Samstag, 13. Februar 2021

آقا ما تو پالتالک سال ۲۰۰۴ با این خسرو فروهر دعوامون شد، گفتم ساعت ۳ بیا رو چمن کارت دارم. رفتیم نیم ساعت وایسادیم رو چمن ولی کسی نیومد، گفتم همون، ننت اتریشیه نمیای، سعید سکویی بود میومد ها، آخه با اونم هی دعوامون میشد، ولی اون یه پاش مرغه این دوتا پاش ‏

one stone 877 photos and editings, i am elam

gene politics 12 before christ and 2000 after christ means: the political djinns, hurris, and paris aim at long-term intrigue and system, perian lions, deer and goats, ibexes should get chicken legs, and smaller penises

Brecht wrote about the role of the mother, in 2021 I will say I piss on your mothers breasts because of a plan of mass murder with ayatullahs. you bitch you bitch mama secret society and freemason whore

intrigue in washington, tara was killed after a double degree with a car breakdown. she was 30. the intrigue is like darkforce in big business and retail and small business, with fake christians zionists and zionists. we close a chain and don't let anyone family has had no crime, police records or convictions between 1986 and 2021. white since 1986. we were turned into a gypsy and criminal family in iran:they are jews, when we say jew, hangs an embargo, doesn't talk and keeps it quiet. gypsy zionism, romani iranian intrigue with europe

NATO, pentagon, UN, gene politics and mass murder plan.

NATO, pentagon, UN, gene politics and mass murder plan.
austrian secret society and freemasonry was and is the biggest enemy of iran for 150 years, this hostility is implemented as the role of best friend, in solidarity with iranian gypsies. old immigrants, once during khosro parviz and then safavid, distributed all over iran and mixed in all tribes. for conflict and tribal war

i was in istanbul in 2008 and once in 2010, both times with red stamp in my passport, i said iskender kebab, 30% iskender, adolf says i criminal, you say we also say. heeeeee kemal mustafa ataturk neeeee

ancient code, the natural enemy of melchior, balthasar and caspar.EU secret society, elite and secret services, women’s networks are the natural enemies against our race, it didn’t stop in 1945, it started against Iran from 1945. DNA and ethnic origin

Freitag, 12. Februar 2021

i am terror and stasi victim

do you know what an international nationalist pig judge is with his asian lackeys?
we don't want to see human that come in here with you, to say who we are, that doesn't work. when he comes alone we listen. i give these races and alien assholes stones like eggs to eat. you or me nenadertaler !? you mass murderer, genocide and killer european, or chinese, african, asian and american. dirty austrian bastard nazis

the west has enormous psychological problem with type mirza taghi khan farahani because a mirza taghikhan understands shabdolazim, he feels love, or in sicily, or in islamabad, or in harlem. mirza has a heart, but he also understands blue eyes and english people and says:the blue eye that wants to stand over me has not yet been born

shut up, from 2001 to 2013 i only discuss about iran and the liberation of iran, you asshole wanted to know why i am talking about iran so that you can lick hizbullah's testicles for ayatullah's billions

because of 10 million staple food business in chicago/ new york, between loss traders, middlemen, wholesalers and negotiators 10 million people die within one year because of hunger, what is so dangerous about ibex god gene and his antiques business, why 20 years of stasi action and camera action?

the strange thing about these people is: zionism and capital fascism organized portals for us that nobody can find. even stranger: the portals are against ibexe, goat and deer god gene

Sebastian Kurz receives thousands of euros every stasi day from javad zarif and ayatullahs, with just one goal: we have power in europe against our regime change people, all exile iranians support us.fascism and anti-semitism laughs at ayatullahs and establishes minority and racial persecution with secret cameras.10 years 15 million illegal sebastians business with iran

all my photos have been made with tablet since 2019, raw and not edited, no color or other editing programe, raw

heas kiwara, kürbis schädl, los elam und sein schwester in ruh, wanns ka göld host, dann trink a obstler von hofer und geh scheiß'n

15,000 people have sold my life for tens of millions with illegal business with amiris and gharibs and the Iranian embassy, international public prosecutor says: we are against your race until death in 1932, in the EU

Greece also has garbage, ritual mindless right-wing radicals and fake leftists, system agents, garbage like in Austria. Inquiries and contracts are constantly being sent to ayatullahs and Austria:we have too many, we have too many iranians, we can work with you, we also need money

in greece someone ask what is your name? I looked at Akropolis, swallowed my spit and said luigi, then he asked for my family name, I answered farahaniani ni ni ni, he looked at me angrily, I laughed and he said: game over luigi, go, go. and i laughed

UN, Amnesty, Zara, has not reported any human rights violations, everyone wanted to use the stasi method and theft, loot to earn money with rahim, azim, rosa kim amiri, hussein and ali gharib. these antique goods were photographed by azadeh, distributed in europe and america networks:Don't buy until we steal, buy from us. iranian romano and austria aryan ritual, UNO ritual

for editing

"warm" regards from the past to hollywood, you asshole, underworld, vampire and werewolf

europe america UNO want to kill me, my DNA and bloodline with poverty and isolation after international stasi action, black sun society kurt waldheim UNO is dirtier than everyone, even ayatullahs would be convicted for this crime but not europe and america, i am only austrian citizen

apis and immorality

Bastard breed has a reason:Traitors started to fuck monkeys out of envy, so that monkeys fuck us, the result in 2021:we women have to kill cash, the stasi nazi fascism money belongs to us, he should die. he must not live

command center for geo and race politics, it was not possible with anastasia but with stalin, 10 to 20 million dead and forced migration

heas kambiz woar do, und hot sich des angschaut: wos said fü depperte lait, wos ist des do, haes hc bist deppert oder wos mit michl, wos ist den des heaaaasss wos mochst do, des dreck braucht ka mensch net, gsindl wos ist mit eich, lost die lait in ruh mit magie scheißdreck

elam his story and holy grail and water should be kept in the shadows and forgotten, because these were native european, elam luristan and others. this psychopathy against my family and others has a genetic basis, and genetics has an ethnic origin and history, because of history there is racism, fascism, antipathy and genocide

because of kambiz DNa and god gene, michael häupl SpÖ, ÖVp, FPÖ destroyed my life in vienna until 2005, from 205 internationally with fake material, fake documents, and fake photos and videos.this is sick sadism, psychopathic nationalism of immigrants / invaders between 2 before christ and 10 after christ.action with iranian gypsies. Nobody talked because everyone believed the lies with fake evidence

 ‎دو برادر ایتالیایی دراواخر قرن بیستم و اوایل قرن بیست و یک، ادعا کردند در کاوشهایی که در بیابانهای غرب مصر انجام میدادند، بقایای این لشکر گمشده را پیدا کردند و بدین صورت راز یکی از بزرگترین معماهای تاریخی جهان را کشف کرده اند! اما این هم باز پایان ماجرا نیست

kambiz, his horse and eagle