Samstag, 13. Februar 2021

نظر ‏سنجی

آقا یکسری نظر میدن در مورد کار بنده، یکی میگه یکم تاریخ رو میخواد بکشه بالا، یکی میگه میخواد آدم فضای بودن ایرانی رو نشون بده، یکی هم میگه این میخواد بگه ما همه جهود هستیم. هر سه تاتون خفه شید، خفه. کار ما مطابق اخبار روزه، یکی میخواد ۳ تا پالایشگاه بترکونه، یکی میگه نترکون بذار از گرسنگی بمیرن، یکی هم میگه؛ نه بترکون، نه گرسنگی بکشن، غذا بدین بهشون، زشته، ولی درجه ۴ بدین بدون گرسنگی مریض شن بمیرن. آخرش هم پیام همینه: زنده باد داروینیسم، مرگ بر آفرینش  

What Austria wants to prove after 20 years of camera action:we can kill this crossbreed and nobody cares, not even the father. The whores and bastards want to start with us and that nobody protests because of earned money. even UN and amnesty. because nobody wants the other to know how much money was earned. green party politicians and leftists

this Austria and Vienna found an old sick man, whom I despise and haven't seen since 2002, I didn't even go to the hospital when he had cancer in 2003. This sick old psychopath turns himself into a Nazi woman clown because he believes that he lives and fucks with a fat viagra cock for 20 years. that is his only concern, fuck well, eat well and shit without pressure. persia iran, history nationality, national pride he doesn't care. just like rahim amiri, ali gharib, hussein gharib gypsy, or azadeh amiri romana iranian

adolfs furie du drecksau, herr perser hasst des, herr perser du adolfs furie du, du massenmörderin du, du himmler fotze, herr perser, general ibex, superrasse

the root and culture

hey ayatullah, bismillah, the cultivated persian from great persian empire brought culture, bismilah, alhamdulilah, cyrus the great race.
persiaaaa, persiaaaa, great persia empire, get out of iran, iran is culture, mechanism of culture, that is the atomic bomb, bismmilah, alhamdulilah

coded extraordinary art, manufactured with high tech, lie on the streets of vienna, and the dirt says: we are the master race, we have to kill melchior, balthazer and casper.because only this DNA can use it and knows the physics

80 years after national socialism, mauthausen, ( mauthausen photo) and mass murder, austria has to undergo psychological assessment because of the repetition of racial politics and himmler's racial doctrine, with this ideology austria has won jews gold again, with gypsy zionism and mafia sect iran says austria:we have a crazy melchior jew, he has to go to a madhouse or prison

huankind österreicher abschaum und dreck, huankind österreicher, kiwara drecksau scheißdreck nazi hat göld aus drei geschäften asse geholt, 1938er stasi und juden stalking system, mit nazi juden, die kinder von wehrmachtsjuden

in favor of the state and the UN you can sell your inferior ape whores Austria and UN and no "Iranian DNA jews"

austria stasi slave camera with race and ethnic origin will not disappear from the database, especially the million euro business. fascism will eat bullets, the children of fascism, hundreds of nazi mothr fuckers. real estate purchases with the stasi system against innocent women mother and daughter

holy deer/ibex stone, nature with no traces of cut or external manipulation, the colors are from the depths of the stone

آقا تو این ۱۵۰۰۰ سنگی که ما جمع کردیم ها به حضرت عباس قسم یکیش بپره بالا کنارم وایسه تو هوا وسط وین آخوند مارو دار میزنه، میگه ریدم به پیامبر و تو و امام علی

آقا این علی خامنه ای اینارو دور پسرش جمع میکنه پسرش احساس خوش تیپی بهش دست بده، میگه: اوا چه خوشگله موجی آقا تو این غول و دیو ها

