Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2021

where is a police file or criminal file or any conviction, 1986-2021 of mother, daughter, son, you scum vienna / austria

Vienna declares the fight against the race for the third time. this time national socialism is called social democracy with a michael häupl and his red animal wien

where is a police file or criminal file or any conviction, 1986-2021 of mother, daughter, son, you scum vienna / austria

fuck austrian mass murders and race murders, my lord jesus christ, melchior, baltazar, casper race. god genes and the gate. carbonado

Austria acts alongside the ayatullahs as in 1932, and condemns my mother and sister because of genetic DNA and ethnic origin, the austrian authorities refuse all services including the UN. the stasi financial system was profitable because of our rare bloodline.fascism and ayatullah terror

from 1998 until today ,Azadeh Amiri worked for secret services. for normality and normal daily life in the stasi system. amiri family, and many iranians and austrians have also worked for the SpÖ, ÖVP and military secret services, the third generation of kefalonia ibex murderers. stasi decomposition methodbecause of politics, and ethnic origin

heiho heiho captain nemo, great royal ibex breed. asia, persia,india, africa, native american, middle east child, jesus child

america you bastard i am being tortured psychologically and physically by anti-semitism and fascism, by austria and ayatullahs where is the evidence

drecksau, abschaum, du hund, du dreck, du rassenmörder, du massenmörder, du scheiße, 6 millionen massenmord 1945, 10 million massenmord iran 1918, eine million armenier, du scheißdreck neonazi und neofaschist, du huankind, schöpfung und ursprung, DNA/gen, du sau du hund FPÖ/SPÖ/ÖVP. die ursprung, schöpfung und herrenrasse du neandertaler

the advantage of what fascism has: UN satanism is silent because of our property, stasi financial system with our private life and existence.million euros UN real estate business by robbing our lives with secret cameras

sadistic anti persian dogs

do you understand the alien psychopathy?For 15 years the Viennese have tried to reach a billion people on the internet, globally:he has no penis, no woman is allowed to have sex with him. this concentration camp psychopathy and sadism is supported by the un and amnesty, physical and mental torture

500,000 german and austrian women, convinced racists, psychopathic anti-persians and DNA hunters checked and hunted together with 150.000 nazi jews: elami and luri iranian plus 5 other tribes. to date, there are 4 million.action against my mother and sister is evidence. the support of ayatullah regime and first-rate relationship is proof

hey alexander's mother woof woof.

europe's elite, america's elite, the children, the partners of ayatollahs, the israel zion elite the children, UNO, says: we will kill father, mother, daughter, son, we want to know what society can do, or say, after this phenomenal financial action

peter pilz du drecksau, ich bin hier terror und stasi opfer, du hundesohn du ayatullah freund

carbonado, the ahrimanic darkforce is looking for DNA in order to prevent the passage and bridge over the gorge with the stasi method, the universal task is a thorn in the eye of satanism

Bastard Nazi race, concentration camp race and psychopathy waiting for violence, our girls had the right to do so, we don't prove anything, kill them so that we also kill. bastard breed in uniform with 22 to 25. scum psychopathy and killer monkeys: our girls have the right to the eternal stasi method, you jew, you iranian

mother fucker america and austria, ass faces, what do you mean these people are not humans? what does it mean to be human? money, career, wealth, education? what does it mean to be human you animal you bastard, you scum you ahrimanic genetic origin. america europe austria say: you are in lawlessness, we bought all your friends and relatives. through stasi camera action and unlawfulness you are not human, you iranian. you jew

آقا الک دولک با بومرانگ کسی بلده؟ هنر میخواد، هی بزنی هی برگرده هی بزنی هی برگرده، هی بزنی هی برگرده، خوب دیگه، جریان انرژی سنگ هم همینه ‏

بینم عن ننه، چی بهت اتریش و آخوند و اسرائیل یاد داده؟ پول خون بخورید ایران، آره؟ پول خون همدیگرو بخورید، خواهر و مادر و برادر و بچه رو، پول خون بخورید، پول در بیارید بعد بکشید، ما هم جواب نمیدیم و به چشم نمیگیریم، آره؟

hey ahrimanic monkey, you natural enemy you bastard, elam and luristan have high quality, from zero to one hundred in 2 seconds

elam and luristan shaman production:dog son and asshole fascist alexander, austrian bastard wants to kill us in iran with ayatullahs, race extermination. with the help of israel, europe and america

It is the working class and middle class that must understand:15,000 rich children and fascism international networks, leftists networks europe say:if we can't play with the native Iranian race, we kill without mercy

the vienna police and secret service are the dirtiest organization and largest bastard organization in europe: besides the islamic government of iran and iranian secret service,makes these bastard breed organizations iranian and european animals with animal behavior, with money and the stasi financial system, who doesn't need luxury and money? UN ?, amnesty bastards vienna?

ببعی ‏و ‏جاکش ها

جاکش ‏ها

آقا طرف رفته ۱۵  جلد کتاب در این ۲ سال گذشته خونده، بعد میگه این یارو خودش رو خیلی بالا میگیره، زیادی خودش رو بالا میگیره! ببین نالوطی من خودم رو بالا نمیگیرم، جریان میدونی چیه؟ تو از زیر پشم حاجی نمیخوای بالا تر بری، من نبودم، ندیدم، نکردم، سند نیست، یعنی چی؟ یعنی چی؟ یعنی کمبود، یعنی حقارت، یعنی یه کوسخل مثل ناصر و محمود و عباس و قاسم که کتاب نخونده میگن ما بالا تریم، چون کوسکشیم، آخه کسی که زیر پشم خایست باید بگه من کوسکشم، اگری نگه میزنه خودش رو میکشه، مثل علی، رحیم، آزاده، شمس، امیری. میگه بلاخره کوسکش بازی هم صفایی داره واسه خودش تو زندگی، میگیم و میخندیم در جمع هاپولی هپول میکنیم. به ما میگن کوسکش حرومزاده، بهتره تا بگن حیوونی‌. آنقدر بدبخت نیستیم به ما بگن حیوونی، جاکش ها هم بلاخره آدمه دیگه، ازش حساب میبرن.

the cat, the medium and protector

heidi and ötzi are also endowed with god genes against ahrimanic eagles, djinn and shadow beings. god gene protects against helplessness and trauma in dreams. Is that the reason why the K.u.K. army ordered in the first 3 months of the war: hang 40,000 civilians and families with children on the gallows !? illegal order without documents !?

gott gen und fetti fetti stasi bum bum