, often altered.[45] In this manner, parents and children were supposed to systematically become strangers to one another.[46] To provoke conflicts and extramarital relations the Stasi put in place targeted seductions by Romeo agents.[31]

the history of the KGB and the Stasi decomposition method shows: blackmailing and bribery of family members and friends, even parents and siblings, stasi method gets dirtier when the police the secret services and politicians buy houses or earn millions

dirtier than the police elite is the middle east secret police department, and 3 secret services, with the statement:the jew was here in vienna, the ghassemloo, or barbad and his family. Vienna has international friends and supporters. we can kill and laugh with iran

today fascism hides behind the mask of ahrimanism and satanism, and refers to freedom of religion. the viennese police elite, the eu, america and iran want to kill the race and bring it under the wheels of the stasi system. the breed that made these stones, ancient breed with god genes. what the police demand is indifference, a society without empathy, unscrupulousness and lynching like 1938 but today international. women and men with this racial ideology and madness help motivated in networks, with politicians, upper class and fascist sects, doctors, academics, secret services

empty boxes, none god gene inside

I live in a country where the police officers collevtive, salary 1,300 euros get the right to ruin a family's existence, internationally, an order from the judge because of race and DNA

krieg der götter, 2.5 millionen euro drehbuch

europe america and ayatollahs, europe, israel fascism have imposed dictatorship on my mother and sister because of DNa from tehran and financial project with race.

du hundesohn scheißdreck faschist, du hundesohn scheißdreck land, du hundesohn scheißdreck kiwara, politiker, geheimdienstler, israeli, du hundesohn scheißdreck neonazi land, du hundesohn scheißdreck hure und bastard, du hundesohn massenmörder, du rassist, unsere leben wurde für millionen euro geplündert, und das land sagt: wir haben keinen geld wie 1945, wir haben kein göld, kein göld, mein eigentum wurde gestohlen, mein privatleben, 280.000 euro antiquitäten du scheißdreck faschist mit iranische zigeuner

hey kabbalah are you a sorcerer's apprentice or master?

got yesterday, for a trip to wonderland. 890 editings

1938 holocaust, 1918 holocaust iran, and holocaust iran today, and holocaust armenia have one thing in common:we are all iranian and not jews, we are victims, not israel

The Viennese Jew behaves like a Wehrmacht Jew in 1938, the police and secret service like Gestapo 1932:we don't work, we can't find any evidencethe jews family should die or be gassed with chemicals, israelis and ayatullahs have enough poison gas

these Israelis behave again antisemically, murderously and fascist, like in 1932:we have to kill old jews, we are the new ones, we plunder and murder with our girls and boys, we destroy iran and iranian native families

the old metal and iron from old world is called fantomas, it should not have existed so that the contracts would be annulled, the checkered stone has many laws, ya emam ali ya ahura mazda

A document always ensures peaceful living together, but the bastard in Vienna still says in the 21st century:we plunder and kill, there are no laws for you, kill us or we will kill you. we don't want peace. vienna police, politics and hizbullah

900 hizubullah millionairs vienna. austrian alien fascism controls europe and america today as well as yesterday with its breath and non-verbal, verbal behavior and tones: why do these people cause problems, what have we done? we don't have any money either. they conquer the masses without any kind of logic or intelligent argumentation.there are 313,000 millionaires in austria, 900 hizbullah millionaires, and the trend is rising, why not us? why our 3 shops?

the antipathy and hostility to ibex, goat, deer, and sheep is: he can hack the channel of the aliens with his eagles and he can listen the intriques. therefore, in the second world war, america used navajo indians against nazis, and russia used wolfgang Messing

up to 80 million euros only for one party for repetition of national socialism and ibex murder

the police chief of vienna pürstl is talking to häupl SPÖ and ahmadinejad, FPÖ and finance lobby about euthanasia, terrorism, about fascism, ruining 3 shops, international action and tens of millions of euros through internet businesses and programs. up to 80 million euros only for one party for repetition of national socialism and ibex murder

In 2002 a group of russian tourists said to me: kill your father, i thought persian and traditional, and said i throw him out of the apartment and we will break all contacts, that happened until today. but in a country like austria one shouldn't think with persian god genes, because evil gen blows 2 times a day and gives anal sex once for killing the jews. his innocent children without police files and criminals files or smallest crimes