اههههههههه، نکنه خودتی، آقا ما میدونیم این خودشه ولی میگیم نیستی. این یارو سال ۲۰۰۰ اومد از جلو مغازه ما رد شد، ۴۰ ثانیه مکث کرد شروع کرد خندیدن و لبخند زدن و رفت. بلند شدم برم بیرون گاز داد رفت. یادم میاد ۵ سال قبلش با سویچ کلید ماشین خط مینداخت رو دستش میگفت کتک زدم چاقو زد نامرد، ما بزنیم بخور نیستیم

div/ demon gypsy tribe in iran, enemies of iran, friends of zionists fascists. god gene indian tribe persian allies, elam friends

azadeh amiri gib das geld asse mit deine familie, illegale stasi terror geld

fucking dirty bastard asshole race, asshole nazi UNO city and amnesty international

because of the behavior of bastard Sebastian Kurz, son of a dog mother fucker javad zarif, bastard judge and prosecutor whores, police dogs and secret service bastards, unemployed turks behave like politicians on the streets, or inferior women and men austrians as a master race. until total psychological breakdown

native 8 tribe gene/DNA crossing and god gene, deer shaman. photo: barbad farahani, 28.10. 2020

what value had austria had for this world in the last hundred years? except dogs shit ideology and racial hate to this day with hundreds of millions of deaths through war, hunger and mass murder. what is this dog shit country with its judge that says: we have a value, we are allowed to observe private life of persians and kill persians. or inferior whores collectives with monkey brains and shit in their blood


mirza taghi khan technology, today theoretical physics, back then practical and normal. flying stone spaceships

In 2002 azadeh Amiri had a salary of 1200, today she is a millionaire according to the stasi human trade with the UN, Ayatullahs and Austria. this is the establishment of gypsy romano race zionism. the interference in domestic politics, society and social politics in iran by austria

information hard drives for today

coded natural stone, natural formation and scene, stick your fingers in, in the snake hole.
what technology was used to manufacture these stones? information hard drives for today

Austria secretly digs and plunders technology with Germany since 1945. IBEX technology and ancient civilization technology and writes it on new discoveries of Aryan race, close fascists work with area 51.monkey it's not you

My DNA, cosmas and damian. 30 meters, vienna

stalker race, bastard, looter, rittal creature, scum, dirt, asshole, these stones can be found up to 30 meters under the earth, plus the technology, ibex technology, persian oriental tribes .. cosmas and damian technology, to help people.
it is us, you mass murderers

UN foundation in 1954 was nothing else than the bastard race in buildings says today: we have looted millions from your lives and iran, kill yourself, we only work for humans, darwin's creatures, scum and bastard, racial murder, genocide monkeys

gypsy zionism in iran in world intrigue

It is not important in this dirty country how you look in the morning at noon or at night, what hair color or face, only a laboratory report is important: what genetic origin and DNA pattern does he have. bastard race austrian leftists and right wing, SPÖ ÖVP, FPÖ must send statistics to the new world order sects, and must have genetically cataloged society. hospitals and doctors are the guards and testers. Ayatullahs and Hezbollah are part of freemasonry and illuminati intrgie, gypsy zionism in iran in this intrigue

this is the beautiful world of ahrimanism, paradise, police, ayatullah and hizbulah vienna :Nasser we sell zari bari and rana, if you want your share is 500,000 euros and veronika as your wife. today the police and ayatullahs, hezbollah say: Nasser your son will kill us because of "our shares", we have to kill Bari and Zari help us

After dozens of thousands of political prisoner murders, says vienna judge, international public prosecutor, we, europe monkeys and birds are worse fascists and perpetrators than hizbullah and ayatullahs because of your DNA and ethnic origin from ancient civilization, blonde blue-eyed anti persian bastards

In 2008 the police refused to take a testimony from me several times, I left a statement in the AMS labor market service:i am spied on by psychopaths and agents, in 2018 this statement was removed from the database and my file. I said to the police:I have done a few things from 2009 until today so that I can find out who is stalking and persecuting my private life.minor offenses