Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021


From 1938 to 1945 these people died of deep faith in one thing
they were ready to die for this belief if they got enough time. This bastard is also ready to die today for one thing:
we are always allowed to exploit and kill jews, we don't talk or give any evidence, we deny, we want to exploit other DNA jews from asia and the middle east. with turkish arab and iranian gypsies.
young and old police officers are ready to die, doctors, women and girls, politicians, secret services, the upper class, have no problem with dying when the nazi gold safes are full

the woman cannot cook, and neither can her mother, what are 5 houses in iran for? where is the potential?my recipe: putti meat oregano, olives, phialadelphia and sheep cheese, garlic spagetti

azadeh amiri says:everything i did was for my parents to buy a house, it became 3 in austria and 5 in iran, divided into family names of that the whole thing is fixed, panic was caused in vienna:we can finance houses, authorities, police, secret services, judges, politicians and monarchs through the use of jews. with millions of viewers.1932 model.Earning money without know-how, without potential and level and class

my uncle was 25, an antique dealer, and bought a house with two floors. with an old farm, tara lived and studied here before tara emigrated to paris and america. I sat in front of these old foundation walls for a week, old stones arranged for a well. my uncle was amazed and said always: look at me look at me, i laughed and said the old man is always here, he goes and comes, he goes and comes, today he is here again with my friends. I showed him the photo later, he said; you're not blind, but apparently lonely, tara said leave him, otherwise he'll be annoying with tandorosti photos

against the viennese bastard nazi mafia, upper class sects, secret service and financial lobby sects, even america has no testicles, together with the CIA and NSA, or are both viennese mafia too !? like arni

holy grail and the gate to ahura mazda. royal ibex race

i came to vienna in 1986, i was eleven, a bastard breed SPÖ michi and ÖVP wolfgang make secret genes and DNA tests, and spread: we have class 2 ibex like on kefalonia, goes on edelweiss mountain troop mode

the sick face of austria, i grew up here, i can do it too, sick anti fascista, anti bastard


15 years ago I read about research by some psychologist, from some university, the goal was: to research why a number of 10 soldiers shoot 50 families with children between 2 and 5 without remorse or empathy !? Is it the command, or your own drive, psychopathy or lack of will, powerlessness, or what is the reason.
this son of the bitch or his friend is now also sitting in the university of vienna, the psychologist, and shoots at my family and my person with police officers because of a michael häupl.
fuck your university and your title, that's why i never wanted you as professor and mentor. i never went to vienna university. madarejendeh wiani, khakosde kiri

tablet photo. natural stone formation with scene, 800 million years? avesta and creation story. the reason for 600 years of darkforce against iran, america, africa asia, australia,

viva mazdak fuck bastard race

god genes destruction, and god genes fascism, as in vienna with SPÖ atheists. this is a gene with billions of years of existence, culture, civilization on this earth. viva mazda fuck bastard race

DIE STANDARD news paper, annual bilderberg conference visitors and guests. theme god gene

in all cities and countries hizbullah and ayatollahs have a community safe, everyone is obliged to throw 10% of their income into the pot for corruption, bribery and stasi murder, terror murder. judges, police officers, politicians journalists, journalists are the dirtiest batstarde in vienna, especially DIE STANDARD, annual bilderberg conference visitors and guests. theme god gene

The cheapest son of the bitch in Vienna is the police child at 22:hizbullah pays 200 euro pocket money a month for 5 years, that's a lot of money, these are the installments for my car, i will kill the family we are 150 people

verstehen sie, ganz wien ist heute bastardrasse, mit iraner, araber und türken: ghassemlou woar a jud, des gsindl ist a a jud aus dem iran, wir hoabn nix gemocht, wos hoama sho gmocht? nix. du scheißdreck wiener du bastardrasse, du rassenmörder und faschist, du abschaum und schande für die menschheit du scheißdreck wiener, du hundescheiße du drecksau wiener du drecksau affe du killer du huansau

the bastard breed with dirt in blood, inferior ape breed, judges, politicians, police officers say with michael häupl: i have laboratory reports, he has 90% jewish blood, we can earn millions with anti-Semitism and fascism, if the family dies, then are the real estate of uno elite and our real estate paid off.the tehrans hate jews too, the blood is jewish religion doesn't matter, ayatullahs say: if the blood is dirty, islam makes no sense. häupl eat the stones you bastard breed ape, we are the old civilization and not jews

radical psychological and physical torture stasi system in austria is:you can't trust anyone, dozens of millions secretly watched you at home and know you, they were all together in chart rooms, together with iranian terrorism. financial talks and terrorist murder

god gene kills with a long thought phase and delay, he is not a killer, only he clears the world of scum, austrian nazi scum

Austria sets an example and says:we ruin you with rags proletariat and gypsies like 1979, naderi, amiri, gharib shams and other gypsies, romano aryan race

rahim amiri family amiri are charlatans, scammers, thieves, murderers just like austrian state, and ayatullah regime.this financial project was only possible if 1932 would be repeated. ruining 3 businesses, poverty getho and death. 5 houses and 5 million euros only have rahim with his children and wife. 1800 euro accountant and 1200 insurance agent soroor

back, the eye.mother fucker new world order, family murder in democracy and the rule of law with ayatullahs, EU and America. dirtiest mother fucker monkeys, fucking austria

who made these stones? a vision of the 20th and 21st centuries. ahrimanic darkforce with ahura mazda ancient technology.the zion israel nazi is the destructive force against iran. iranian national capital is on Zionist banks, the iranian corpses on battlefields against israel, hunger war and disease

in austria there is anti physical torture and psychological torture law.Filming private life and the most intimate situation is punished with 4 years of imprisonment and damages. Austria has supported perpetrators for eternal torture, physically and psychologically, against native Iranian families for 20 years until today. Vienna says jews for humiliation

my solutions were like this:where is the gateway to success in the papyrus. you have to be a picaso to know the gate and work on the gate

we live in an absurdity, in a monkey matrix, many questions where is the photo of serious political activism. Nobody asks about 25,000 hours of discussion and my solutions for finance and the future of Iran, or the metaphysics of the Iranian economy. the photo is important, where is the political photo, intellectual photo. monkey matrix and show for mass murder

fuck you regime agents and dual citizens because of psychological torture against my family, two women, because of my political activism, and Austria because of race

Since 2002 my mother and I have never had contact with nasser farahani after divorce, never received money or my mother never received a cent of support. an enemy of the family, the stasi ayatullah jew fascist system bought the psychopath for 500,000 euros, and 400,000 for his brothers, from stasi finance pot camera action against jews

children ahura mazda are called jews because of nazi jews intrigue

austria tortures because of prehistory, austria tortures children ahura mazda, ape creatures with torture psychopathy, austrian elite, academics and upper class. envy!

how sick austria is, how much scum vienna is, shows vienna politics, authorities, police, secret services:these are genetic and DNA Jews, we have laboratory reports, the stasi concentration camp system is amusing, everything is allowed

for what ayatollah regime, israel and fascism is doing with my mother and sister, women organizations, femminists, UNO zara, amnesty, humanwatch, anti-torture organizations get money. stasi faschsimus and ayatullah money for life-long psychological rape, torture with rana and zari